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Sena MPs ‘force’ fasting Muslim staffer to eat chapati, Maharashtra Sadan says sorry

Akbar owaisi is the only hope for Muslims of india

He should set up a example by doing similar during hindus wared days
Great work by SS MPs. They are finally clamping down on anti national activity exactly as per their public mendate. They truly represent the real spirit and aspirations of the 'Rasht'.
@newdelhinsa your post was shameful and I am sure no respectable Indian shares your hypocrite views.
being a big worthy democracy with multiple faiths and ethnicity means you lead by example and not quite the examples of countries that have bad human rights record and autocratic governments. what happens in China or Pakistan is no excuse or justification.

if your mentality is shared by a large Indian community then you will only help those who want to see a disintegrated and polarized Indian society. something which will by 5 times worse than what we are experiencing at the moment.

I am sorry to say you are a biased person, and it can't be a coincidence that only time you write a laborious piece of preaching, is for Indians otherwise you sit ideal enjoying Pakistanis trolling against Hindus.

As far as my comments about fasting is concern then such religious practices are nothing but a nuisance to civilized world. Not only this incident but at many occasions the same deceptive fasting has been milked to best of it mileage by Muslims to play victim and innocent.

Ironically the same issue has been raised by Indian media itself. Which has been accused by Pakistan many times being a Hindu propaganda. Don't tell me that Pakistanis are naive enough that they can not see how stupid media is misleading not only Indians but Pakistanis as well. It is a convenient pick of the issue by you people, to prove a point against whole Hindu community.

There are many Indians here on this forum who like flaccid dicks can roll down towards any leg of the trouser. Read them how they themselves are criticizing the whole episode. That should be enough for you to be satisfied that Muslims in Indian are quite safe.

Furthermore, you do not need to worry about would be civil unrest due to polarization of Indian society. Muslims are born polarized and we have been coexisting with them. Last time we floated two nation theory which Muslims baited on. That theory still exists and its product was a large a geographic entity called Pakistan and Bangladesh. This time there will be no division of land because it has been done already.
Your assumption that all posters will only be males is perhaps a reflection of the misogyny prevalent in Punjab. Now carry on with your underclass attitudes.

Ya i need to learn a lot from a shiv sena goon:rofl::rofl::rofl:
And that too with some gender issues/problems
Thread locked temporarily until chit-chat-and-diss crowd cools down.

OK now Thread Open for serious discussion.
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"Only In India, a religiously motivated attack, burning of hundreds of tents, explosions, fire and severe assault on Amarnath pilgrims is quietly swept below the carpet, But some angry ministers thrusting food in a Momin's mouth, although nothing to do with religion, becomes a national rage. Good luck with that Secularism." :Subramnian Swamy

Haye re mera secularism :disagree:
MP forced a caterer to eat a bad quality food.
[Doesn't Sound a Sensational News]

Shiv Sena MP force down a chapati into Muslim employees’ s throat during ROZA in Ramzan.
[Now that’s called a Sensational Story]

Did you here the same sensational News in ‪#‎BangloreRape‬ by SICKulars.?

A 6-year old Hindu Girl raped by A Muslim during RAMZAN.
[No this is Communal, This Sounds RSS line, let Censor it]

The inspector who failed to book the complaint for the rape case was also a Muslim, that too in the holy month of Ramzan. Still no news.
Rajesh Kalra's blog: What the SS MP did was reprehensible, to give it a religious twist is worse

It has been given a religious colour, which is bad and to make it worse, it has been linked to a highly emotive issue of fasting during Ramzan.

What the SS MP did was reprehensible, to give it a religious twist is worse:Random Access:Rajesh Kalra's blog-The Economic Times

Thank God ,heard a voice of sanity. It is all about an MP using a wrong method to protest and not about Muslim n Hindu. Get a life media!
I am not a fan of Shiv Sena either. But their side of the story should heard too. The secular media is hell bent on making sure Sena's story is not heard

The secular media wants to make sure that the boogie of the big scary Hindu wolf is alive and kicking and never out of picture.
Muslim guy was not wearing his name plate. MP didn't knew he was a muslim, retarded media is giving this issue a communal touch as always.

He was wearing a name badge. An excerpt from a news article.

"But the employee, who was identified as Arshad Zubair and was observing Roza, has refused to buy the MP's defence.

Arshad has said that he is 'hurt and deeply pained with what had happened'.

He further said that everyone knew his name as he was wearing his uniform which had a name tag.

Source: Sena MP expresses regret, 'force-fed' staff 'hurt and deeply pained' - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site
Here’s a 45 page thread about china’s ban on fasting.

China bans Ramzan fasting in Xinjiang

You mean China's alleged state policy of banning a religiously mandated practice for some people is the same as a kitchen browl over bad food where a person challenged the contractor of the food to eat the bad food not knowing he was fasting???

Ya makes sense.
He was wearing a name badge. An excerpt from a news article.

"But the employee, who was identified as Arshad Zubair and was observing Roza, has refused to buy the MP's defence.

Arshad has said that he is 'hurt and deeply pained with what had happened'.

He further said that everyone knew his name as he was wearing his uniform which had a name tag.

Source: Sena MP expresses regret, 'force-fed' staff 'hurt and deeply pained' - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site

It doesnt look like in the video he is wearing the name tag
You mean China's alleged state policy of banning a religiously mandated practice for some people is the same as a kitchen browl over bad food where a person challenged the contractor of the food to eat the bad food not knowing he was fasting???

Ya makes sense.
I was responding to indocaribs allegation that we Pakistanis ignored china's ban on fasting.
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