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Secularism in the context of Pakistan

we don't want to be like fauji.
we want to have political islam is pakistan. 95 percent of pakistanis do..

95% Pakistanis want justice, equality and freedom from religious persecution.

But you drag them back to stone age saying that is the only way they can get justice, by riding camels and donkeys


This is hight of Islamists beywaqoofi.
you just make your definitions up huh? lol.
you sound like your really deluded.

Please don't behave as a 2-bit village Mullah.

Those were A. Rafay's definitions.

if you are that good of intellectual aka thinker aka wizard, then be brave and put down your own understanding.

instead of throwing 2-line smell firecrackers.
95% Pakistanis want justice, equality and freedom from religious persecution.

But you drag them back to stone age saying that is the only way they can get justice, by riding camels and donkeys


This is hight of Islamists beywaqoofi.

95% of pakistani would shoot somebody like your in face as well btw.
but anyhow we don't want separation of church and state in pakistan nor do 95 percent of pakistanis.
you would think that but according @FaujHistorian everybody who practices islam is a islamist. you should follow his posts and see what kind of clown he his lol.

hide behind women and children.


Typical of Islamists who can't face the open debate so

they say

Evryone who is Muslim is an Islamist.


yet Islamist parties get $hitted upon in elections after election after election

They are so desperate they support terrorism and call terrorists Shaheed.

Afsos sad afsos.

This is how low these fundoos have fallen, so called bearers of Islami flag.
Please don't behave as a 2-bit village Mullah.

Those were A. Rafay's definitions.

if you are that good of intellectual aka thinker aka wizard, then be brave and put down your own understanding.

instead of throwing 2-line smell firecrackers.

I'm am not a thinker, I'm just a normal person with a little commonsense. you should know that as long as there is commonsense in the world you could scream out of your *** but us pakistanis would listen to your with one ear and take it out the other lol. your seriously a joke. your clearly have no idea about what your saying bro. stick to military history.

hide behind women and children.


Typical of Islamists who can't face the open debate so

they say

Evryone who is Muslim is an Islamist.


yet Islamist parties get $hitted upon in elections after election after election

They are so desperate they support terrorism and call terrorists Shaheed.

Afsos sad afsos.

This is how low these funds have fallen, so called bearers of Islami flag.

whats hell are you on about?
the MUSLIM LEAGUE won!!!!! lol
dude is head up your *** or something seriously?lol
please stop making a joke out of yourself. act like a think tank because your making other think tanks look less credible with this mumbo jumbo.
95% of pakistani would shoot somebody like your in face as well btw.
but anyhow we don't want separation of church and state in pakistan nor do 95 percent of pakistanis.

Only terrorists shoot.

not simple Pakistanis.

you are doing $hit job by declaring all Pakistanis as terrorists.

Even the extremist Hindus won't do such a thing.

you have gone even beyond them in your hate and $hit.

So sorry to see our America settled Pakistanis to go bonkers wanders in the name of region.

So sad to see.

I'm am not a thinker, I'm just a normal person with a little commonsense. you should know that as long as there is commonsense in the world you could scream out of your *** but us pakistanis would listen to your with one ear and take it out the other lol. your seriously a joke. your clearly have no idea about what your saying bro. stick to military history.

whats hell are you on about?
the MUSLIM LEAGUE won!!!!! lol
dude is head up your *** or something seriously?lol
please stop making a joke out of yourself. act like a think tank because your making other think tanks look less credible with this mumbo jumbo.

Jinnah was declared Kafir,

He won't touch an Islamist Mullah with 10 foot pole.

Get your history straight please.
I have asked @FaujHistorian to tone down rhetoric many times and improve the content in post.
This thread has the potential to talk about secularism and what it can do to pakistan, but am afraid its going to be a troll thread due to incorrect tone set by OP.
agree with your 100 percent.
calling everybody islamists is going to change nothing even though its nothing wrong with the term.
biggest butchers in history have always been secularist.
Muslims don't just follow Islam as a ritualistic practice of praying 5 times a day, .

But they do. Open your eyes please.

Repeating something over and over doesn't make it real.

Unlike other religions, Islam is not just a religion per modern definition, it's a way of life. Literally.
This statement has been refuted not only based on history, but present.

So please do not spread ignorance.

Thank you

I'm am not a thinker.

Yes. I figured.

Anyone using their head can see the ills with religious fanaticism.

Oh Bhai

kiyon drag kur rahay ho Prophet ko.

We are talking about Islamists like Mardood Mullah mawdoodi, Ayatulla Khabeesi, and Saudi Mullahs, Bin fing laden, Aiman fing zawahir. or the goons of TTP, or Mullah munwwar etc. who are abusing Islam in the name of Jihad and politics.


Wow brother

What a gem of information.

I am truly humbled that a man in 1940s was talking about stuff that is applicable at this very moment.


Thanks for sharing.

I hope Turks will never let this man's teachings slip away under pressure from Islamists.


Islam too is a belief for individuals and not to be sold to beardo Mullahs.

That is the whole idea of the thread.

in the 40s?
the ones blowing themselves up, and the ones who don't condemn them.
there is a confused kind too

That is the Islamist the media (particularly the Western) has you to believe, Islam literally means peace so common sense dictates Islamist would mean ''peacist'' since such a word doesnt exist we use the next closest word ''pacifist'' or something like that, an Islamist in its true essense is the opposite of a terrorist, he is tolerant, kind etc and has all the virtues of a good human being...:coffee:
That is the Islamist the media (particularly the Western) has you to believe, Islam literally means peace so common sense dictates Islamist would mean ''peacist'' since such a word doesnt exist we use the next closest word ''pacifist'' or something like that, an Islamist in its true essense is the opposite of a terrorist, he is tolerant, kind etc and has all the virtues of a good human being...:coffee:

you my dear are mixing Muslims (good people) and Islamists (evil).

By doing so, you bring bad name to all Muslims.

Sorry to say.
Well if a book says earth is flat dump it. It clearly contradicts modern understanding.


Any fiqh that results in murdering and killing and suicide bombing in the name of Islam, dump it.


replace it with a system that respects every citizen, protects him from being persecuted in the name of relgion etc.

Why it is so hard to use your own head.

instead of saying some qazi wrote xyz 1300 years ago is the only thing you will understand.

You know jack about the history of Islam so yes keep yourself to the 'fauj' thing only. period
But they do. Open your eyes please.

Repeating something over and over doesn't make it real.

This statement has been refuted not only based on history, but present.

So please do not spread ignorance.

Thank you

Yes. I figured.

Anyone using their head can see the ills with religious fanaticism.


its not even worth replying to ignorant person like you.
your joke bro.
your not changing minds here i can tell you that much.

you my dear are mixing Muslims (good people) and Islamists (evil).

By doing so, you bring bad name to all Muslims.

Sorry to say.

please stick faun history lol.
to everybody who knows something about the current world situation you sound like a clown. your not fooling anyone with your BS lol. just stop it already man lol. i have to cover my face every time i read what you write because its hilarious lol.
You know jack about the history of Islam so yes keep yourself to the 'fauj' thing only. period

Then show us what your books say about history of Islam.


Taking one liner t pot shots is no way to go.

And why it is that Islamism has failed over and over in the recent past

And you keep people dragging back to false history.

So what if some Islamist were excellent donkey riders.

The would not do squat now on motor

Well they may do squat before getting booted out or crushed out or splatted out.
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