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Scrutiny and possible actions against Pak for perceived or real support to Afg Taliban.

Would EU follow?

I don't think this will be a full on set of sanctions slapped in very near future. Gradual sanctions with demands.
they may but e.u. is under dependance of Russian oil and gas and is trying to break free from the u.s. dictations, especially after the humiliation in afghanistan and after france was ditched by the "english speaking" u.s. u.k. and australia in their own "english speaking" alliance...e.u. is seemingly fed up of being america's lacky that gets dragged into every shit war the u.s. dives into but they get nothing in return.
they may but e.u. is under dependance of Russian oil and gas and is trying to break free from the u.s. dictations, especially after the humiliation in afghanistan and after france was ditched by the "english speaking" u.s. u.k. and australia in their own "english speaking" alliance...e.u. is seemingly fed up of being america's lacky that gets dragged into every shit war the u.s. dives into but they get nothing in return.
It's now the West vs the West......

Pak may have to lean more toward one of the Western blocks! It might be the EU.....
The US leadership hates dealing with current or ex military people

True! This is why it helped oust Morsi and nodded Sisi taking over. History is full of dictators taking over countries with the help of Americans if it was in interest of American foreign policy. Shah of Iran is another example.

We hate American policies not America.
I believe we will not get the F35 and F22 the only thing we are missing
let us light up a candle and mourn over

What else ?
  • Tractors come from China / Europe
  • Cars come from China / Japan / Europe
  • Oil come from Multiple countries
  • Gas comes from Multiple countries
  • Nuclear Weapons we make it at home
  • Submarines we getting from China
  • JF17 Engines coming from Russia
  • Tanks mostly local
  • Missile Program all Local
  • Ship building all Local
  • Live Stock Local
  • Crops Local
  • Fruit Local
  • Clothes Local
  • Shoes Local

What we getting from USA
  • Pizza Hut
  • McDonalds Burgers
  • The wheat bags from 1990's we have them in special storage


Your analysis is way off.
Please include the $8–10 Billion $$ of textile exports to the US & hundreds of millions of $$ for overseas Pakistanis remittances. Pakistan still stuck in FATF & US influences World Bank & IMF.

US still supports the F-16s, PC3 Orions etc.

please add these & show me your analysis.
What we got from USA:
1)Remittance, and it has shown the greatest increase increase of remittance growth.
3)and the financial aid to run our bankrupt nation
We need USA more then USA needs us

Have you not got any dignity and self respect for yourself or you just want to live on foreign hand outs like a beggar for ever. Next they will be asking Pakistan to live under the Indian thumb and am sure you will be glad to comply with their wishes too.
Our nation have to stand up on their own two feet as we became independent republic over 70 years ago. We all voted for Nawaz and Zardari to bring economic disaster to our own country while they are living on country wealth happily and still some people want to sing for their rule.
We all knew sanctions will follow as they still want their foot print in Pakistan to destabilise the region for their own grand China game. When FATF failed then things have to go one notch up to get their air corridors into Afghanistan from us. War in Afghanistan is over Pakistan must block all military flights of any country through our air space and put an end to all of their wet dreams.
Pakistan should highlight it on a global level to tell other countries this is how the US treats its allies after how it withdraws abruptly and forgets all the promises and commitments it made in the past 20 years

And this was expected. A bill has been introduced to sanction individuals, countries and governments that help Taliban. There is a Pakistan specific chapter in the bill. Its very similar to Pressler Amendment.

Who told our leadership to trust the Americans? How many times we will be bitten by them?
These sanctions were in pipes since Obama. I've written about this extensively on here. Pakistan's largest trading partner for it's exports is the US. I don't understand how do you not engage with the only real superpower in the globe for so many years as actively as it was needed. At this time, 80% of the US leaders are against Pakistan. If active foreign policy was at play all these years, you'd see minimal damage.

Secondly, your post is very flawed. You guys like to think "America got humiliated", etc, etc. These same posts are visible to the world as "Pakistanis hate America" when you guys are just too emotional to be frank. To the US, this was an operation. When an operation goes bad, we shut it down without emotions. It's just that simple. Our focus needed to be on China and now trillions are being planned to be spent against China. Nothing has really "destroyed" America financially by being in Afghanistan. Again, Pakistan has always known it had issues with the US, and secondly, there was the Indian lobby factor. That's minimized now and it's just the post Afghan war era image of Pakistan and the US leadership. So somewhere you guys needed to bring blue suits and red ties. The US leadership hates dealing with current or ex military people, sadly, that was all Pakistan could offer. Send in civilians with authority, in suits and with aggressive diplomacy. You'll see results in two years.
All while US is getting ready for another 'Operation' again China, PRC has already set roads with in the region.

While US was busy destroying roads in Iraq, Syria & Afghanistan during it's "Operation", China was busy building infrastructure.

Do you even know the scale of investment & infrastructure development chinese did in Iraq?

While ISIS came to Iraq during 2014 & US / ISAF evacuated the region it is chinese who stayed back. And they are still making money.
considering yourself as the center of the universe is a fatal mistake. america is gonna run outta cash by next month of October unless the debt ceiling is raised and the debt is already touching $30 trillion. now you wanna spend trillions on taking on China? can the american tax payers handle that burden? their wallets are already stretched thin, and now this new expense of yet another misadventure? this time against China & Russia? capital hill is being ran by megalomaniacle ignoramuses that don't realize that there only real leverage, the usd, is fast loosing steam and on top of that, they just lost the longest war in their history and that too, to a bunch of ragtag barefoot guerrilla figures that couldn't even real the 100k mark in their strength. what does america have anyway to use against Pakistan besides exports? fatf? nope, we have far too many big boys on our side in fatf. middle east oil? wrong again, they can't afford to loose an alliance with the only Muslim nuclear weapons state in the world. oh. hold the F16 support? Turkey can provide that and besides, pssssst...we don't really need the F16s anymore anyway thanks to the JF17 BLK3 and J19Cs. so what does u.s. have to use against Pakistan besides exports anyway? Pakistan can easily substitute exporting to the u.s. by changing tracks and exporting to China, Russia & central asia now that Afghanistan is at peace thus making the wakhan corridor easily accessible. China alone is a market bigger that both u.s. and e.u. combined. if america thinks it's irreplaceable for Pakistan then it's sadly mistaken...very, VERY sadly mistaken.

You have tried your best to console yourself there.....
Because apparently our celebrations caused the rats to jump off the roof. You dont need to worry abt us, u can go on n keep making idols of trump n biden n suck up to them.

No one is worried about you mate...and that's what you leaders are crying about...to get worried about you, Af, ....

yup will follow your advise on Biden and Trump....getting nuclear subs from them ...we'l use them to irritate your iron brother.....meanwhile you please don't think of not sucking Xi's.. as you don't have much options left now.
You have tried your best to console yourself there.....
your lack of worthy arguments are very entertaining. :lol:
No one is worried about you mate...and that's what you leaders are crying about...to get worried about you, Af, ....

yup will follow your advise on Biden and Trump....getting nuclear subs from them ...we'l use them to irritate your iron brother.....meanwhile you please don't think of not sucking Xi's.. as you don't have much options left now.
uhm...you do realize that our iron brother can outbuilding your two boyfriends uncle sam and uncle kevin in practically everything including nuclear subs, right? :enjoy: and it's gonna take minimum of 10 to 30 years so get those subs up to steam and fully operational so have fun waiting while you've pissed off your largest trading partner. scott morrison is a disaster for down under from down under! :lol:
Every time I criticise Imran, some supporter like yourself attempt to deflect. To hell with the current leadership, and to hell with all the previous. They are all a bunch of rank incompetents of one degree or another.
Please! I couldnt care less about your criticism about IK and PTI, what i find hilarious is your attempt to blame everything on a government that is there for 3 years while giving a pass to all those who have been ruling Pakistan for decades. If IK is no inept what has the previous governments done? How successful were they? This is the only government that has stood ground on foreign policy. Otherwise we use to bend for far too less and most for our own interests rather than Pakistan.
"Reject" IMF? LOL. Going to the IMF is a choice made by the country when it needs a bailout. IMF does not work by being accepted or rejected.
I was specifically talking about rejecting the IMF program a decision that we will make
Tell Immy to take a bold stance and do it then. Last time he promised it, a u turn ensued and we got a massive bailout. Good luck.
Are you willing to pay for zero subsidy electricity?

We got into imf because we were close to bankruptcy in 2018 bet pro Isa journalists didnt tell you that
Pakistan should highlight it on a global level to tell other countries this is how the US treats its allies after how it withdraws abruptly and forgets all the promises and commitments it made in the past 20 years

Lol...seriously...it will be like Nawaz Sharif telling the establishment that PTI government is a selected one and have came to power with the support of some "Unknown Force".....
I hope they don't, there will be short term pain, but ultimately if we do it will be a blessing, there is so much long term gain to be had.

We are a country of f**king idiots. We don't learn lessons the easy way. The Pressler amendment should never have been forgotten. In the 30 years since, which markets have we diversified into?

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Pakistan deserves everything coming to it.
Albert Einstein ke mamu, the US is the world’s biggest import market, who else would buy Pakistani goods in that much of a quantity?

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