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Secular Pakistan or Islamic state Pakistan?

Then what went wrong? Because Pakistan isn't considered a state, were minorities are living in harmony with the majority.
Shia-Sunni fights, Hindu girls are thrown into forced marriages, Ahmadis are declared non-muslim... Personally i think that we should treat them right, because we once were a minority, we were scared to be dominated by the hindu majority, but now we are in a different position, and we dont treat the minorities in the same way, we would treat ourself.
Bro, you were talking about Quaid and we responded according...
Same goes with India, Gandhi wanted it secular...I see secular means over-liberal but accepting rights of minorities (for exampe, babri mosque, genocide of Gujrat, sikhs movements). I see Islam as a decent religion without going beyon over liberalism but allowing 100% rights of minorities. We have witnessed discrimination with minorities in west and at our work places and everywhere you see. But to go for forced marriages means ISLAM is not practised in the islamic state...it's not the fault of Gandhi or Jinnah but it's citizens and rulers...period.
Secular I think.

Don't let @Armstrong and others tell you otherwise, they are closet Taliban. :D
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Seriously, there is no chance convincing conspiracy mafias like you that I am no Indian, right?
I don't know why u brought that subject even up, and honestly it doesn't bother me that much either, that someone who probably is on the other side of the globe behind a screen is accusing me of being a troll/an Indian.. Have a nice day sir.

I am not accusing you of being an Indian i am 100% sure you are a Indian. as i said you are not the first Genius and you wont be the last.
I am not accusing you of being an Indian i am 100% sure you are a Indian. as i said you are not the first Genius and you wont be the last.

Right sir, I am indeed a genius, but dont agree with the first point, I am not an Indian, you can take my word for that. I am The Lion of Pakistan :pakistan: , and no discussion nor, can any man behind a computer screen, can take that away from me.
What was Quaid-e-Azam's vision regarding this, you think that he wanted a secular pakistan, or a islamic theocracy state, please share your opinions regarding this?


Ask Quaid e Azam and Pir Jamaat Ali Shah (R.A.). If not then thoroughly read Two-Nation Theory. Quaid Baba was not creating the country for himself but for the Muslims of sub-continent.

And where the hell this stupid nation was sleeping after 6 decades are they have started to ask that for whom Pakistan
created? Was Quaid Muslim? Is Islam a religion? Should we have to follow the Sharia Law? Then I say to myself that yes Quaid too a going decision and he should keep on going with his career. He wasted his precious time for the fags like you.
Read his last statements at the Ziarat residency. We are Muslims are Islam if for us, it's for life. Don't forget the sacrifice of the Ahl e Bayt in the Battle of Karbala. Don't play with Allah and Rasul Allah (PBUH).
We all are already in punishment.
No doubt...Islamic state, but a moderate one.
Islamic in values; whether it remains as an Islamic republic or not matter very little though.

There's very little Islam in Pakistan at the moment. Nothing that is happening currently, or is going to happen in the near future is Islamic
Why not just let God be the best judge of all people ? Who are we to determine who's a " good muslim " or " bad muslim " ? Why try to become the " God's viceroy " on earth ? Why issue fatwas that a certain person has become an apostate and somehow it means he has to be neutralized ! Enlightened Moderation is the way forward ... Otherwise you have seen the " imported " Islam experiment on the Pakistani populace since 80's right ? How somehow we used to be the one of the best countries in Asia providing education , training and assistance to foreign countries to becoming the pariah in the eyes of comity of nations - losing friends fast and somehow heading to a partial International isolation ? Have you seen that experiment carried out again by Taliban in their brief rule in Swat ? Starting to make sense now ? :azn: Or I would have to face someone again saying " Sir Islam is Islam it will be implemented by the Govt with full force or people will rise and kill for it sir " @Hyperion @Armstrong @haviZsultan and a couple of my other friends know exactly who and what I am referring to ...
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If Pakastan is not Islamist whats the point of being a Pakistan.

Whats th whole point of partition anyways, atleast would have been better of with India ...
We all are already in punishment.

Never hold God responsible for your failures ... Check the state of Pakistan before the Soviet War and afterwards it ... Which one is better ?
Islamic, following true Islam will be secular.

The true Islam is being ignored hence minorities are being neglected.
Seems like I know few things more about Quaid. Quaid wanted to have more say of Muslims in India and wanted a state within India, not separate with greater autonomy and its percentage share in decision making.Congress didn't want it so Quaid had no choice but to ask for a new nation.

If you read Quaid's address, he wanted a nation based on Islam where all religions can reside with harmony. He wanted all religions to be safe and have their say in Pakistan.

that and an islamic state are not mutually exclusive.
In fact, the very nature of an Islamic state defends all faiths and religions.
It is an integral part of being one. So all these states who people think are "Islamic" are actually not since they don't fit the definition, ie defending all faiths.
Secular Pakistan or Islamic state Pakistan?

Sorry but this question is that ridiculous that it makes me feel offended. Before Musharraf showed his pathetic "dealing with terrorist" approach and RED MOSQUE MASSACRE, there was no moron to ask this ridiculous question. Actions have Reactions and if actions were moronic, reactions would be terrorimic.. without supporting terrorism and without supporting any MULLA's interpretation of Islam, Pakistan is and is to be اسلامی جمہوریۂ پاكِستان.

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