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Secularism in the context of Pakistan

Then you must have devised this new term. It means a scholar who is knowledgable in Islamic studies.
For you it means that,but for 90% of the world population the word ''Islamist'' is a negative word such as;Muslim extremist,mullah,taliban,Al-Nusra,Hezbullah,Al-caida etc...
So i agree with @FaujHistorian .:tup:
For you it means that,but for 90% of the world population the word ''Islamist'' is a negative word such as;Muslim extremist,mullah,taliban,Al-Nusra,Hezbullah,Al-caida etc...
So i agree with @FaujHistorian .:tup:

You are free to agree with anyone you want to but the point i raised was that i have seen his threads and on every occasion where he gets countered he shrewdly shifts and alters the meaning to back his argument. Sometimes its a fanatic and on other occasions its ordinary Muslims who practice their faith. So he should decide what he means for once.
You are free to agree with anyone you want to but the point i raised was that i have seen his threads and on every occasion where he gets countered he shrewdly shifts and alters the meaning to back his argument. Sometimes its a fanatic and on other occasions its ordinary Muslims who practice their faith. So he should decide what he means for once.

Please bring other definitions madam.

No need to continue crying.
So many of my fellow countrymen are utterly confused about the term "Secularism".

Poor thangs do not realize that secularism shlecurims is just a slogan.

What people really want us Pakistanis is to reduce our fundoo Islamist habits and become normal human beings.

Human beings that are inclusive and tolerant.

That's all.

Please do not get the panties in a bunch over one terminology over the other.

U evil yahoudi o nasara agent how dare u...

Please bring other definitions madam.

No need to continue crying.

I wasn't talking to you so don't bother wasting your time. I gave those turned and twisted definitions already so read a message carefully before replying.

Islamist is a western invention, a blanket term for abusing whoever they want to without coming off as if bashing Muslims.

This term was coined by Murdoch's media front. It doesn't give a clear understanding of who the target is. For majority in the west, it means Muslims.

For fanatics i like use the term 'Islamofascists', because it clearly signifies the target. People who use Islam for a fascist agenda, by the use of tyrany or violence.

Islamist is a western invention, a blanket term for abusing whoever they want to without coming off as if bashing Muslims.

This term was coined by Murdoch's media front. It doesn't give a clear understanding of who the target is. For majority in the west, it means Muslims.

For fanatics i like use the term 'Islamofascists', because it clearly signifies the target. People who use Islam for a fascist agenda, by the use of tyrany or violence.

West may have given an "English" name, but the ideas are 100 percent from our part of the world.

West these days (and for many centuries now) gives us pretty much everything when it comes to new terms.

This forum, google, wiki, fb, youtube, iphone, android are all Western.

Do you reject them just because?

I wasn't talking to you so don't bother wasting your time. I gave those turned and twisted definitions already so read a message carefully before replying.


Aren't we bratty today.

Then you accuse others for not being nice.

Strange. very very strange.
Islamists are those who do politics in name of religion. The term is not used to mean Islamic scholars.

If you mean Bangladeshi Islamic political parties, then know that: "they do democratic politics for spreading Islam", not "do politics in the name of Islam". Two are different things, like BAL does politics in the name of 71/
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Aren't we bratty today.

Then you accuse others for not being nice.

Strange. very very strange.

I don't accuse anyone of anything, when you were being personal with me the last time i called you that. The moment you start talking decently i'll reply the same way. I merely said read my post before replying that would surely do you some good.
IMO both secularism and Islamism are two extreme viewpoints/ideologies and both are unacceptable to each other. I don't know which 'ism' is the best but I have found my peace in Sufism.
IMO both secularism and Islamism are two extreme viewpoints/ideologies and both are unacceptable to each other. I don't know which 'ism' is the best but I have found my peace in Sufism.
what is sufism... can you describe in few sentences in layman language ?
How does it translate to real world ideas and decisions.

For example as secularist I will demand my govt not to favour one religion over other and remain religion neutral.
An islamist might argue that as Islam is the right and perfect way of life, and governace is part of our human life, Islam should be guiding principle.

What do sufists (?) think? Dont tell me you just want ganja... and be happy.. o_O
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IMO both secularism and Islamism are two extreme viewpoints/ideologies and both are unacceptable to each other. I don't know which 'ism' is the best but I have found my peace in Sufism.

As I mentioned inthe OP

secularism shlecurims is just a slogan.

What people really want us Pakistanis is to reduce our fundoo Islamist habits and become normal human beings.

Human beings that are inclusive and tolerant.

That's all.
what is sufism... can you describe in few sentences in layman language ?
How does it translate to real world ideas and decisions.

For example as secularism I will demand my govt not to favour one religion over other and remain religion neutral.
An islamist might argue that as Islam is the right and perfect way of life, and governace is part of our human life, Islam should be guiding principle.

What do sufists (?) think? Dont tell me you just want ganja... and be happy.. o_O
pardon me for being rude last time we met, no i can't explain sufism. it's really hard for me to explain it.
but sufism is something really connected with the spirtual world. where there are no worldly boundaries like religion, nationalism etc...
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