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Scrutiny and possible actions against Pak for perceived or real support to Afg Taliban.

Please! I couldnt care less about your criticism about IK and PTI, what i find hilarious is your attempt to blame everything on a government that is there for 3 years while giving a pass to all those who have been ruling Pakistan for decades. If IK is no inept what has the previous governments done? How successful were they? This is the only government that has stood ground on foreign policy. Otherwise we use to bend for far too less and most for our own interests rather than Pakistan.
Where in my post that you quoted did I blame everything on IK? He’s one guy, I made it clear by now I’m talking about multiple reasons and multiple useless governments, including this one. It’s amazing that you haven’t comprehended that yet.
Where in my post that you quoted did I blame everything on IK? He’s one guy, I made it clear by now I’m talking about multiple reasons and multiple useless governments, including this one. It’s amazing that you haven’t comprehended that yet.
What else you do? Everyone here who has known you and read your posts, knows this that for every ill, you blame the current government led by IK, and while you are entitled to your opinion however please do not object when others start correcting facts. Your earlier post about inept government screwing everything on foreign policy, i only asked what has the previous governments done in this regard if any thing at all? In fact all previous governments have performed worst.
You see change in US policy did not happen over night, there are decades of non existing foreign policy at our end and who was ruling Pakistan in the previous decades? All i pointed out that its wasnt IK or PTI but only two parties taking turns along with Army rule. So next time you want to blame IK and PTI please do so however do not forgot to name others who share more responsibility which you conveniently chose to over look either ignorantly or purposely.
Putin has offered Russian bases on neighboring countries of Afghanistan to aid American strikes on Afghan non state actors. This is significant for the discussion on this thread as it further diminishes Pakistan's leverage over the US.

Americans are reportedly considering the Russian offer earnestly. This will be a good development for the US-Russia relationship. Well played Putin :cheers:

POLITICO: U.S. intensifies talks to use Russian bases for Afghan counterterrorism ops.

The above also reports that the US is currently using an unnamed country for launch pads against Afghanistan. But it does not have a presence on any neighboring country :azn:
Albert Einstein ke mamu, the US is the world’s biggest import market, who else would buy Pakistani goods in that much of a quantity?

View attachment 780991

Listen mera panja Einstien, there is a saying, once bitten twice shy. The US is not the only importer in the world, in the tiny pittance of exports we have, we have a disproportionately high reliance on the US.


China imports 80% of what the US does, yet we export half to them half of what we export to the US. You'd think we'd try to skew it the other way around, especially considering our proximity and considering how much stuff is made in China, and considering most of our exports are raw materials. Similarly look at the ratio of imports of any of the top 10 importers compared to the US and look at our stupid heavy reliance on the US in comparison.

We also totally ignore our local markets, we don't export very much to India, Iran or the middle east. The middle east especially is a massive market for food.

Our business community is totally defunct of sense. Who in their right mind sits in Pakistan, exporting mainly to the USA, knowing full well that in a few years time as soon as they're done with their need of us in Afghanistan, sanctions might risk my entire business?

Look at this third world outlook - all we seem to export is clothes and cotton anyway.


Can you think of anywhere in the world where they don't need clothes or atta?
Some rays of truth are coming out for the US failures in Afghanistan instead of blaming Pakistan.

Top US defence officials have said the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan can be traced back to a deal between the group and the Trump administration. The Doha agreement was signed in February 2020 and set a date for the US to withdraw its troops. Gen Frank McKenzie said the deal had a "really pernicious effect" on the Afghan government and military. Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin agreed, saying the agreement had helped the Taliban get "stronger".

Lt. Col. Stu Scheller, the Marine officer who posted a viral video demanding accountability from military leaders for the failures in Afghanistan, is now in the brig, Marine officials confirmed Tuesday.
To all the thread participants. Keep the language civil or warnings will follow!

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