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Featured Secret India-Pakistan Peace Roadmap Brokered by Top UAE Royals

UAE is doing it on the orders of USA. Indians want Pakistan to recognize Indian Jammu as Indian territory. This is why UAE is doing all this. Pakistani leadership is now extremely weak. i can't believe that we are talking to a nation who used abrogation. as far as i remember, khan said that we will not talk to India now. what happened to us? are we ready to gift Jammu to India? it's like making fun of all the soldiers who died for the cause. well i don't care if we accept Jammu as Indian part or not but i will never accept it as Indian part. it's like humiliating dead who fought hard for you, for the country.

any talk with India is useless and basically shows our status as a country. a weak country who used to be a powerful country. retd. gen.musharraf said " allah hi Pakistan ko dekhe ab". he was right. This country is now on the backfoot. everything has changed. we are a country who is fighting for Kashmir since independence but now it looks like that we want to end dispute on Indian terms. it will be considered as a defeat.

let me tell you one thing clearly! Indian will never recognize azad Kashmir as Pakistani territory. they aren't fools. they are bringing us on the table just for their own benefit.
Wait and see. Pakistan will not give up the Kashmir cause without some sort of agreement it could live with. Talking does not harm us. At worse we bid our time and build our strength for a resolution at a future date.
Expect a big attack.

On our soil or yours.

But it's almost guaranteed.

Cheers, Doc
i don't care about stupid attacks. i am not scared of your useless threats to pakistan and i don't fear india. yes you should expect attack because it's now necessary for you. you don't understand any other language. your government will learn the lesson the hard way. i feel sorry for our weak posture.
Wait and see. Pakistan will not give up the Kashmir cause without some sort of agreement it could live with. Talking does not harm us. At worse we bid our time and build our strength for a resolution at a future date.
why there are talks in the first place? do you forget how they celebrated abrogation? why we celebrate kashmir day? i know india. very cunning enemy and very hostile government. this is weak and this is not good from our side. why are we even talking to them? do you forget what amit shah said in the parliament? still you want to trust them? very sad.
i don't care about stupid attacks. i am not scared of your useless threats to pakistan and i don't fear india. yes you should expect attack because it's now necessary for you. you don't understand any other language. your government will learn the lesson the hard way. i feel sorry for our weak posture.

You did not understand.

It was not a threat.

There will be an attack to derail the talks.

There is a lot invested in hostility for the remote possibility of a peace negotiation to be allowed to work.

We've seen it too many times in the past to not be under any illusions anymore.

Cheers, Doc
You did not understand.

It was not a threat.

There will be an attack to derail the talks.

There is a lot invested in hostility for the remote possibility of a peace negotiation to be allowed to work.

We've seen it tok many times in the past to not be under any illusions anymore.

Cheers, Doc
i know you are blaming our intelligence. we will not sign any agreement that is one sided. you should respect your founding fathers and accept kashmir as bilateral issue otherwise no talk but i am worried because we are talking to you. it's pathetic.
i know you are blaming our intelligence. we will not sign any agreement that is one sided. you should respect your founding fathers and accept kashmir as bilateral issue otherwise no talk but i am worried because we are talking to you. it's pathetic.

Founding fathers are long dead.

Won't comment on your side.

But there is little respect for them where you are concerned on ours.

Cheers, Doc
The day Col Babu and his gang got the treatment of spiked bats, not a whimper was heard from the highest echelons of Indian establishment about their non stop claims about AJK and Gilgit Baltistan. Pin drop silence since has been observed. Col Babu supreme sacrifice also paved the way for huawei to get foothold into Indian 5g market.

Its all Chinese imposed solution. Expect pin drop silence from Indian establishment over CPEC/OBOR. Solution of Kashmir is also on the cards.

As for UAE, "Baygane shadi main Abdullah Dewana".

While you have been living in some cave or busy with your farming

1) Ban on Huawei has been formalized and firmed up.
2) Quad has gone many notch up
3) Chinese Levelled thier bunkers and have gone back. Yesterday too they met to work on other areas. They are behaving like a good boy. Thanks to Col. Babu sacrifice.
4) Gilgit/ Baltistan or CPEC is against One India policy so India is not backing one china policy. Tibet and Taiwan are on plate now. Engagement with Dalai Lama has gone up.
5) Pakistan is crying peace
They want India as a monkey to concentrate on China and not be distracted or threatened by conflict with Pakistan

Under no circumstances should we have peace with India without Kashmir

Under no circumstances should we trust the Zionist Arabs like the UAE

The UAE has played no role. The UAE is an Indian lapdog.

In Washington, State Department spokesman Ned Price dodged a question on what role the U.S. played in bringing the two sides together while urging Pakistan to play a constructive role in Afghanistan, Kashmir and other places.

American dogs begging Pakistan to play a constructive role. It is a joy to see America get on its knees. Two decades of humiliation. Today they beg and plead. What a U-turn from superpower America.
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They want India as a monkey to concentrate on China and not be distracted or threatened by conflict with Pakistan

Under no circumstances should we have peace with India without Kashmir

Under no circumstances should we trust the Zionist Arabs like the UAE

Spot on, that seems to be case here
Your army is being sensible and trying to freeze / secure what it has. While people in this forum have a weird sense of capabilities of your nation, fact is, Like China has claim on Taiwan and South China Sea, India has claim on J&K , including Gilgit Baltistan. Like China, India is working to make it stronger and capable and waiting for right time.
Your Constitution does not recognize J&K as your territory...till date. You want the voting to happen. If India annex the area currently occupied by Pakistan, it will Constitutionally and legally speaking, will move to areas which is recognized by Indian's Constitution and Treaty of Accession. One more think, India will claim it on behalf of Indian Muslims, who are equal citizens of India and more in numbers ( post east pakistan) and despite all the propoganda, you will see a Muslim PM of India who will take it back and Muslims of India will fight to take it back. You will find India leading OIC in future too.

Time changes.

Why only big talk, kindly try it practically and you will find out what will happen with India.
nothing is happening big in these talks, India is buying more time to get its long cherished goal of annexing kashmir.
Our military is now talking to India instead of civilian govt.
IK may opt for U turn when he finds credit is going to somewhere else.
nothing is happening big in these talks, India is buying more time to get its long cherished goal of annexing kashmir.
Our military is now talking to India instead of civilian govt.
IK may opt for U turn when he finds credit is going to somewhere else.

I absolutely agree here. These are American sponsored talks and they are bad for Pakistan.

America is very desperate to tackle China. America is having sleepless nights about China Pakistan relations and it doesn't even hide these feelings. As long as Pakistan continues to be in China camp the Americans feel uneasy. The Yanks fully know that a Pakistan China nexus would practically destroy stooge India. The Yanks are playing their usual dirty games, but the Yanks are going to lose.

Pakistan would be foolish to hold any talks with Modiland. Continue policy of agitation and enmity with Hindustan. Team up with China and tackle the US Hindustan nexus.
There is no end to this treachery that emiratis keep exhibiting.

In thr decades ahead when tensions rise to a point where alliances and pacts are in order in West Asia - this is one country we should never side with...
There is no end to this treachery that emiratis keep exhibiting.

In thr decades ahead when tensions rise to a point where alliances and pacts are in order in West Asia - this is one country we should never side with...

You don't worry. Our relations with superior Arabs is not even lukewarm. The Arabs are digging their own grave. Surrounded by problems and challenges. By sucking Modi's boots the Arabs have shown their true colors.
I absolutely agree here. These are American sponsored talks and they are bad for Pakistan.

America is very desperate to tackle China. America is having sleepless nights about China Pakistan relations and it doesn't even hide these feelings. As long as Pakistan continues to be in China camp the Americans feel uneasy. The Yanks fully know that a Pakistan China nexus would practically destroy stooge India. The Yanks are playing their usual dirty games, but the Yanks are going to lose.

Pakistan would be foolish to hold any talks with Modiland. Continue policy of agitation and enmity with Hindustan. Team up with China and tackle the US Hindustan nexus.
Sure but unfortunate thing is there is a lot of difference in reality and imagination,in reality all it took was a phone call for Pakistan :-)
Sure but unfortunate thing is there is a lot of difference in reality and imagination,in reality all it took was a phone call for Pakistan :-)

LOL just because you lick Arab boots doesn't mean Pakistan does too.

Pakistan gave a big middle finger to GCC nations when they demanded Pakistan to join Yemen war. Where was your phone call then?
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