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Featured Secret India-Pakistan Peace Roadmap Brokered by Top UAE Royals

Indian govt will realize after few years, what Chinese done. They entered area, made it controversial and brought Indian govt on table. Later build concrete bunker in same region.

Pakistanis will one day realize what the air attacks over Pakistani airspace did.


How it changed rhe matrix forever.

Cheers, Doc
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Pakistanis will one day realize what the air attacks over Pakistani airspace did.


How it changed rhe matrix forever.

Cheers, Doc
:lol: :lol::lol: Indian strategist are finally seeing reason, India is at a disadvantage if it wants to engage tit for tat raids without escalating to full war. In the past when Pakistan was in the USA camp....USA always kept Pakistan from retaliating. But Pakistan is now in China's camp....not only will Beijing give us a green light to counter strike.... they will provide the support needed to humiliate India. Learn the lessons from Swift Retort.

Low grade exchanges on the LOC wont bleed Pakistan into collapse. Plus India will have to pay a price in blood and treasure as well. Not good when you have a hot threat to the north as well.

Its India that has changed its thinking to conform to the new normal. Nothing has changed on the Pakistani side.
:lol: :lol::lol: Indian strategist are finally seeing reason, India is at a disadvantage if it wants to engage tit for tat raids without escalating to full war. In the past when Pakistan was in the USA camp....USA always kept Pakistan from retaliating. But Pakistan is now in China's camp....not only will Beijing give us a green light to counter strike.... they will provide the support needed to humiliate India. Learn the lessons from Swift Retort.

Low grade exchanges on the LOC wont bleed Pakistan into collapse. Plus India will have to pay a price in blood and treasure as well. Not good when you have a hot threat to the north as well.

Its India that has changed its thinking to conform to the new normal. Nothing has changed on the Pakistani side.

So who is visiting whose capital?

To "negotiate" ....

Cheers, Doc
Who knows.....He may want Imran Khans autograph. :lol:

So Imran is coming to New Delhi.

Personally I think true peace between India and Pakistan will be possible only when one of them is no longer able to wage war.

Cheers, Doc
UAE is doing it on the orders of USA. Indians want Pakistan to recognize Indian Jammu as Indian territory. This is why UAE is doing all this. Pakistani leadership is now extremely weak. i can't believe that we are talking to a nation who used abrogation. as far as i remember, khan said that we will not talk to India now. what happened to us? are we ready to gift Jammu to India? it's like making fun of all the soldiers who died for the cause. well i don't care if we accept Jammu as Indian part or not but i will never accept it as Indian part. it's like humiliating dead who fought hard for you, for the country.

any talk with India is useless and basically shows our status as a country. a weak country who used to be a powerful country. retd. gen.musharraf said " allah hi Pakistan ko dekhe ab". he was right. This country is now on the backfoot. everything has changed. we are a country who is fighting for Kashmir since independence but now it looks like that we want to end dispute on Indian terms. it will be considered as a defeat.

let me tell you one thing clearly! Indian will never recognize azad Kashmir as Pakistani territory. they aren't fools. they are bringing us on the table just for their own benefit.
UAE is doing it on the orders of USA. Indians want Pakistan to recognize Indian Jammu as Indian territory. This is why UAE is doing all this. Pakistani leadership is now extremely weak. i can't believe that we are talking to a nation who used abrogation. as far as i remember, khan said that we will not talk to India now. what happened to us? are we ready to gift Jammu to India? it's like making fun of all the soldiers who died for the cause. well i don't care if we accept Jammu as Indian part or not but i will never accept it as Indian part. it's like humiliating dead who fought hard for you, for the country.

any talk with India is useless and basically shows our status as a country. a weak country who used to be a powerful country. retd. gen.musharraf said " allah hi Pakistan ko dekhe ab". he was right. This country is now on the backfoot. everything has changed. we are a country who is fighting for Kashmir since independence but now it looks like that we want to end dispute on Indian terms. it will be considered as a defeat.

It will be packaged well.

For your masses.

But yes, the gist of your post is what everyone here, Indian and Pakistani and Chinese, recognises the dynamics of well.

Pakistan is about to make the best of what the Chinese have left them with.

Cheers, Doc
The trajectory to New Delhi was set in motion the minute the first Chinese tank turned turret back towards Beijing.

Cheers, Doc

The day Col Babu and his gang got the treatment of spiked bats, not a whimper was heard from the highest echelons of Indian establishment about their non stop claims about AJK and Gilgit Baltistan. Pin drop silence since has been observed. Col Babu supreme sacrifice also paved the way for huawei to get foothold into Indian 5g market.

Its all Chinese imposed solution. Expect pin drop silence from Indian establishment over CPEC/OBOR. Solution of Kashmir is also on the cards.

As for UAE, "Baygane shadi main Abdullah Dewana".
It will be packaged well.

For your masses.

But yes, the gist of your post is what everyone here, Indian and Pakistani and Chinese, recognises the dynamics of well.

Pakistan is about to make the best of what the Chinese have left them with.

Cheers, Doc
i am totally against the talks. your government behaviour is extremely hostile. i don't care about your country but i care about my country and i am not happy. this khan government is making new records.
i am totally against the talks. your government behaviour is extremely hostile. i don't care about your country but i care about my country and i am not happy. this khan government is making new records.

Expect a big attack.

On our soil or yours.

But it's almost guaranteed.

Cheers, Doc
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