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Featured Secret India-Pakistan Peace Roadmap Brokered by Top UAE Royals

Peace Deal and Emirates don't go together. It's nothing more than showboating by the Emiratis and the behind!s.
status co is the only option for either of the two countries. None can change border by military might, ...

More importantly, nation states don't let go its territory just because someone feel the injustice. The quicker people understand, the faster we can move towards peace..
It surpeises me to see our military hell bent on peace and diplomacy, which is not even their job.
We spent 10 billion dollars on defence and then the military have a huge industrial complex, huge businesses, banking, construction, retail, they even operate gold clubs and marriage halls and absolutely no audit or any query as to where all the profits go. It seems the generals love money and business more and are afraid of death. We Pakistanis are witness to how luxury life our military have and how big businesses are all in military hand and how ex military have huge assets. In the time of khalifa Umar RA, the army were kept away from cities, away from luxuries and not let to buy properties and businesses so they may not fall in love with life and be scared of death.
Unfortunately our army have fallen in love with money and luxury and are scared of letting all go and thus afraid to fight. They are taking help from countries like UAE to make deals.
I will also be not much surprised if our generals agree to make LOC as permanent border, though it will be the biggest act of treachery with Pakistan and i would want a bloody revolution and uprising against this army establishment if they do this. May Allah protect Pakistan.
It surpeises me to see our military hell bent on peace and diplomacy, which is not even their job.
We spent 10 billion dollars on defence and then the military have a huge industrial complex, huge businesses, banking, construction, retail, they even operate gold clubs and marriage halls and absolutely no audit or any query as to where all the profits go. It seems the generals love money and business more and are afraid of death. We Pakistanis are witness to how luxury life our military have and how big businesses are all in military hand and how ex military have huge assets. In the time of khalifa Umar RA, the army were kept away from cities, away from luxuries and not let to buy properties and businesses so they may not fall in love with life and be scared of death.
Unfortunately our army have fallen in love with money and luxury and are scared of letting all go and thus afraid to fight. They are taking help from countries like UAE to make deals.
I will also be not much surprised if our generals agree to make LOC as permanent border, though it will be the biggest act of treachery with Pakistan and i would want a bloody revolution and uprising against this army establishment if they do this. May Allah protect Pakistan.

Your army is being sensible and trying to freeze / secure what it has. While people in this forum have a weird sense of capabilities of your nation, fact is, Like China has claim on Taiwan and South China Sea, India has claim on J&K , including Gilgit Baltistan. Like China, India is working to make it stronger and capable and waiting for right time.
Your Constitution does not recognize J&K as your territory...till date. You want the voting to happen. If India annex the area currently occupied by Pakistan, it will Constitutionally and legally speaking, will move to areas which is recognized by Indian's Constitution and Treaty of Accession. One more think, India will claim it on behalf of Indian Muslims, who are equal citizens of India and more in numbers ( post east pakistan) and despite all the propoganda, you will see a Muslim PM of India who will take it back and Muslims of India will fight to take it back. You will find India leading OIC in future too.

Time changes.
Did u take too much cowpiss this morning or what? An RSS rats infested country and talking about muslims, u r one stupid dumb delusional indian. Whatis a constitution?? A worthless piece of papers with words on it, it doesn't matter what is legal or illegal. The smelly rat PM changes status illegally but did it matter? In the end its all about strength and possession.
If u have claim on GB then come and take it. Our generals maybe cowards but our people are not. We proved that in 1948. Infact if it was not because of our coward generals even in 1948 we would have taken all of JK and laddakh, no wonder indian were running to UN and begging for ceasefire.
Time changes, ull see indian muslims wanting another separate country from hindu india, ull see sikhs wanting separate country, ull see eastern states wanting Independence and ull also see real leaders in Pakistan oneday.

Why are Pakistani experts in bad mouthing. Is this the way they teach you to debate wherever you studied. This is true for 99% Pakistanis here in this forum.

1) When you abuse it shows you are weak on arguments.
2) Too much propoganda has made you think India is RSS and RSS is India and RSS is like ISS. BJP is in power today and tomorrow it will be another party. Muslims in India have same rights as any other. Period. They are more in numbers than you. BJP is not changing Constitution like you guys do in Pakistan.
3) China has not attacked Taiwan yet. It is waiting to ensure the right time. What is the hurry. India, which is older than Chinese civilization, too, works patiently. It will not do because you are challenging.
4) Constitution and Laws is the reason your country is recognized. Try change your constitution first.
Your army is being sensible and trying to freeze / secure what it has. While people in this forum have a weird sense of capabilities of your nation, fact is, Like China has claim on Taiwan and South China Sea, India has claim on J&K , including Gilgit Baltistan. Like China, India is working to make it stronger and capable and waiting for right time.
Your Constitution does not recognize J&K as your territory...till date. You want the voting to happen. If India annex the area currently occupied by Pakistan, it will Constitutionally and legally speaking, will move to areas which is recognized by Indian's Constitution and Treaty of Accession. One more think, India will claim it on behalf of Indian Muslims, who are equal citizens of India and more in numbers ( post east pakistan) and despite all the propoganda, you will see a Muslim PM of India who will take it back and Muslims of India will fight to take it back. You will find India leading OIC in future too.

Time changes.


Indian Muslims are more likely to break India in another partition because it's such an communal shithole in India 😂
I know Arab dictators by their nature. They will Ask Pakistan to or maybe pressure Pakistan into abandoning Kashmiri casue as a lost case.

It depends on Pakistanis how to respond Arabs who backstab their own kind repeatedly.
Why name calling? Tumhara kam tu hogaya na? Whether through bidens call or through goodwill of UAE.
hahha goodwill. konsa kaam? you mean thats what we wanted?
thori sharam karo brother
maidan e jaang sai bachnay walon ka injaam acha nahin hota

i was implying UAE holds zero value here, they are doing as biden dictated
This is BS news. It will turn out to be false. There may be pressure but there is no way anyone will commit suicide by accepting LoC as border.
Semi-plausible report. UAE has been encouraging an Indo-Pak peace for some time......so what changed now? My guess is the threat of a two front war and behind the scenes pressure from USA.... but more related to its Afghanistan conundrum (which requires an Indo-Pak peace if civil war is to be avoided). UAE could have been an intermediary.
About 24 hours after military chiefs from India and Pakistan surprised the world last month with a rare joint commitment to respect a 2003 cease-fire agreement, the top diplomat of the United Arab Emirates popped over to New Delhi for a quick one-day visit.

The official UAE readout of the Feb. 26 meeting gave few clues of what Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed spoke about with Indian counterpart Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, noting they “discussed all regional and international issues of common interest and exchanged views on them.”

Yet behind closed doors, the India-Pakistan cease-fire marked a milestone in secret talks brokered by the UAE that began months earlier, according to officials aware of the situation who asked not to be identified. The cease-fire, one said, is only the beginning of a larger roadmap to forge a lasting peace between the neighbors, both of which have nuclear weapons and spar regularly over a decades-old territory dispute.

The next step in the process, the official said, involves both sides reinstating envoys in New Delhi and Islamabad, who were pulled in 2019 after Pakistan protested India’s move to revoke seven decades of autonomy for the disputed Muslim-majority state of Jammu and Kashmir. Then comes the hard part: Talks on resuming trade and a lasting resolution on Kashmir, the subject of three wars since India and Pakistan became independent from Britain in 1947.

Over the years, India and Pakistan have routinely made peace overtures only to have them quickly fall through, particularly as both sides frequently use the issue to stir up emotions around election time. Officials said expectations were low that the current detente would achieve much beyond the return of envoys and a resumption of trade through their Punjab land border.

But this process appears to be the most concerted effort in years, and comes as the Biden administration is seeking wider peace talks on Afghanistan -- a place both countries for years have battled for influence. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to shore up growth and focus military resources on the border with China, while Pakistan’s leaders are also facing economic woes and looking to make a good impression with the U.S. and other powers.

Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry didn’t comment on the talks or the role of the UAE, while the foreign ministries of India and the UAE had no immediate comment.

Last week Pakistan army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa asked India “to bury the past and move forward” while saying the military was ready to enter talks to resolve “all our outstanding issues.” The comments came a day after Prime Minister Imran Khan after called for a resolution on Kashmir, which he described as “the one issue that holds us back.”

On Saturday, Modi sent a tweet wishing Khan well after he was diagnosed with Covid-19 -- another sign that relations between the countries are getting warmer.

The UAE, which has historic trade and diplomatic links with India and Pakistan, has taken a more assertive international role under de facto ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. The biggest shift has been in the Middle East where the Gulf Arab state has intervened in conflicts and backed groups and regional leaders. But it has also looked to Asia as it strengthens political alliances beyond its role as a global trade and logistics hub.

India-Pakistan ties were effectively cut off two years ago after a suicide attack in India-controlled Kashmir killed 40 Indian soldiers, prompting Modi’s government to authorize air strikes on alleged terror facilities inside Pakistan. The joint statement last month said the two sides “agreed to address each other’s core issues,” signaling a wider discussion on Kashmir and terrorism.

Several clues over the past few months pointed at the UAE’s role. In November, Jaishankar met bin Zayed and the crown prince on a two-day visit to Abu Dhabi, followed by Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi the following month. Roughly two weeks before the Feb. 25 announcement, the UAE foreign minister held a phone call with Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan “wherein they discussed regional and international issues of interest.” And just days before, India allowed Khan’s aircraft to fly over Indian airspace as he headed to Sri Lanka for a state visit -- a practice suspended since the 2019 hostilities.

After the cease-fire, the UAE was one of a handful of countries to issue a statement welcoming the cease-fire announcement, highlighting the “close historical ties” it has with both India and Pakistan and hailing “the efforts made by both countries to come to this agreement.” In Washington, State Department spokesman Ned Price dodged a question on what role the U.S. played in bringing the two sides together while urging Pakistan to play a constructive role in Afghanistan, Kashmir and other places.

“Obviously Pakistan has an important role to play when it comes to Afghanistan and what takes place across its other border,” Price said on Feb. 25. “So clearly, we will be paying close attention.”

— With assistance by Sylvia Westall, and Faseeh Mangi

Hopefully, Pakistan won't dump Kashmiri leadership and by pass the leadership in this negotiation. Kashmiri leadership should be provided OIC platform to address there manifesto. Ignoring Syed Ali Gillani or Mir Waiz Umar Farooq will be biggest blunder.
The trajectory to New Delhi was set in motion the minute the first Chinese tank turned turret back towards Beijing.

Cheers, Doc
Indian govt will realize after few years, what Chinese done. They entered area, made it controversial and brought Indian govt on table. Later build concrete bunker in same region.
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