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undercover JIX

Dec 6, 2008
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The Iranian delegation included two officials from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iraj Masjedi, Iran's special envoy to Iraq.

JULY 9, 2019 22:03



IRAN AND Iraqi flags held aloft by a woman.. (photo credit: REUTERS)

Secret meetings between United States officials and Iranian representatives were conducted in a hotel in Erbil, Iraq, i24News reported Tuesday evening. The Iranian representatives are led by Hassan Khomenei, the grandson of the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomenei.

The Iranian delegation also included two officials from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Iraj Masjedi, Iran's special envoy to Iraq, according to the report.

i24News also said the that sources suggest that Iran's Revolutionary Guard have experienced division recently, suggesting that the Islamic Republic is undergoing a soft coup.

There have also been reports that Iran contacted Kurdish opposition parties based in Iraq, but the talks remained "useless," internal Iranian sources told i24News.

'The Iranian Communist Party,' a Kurdish opposition party, announced that some of the major Kurdish parties have secretly met with Iranian officials for the past two years.

Earlier on Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif blamed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US Security Advisor John Bolton for killing the Paris agreement by insisting on 0% uranium enrichment in a tweet.

"Bolton & Netanyahu killed Paris agreement between E3 & Iran in '05 by insisting on zero enrichment," tweeted Zarif. "Result? Iran increased its enrichment 100 fold by 2012."
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Zarif blamed the two officials "lured" Trump into leaving the JCPOA nuclear agreement as well.

"#B_Team hasn't learned. BUT THE WORLD SHOULD," concluded Zarif.

On Monday, Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation, confirmed an announcement that Tehran had enriched uranium beyond the deal's limit of 3.67% purity, passing 4.5%, according to the student's news agency ISNA. This was later verified by the IAEA.

Also on Monday, Zarif tweeted that the US should not expect a better deal than the 2015 nuclear deal.

"#B_Team sold @realDonaldTrump on the folly that killing #JCPOA thru #EconomicTerrorism can get him a better deal," Zarif wrote, referring to the nuclear deal by its acronym, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

"As it becomes increasingly clear that there won’t be a better deal, they're bizarrely urging Iran's full compliance. There's a way out, but not with #B_Team in charge."

Earlier this week, the Iranian Fars news agency reported that a senior commander in the Iraqi army disclosed information on military bases along the Iraq-Syria border to a CIA agent, according to audio files and WhatsApp chats released by the Iraqi Hezbollah terror group.

Mahmoud al-Falahi, the commander of operations in the al-Anbar province of Iraq, was asked by a CIA agent, who is an Iraqi national, to provide geographic coordinates of existing military bases along the border between Iraq and Syria "to be attacked by US and Israeli forces."

The CIA agent also instructed al-Falahi to meet with US army and intelligence service commanders in Erbil in Iraqi Kurdistan region or at the US forces' base in al-Habaniyeh" in Western Iraq, according to Fars.

Iraqi Hezbollah used the audio files to show al-Falahi's "plot against the Iraqi army, security, Hashd al-Shaabi (the Popular Mobilization Forces) and resistance forces" and warned that the spying he had done for the CIA and Israeli Mossad had endangered Iran's national security.

Mohammad Mohie, spokesman for Iraqi Hezbollah, claimed on Saturday that the US is attempting to smuggle al-Falahi out of Iraq, according to the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen news agency.

"The US embassy should be condemned for its role in Iraq as well as the US forces," said Mohie. "We have been in a confrontation with Washington ever since its entry into Iraq because of the crimes it committed. America cannot be trusted or dealt with properly."

yeah dude.. such a reliable source for news on Iran.

If jpost is your goto for news, it says a lot about you and who you're pretending to be
Genius, it has nothing to do with who I am and what I am pretending. Its a MSM, Iran must have seen, did they condemn this lie.

So in the absence of Iranian response, we can discuss this. Until Iran or USA deny this.
Genius, it has nothing to do with who I am and what I am pretending. Its a MSM, Iran must have seen, did they condemn this lie.

So in the absence of Iranian response, we can discuss this. Until Iran or USA deny this.

Genius??.. no
MSM's only purpose is to brainwash the masses... and we all know who owns it
Iranians have better things to do than condemn every piece of crap coming out of jpost.
Genius??.. no
MSM's only purpose is to brainwash the masses... and we all know who owns it
Iranians have better things to do than condemn every piece of crap coming out of jpost.
Alright you win.
Alright you win.

strange comment..

I suspect you knew the article was biased but went ahead anyway as you and many others here harbour deep rooted hatred for your neighbouring countries.
Last edited:
strange comment..
you have nothing to counter the News, No statements or anything from USA or Iran so far and you are arguing based on your personal opinion. What else I can say the, I can not change your mind.
Genius, it has nothing to do with who I am and what I am pretending. Its a MSM, Iran must have seen, did they condemn this lie.

So in the absence of Iranian response, we can discuss this. Until Iran or USA deny this.


A female poster from Edinburg with UK flags making a sarcastic remark to a pakistani member on a pakistani defense forum about a news item regarding iranians meeting the americans in Iraq from a source that may not be considered very reliable---damn---.

A female poster from Edinburg with UK flags making a sarcastic remark to a pakistani member on a pakistani defense forum about a news item regarding iranians meeting the americans in Iraq from a source that may not be considered very reliable---damn---.

in a very humble way I accepted my defeat, but you know desi women...

A female poster from Edinburg with UK flags making a sarcastic remark to a pakistani member on a pakistani defense forum about a news item regarding iranians meeting the americans in Iraq from a source that may not be considered very reliable---damn---.

There is no choice for a Scottish flag. In any case I was in the midst of editing my last comment. Perhaps you should read it fully now.
strange comment..

I suspect you knew the article was biased but went ahead anyway as you and many others here harbour deep rooted hatred for your neighbouring countries.

This sounds better now, very convincing. Once again, " YOU WIN"
There is no choice for a Scottish flag. In any case I was in the midst of editing my last comment. Perhaps you should it fully now.


I am just laughing at the situational and circumstantial irony of it---.:enjoy:
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