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Scrutiny and possible actions against Pak for perceived or real support to Afg Taliban.

I commend your commitment to repeat the same obvious idea every day on this forum. Everyone should do what is in their interests :laugh:

And everyone does. That has always been the case in international geopolitics, nothing new.

In the present context, Pakistan did what it felt it needed to do. Now, it must be ready for the other side to do the same. And then respond. And then be ready for the response to that response. And round and round the mulberry bush.
It does not. It merely asks for a report, and it is just a bill at present.


Yet some Pakistanis are getting very excited with even the anti-Pakistan Dawn carrying this unsubstantiated claim on its front page and going as far as to tie the stock market fall (which’s been ongoing for the past few days) to this new “sanctions.”

Pakiatanis are the worst enemies of Pakistan.
ROS21F13 CLW by Senator Susan Collins

ELEMENTS OF FIRST REPORT.—The first report required by subsection (a) shall include—

(1) an assessment of support by state and non-state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the Taliban between 2001 and 2020, including the provision of sanctuary space, financial support, intelligence support, logistics and medical support, training, equipping, and tactical, operational, or strategic direction;

(2) an assessment of support by state and non- state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the 2021 offensive of the Taliban that toppled the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, including the provision of sanctuary space, financial support, intelligence support, logistics and medical support, training, equipping, and tactical, operational, or strategic direction;

(3) an assessment of support by state and non-state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the September 2021 offensive of the Taliban against the Panjshir Valley and the Afghan resistance; and

(4) a detailed description of United States diplomatic and military activities undertaken to curtail support for the 2021 offensive of the Taliban that toppled the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Do people know how to read???

Yet some Pakistanis are getting very excited with even the anti-Pakistan Dawn carrying this unsubstantiated claim on its front page and going as far as to tie the stock market fall (which’s been ongoing for the past few days) to this new “sanctions.”

Pakiatanis are the worst enemies of Pakistan.

Making claims based on facts and evidence is not our strong point. This is the reason we can't believe in anything our people say and have to rely on foreign media for news about our own country.
ROS21F13 CLW by Senator Susan Collins

ELEMENTS OF FIRST REPORT.—The first report required by subsection (a) shall include—

(1) an assessment of support by state and non-state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the Taliban between 2001 and 2020, including the provision of sanctuary space, financial support, intelligence support, logistics and medical support, training, equipping, and tactical, operational, or strategic direction;

(2) an assessment of support by state and non- state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the 2021 offensive of the Taliban that toppled the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, including the provision of sanctuary space, financial support, intelligence support, logistics and medical support, training, equipping, and tactical, operational, or strategic direction;

(3) an assessment of support by state and non-state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the September 2021 offensive of the Taliban against the Panjshir Valley and the Afghan resistance; and

(4) a detailed description of United States diplomatic and military activities undertaken to curtail support for the 2021 offensive of the Taliban that toppled the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Do people know how to read???

Not to mention this is a Republican bill which comes at a time republicans don’t even control the senate, so tough chances it will even be considered, let alone become a law!
ROS21F13 CLW by Senator Susan Collins

ELEMENTS OF FIRST REPORT.—The first report required by subsection (a) shall include—

(1) an assessment of support by state and non-state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the Taliban between 2001 and 2020, including the provision of sanctuary space, financial support, intelligence support, logistics and medical support, training, equipping, and tactical, operational, or strategic direction;

(2) an assessment of support by state and non- state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the 2021 offensive of the Taliban that toppled the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, including the provision of sanctuary space, financial support, intelligence support, logistics and medical support, training, equipping, and tactical, operational, or strategic direction;

(3) an assessment of support by state and non-state actors, including the Government of Pakistan, for the September 2021 offensive of the Taliban against the Panjshir Valley and the Afghan resistance; and

(4) a detailed description of United States diplomatic and military activities undertaken to curtail support for the 2021 offensive of the Taliban that toppled the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

Do people know how to read???
US congress is under immense pressure to look deep into US failure in Afghanistan. Someone has to take the shot. Or its another bargaining chip against Pakistan's policy toward China.
introduce a bill in parliment to stop all cooperation with US including inteligence sharing and reduce diplomatic relationship if they sanction pakistan. they need us more than we need them.
they cant do much after arming indians heavily and denying anything defence related equipment to pakistan.
And its naive to think our policy makers havnt discuss such sanction already and have counter measures in place
The US has no ambassador in Pakistan for many years. Correct me if I am wrong. I mean what message are the Americans trying to convey here?

Many of us don't realise how deep US tentacles run in Pakistan. A specific US aid agency runs covert operations on behalf of US government and intelligence agency. US embassy is involved in stoking ethnic, linguistic and religious tensions. There are tons of controversial programs in Pakistani society which US aid agencies and the embassy overtly and covertly support. The Americans are involved in spying and gathering intel on Pak nuclear weapons through various means. Of course presence on Pakistani soil hugely benefits the Americans. It is not as if our leaders and intelligence are asleep and unaware. Of course this is common knowledge and we are playing along. This will all be lost once the US decides to unleash its economic sanction plan. The Americans would have already sanctioned Pakistan a very long time ago if things were straight forward. The Americans are playing a long game with Pakistan, but after Afghanistan I firmly believe that the US hand has weakened considerably.

I am trupy shocked to hear that the US has no ambassador to Pakistan as of now ( wow - wow - wow - wow ), seems like they stopped this in 2018. I have said this many times before and I will say again - the fault lies with Pakistan for allowing full access to the leaders and institutions of Pakistan without having a formal and correct means of interaction.

They have down graded Pakistan from Ambassador to chargé d'affaires offical , yet American officials can still come and go as they please and talk to virtually anyone in the goverment of Pakistan or their institutions and conduct their affairs without an Ambassador - the shame for this lies at the foot of the Pakistani goverment.

I blame the Pakistan Army for this entirely ( and i do ... ) - they offer a back door "to getting things done" in Pakistan so that American politicans dont have to talk to "pesky Pakistani Politicans". They actively undermine the attempts by the Goverment of Pakistan to try and setup proper institutional relationships. If the Pakistan Army put their ego to one side and reduce the level of comms with the Americans, they can force them to have proper institutional relationships which can be used to progress the relationship outside of egos and personalities.

If USA places new sanctions on Pakistan, Pakistan MUST respond by reducing the American Embassy by 50% .... send a message to the Americans - which is to grow up. That is the only way they will listen..
Ok so USA chooses to ostracise Pakistan. It now loses it's influence in Pak, Afg and Iran. It already has very little influence in the former Soviet Stans, thats a huge swathe of territory. Losing Pakistan also denies the USA a counterweight to India.
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