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Scrutiny and possible actions against Pak for perceived or real support to Afg Taliban.

Some consequences are partially inevitable, some are partially the result of useless leadership with little international credibility, being completely inept at diplomacy, and no capacity to lobby the halls of power in the way that it matters.

Sanctions aren’t to be taken lightly, they cost the state and its citizens dearly.
Stupid take from Faiza supporter
The threat of sanctions are there because for the first time we took a bold stance against US designs and they are pissed off that they cant do anything about it
These sanctions were in pipes since Obama. I've written about this extensively on here. Pakistan's largest trading partner for it's exports is the US. I don't understand how do you not engage with the only real superpower in the globe for so many years as actively as it was needed. At this time, 80% of the US leaders are against Pakistan. If active foreign policy was at play all these years, you'd see minimal damage.

You want the honest answer? It is because the powers that make these decisions (GHQ) unilaterally decided to move into the Chinese camp, for reasons which are beyond any logic or scope. The kept selling CPEC to the Pakistani Nation which has only milked Pakistan off 20 Billion USD or more in the last 5 years and no return is in sight. It is now fairly evident that we made a bad bad decision to dump the American Camp and move into the Chinese Camp whereas we should have walked a fine line with China while remaining firmly in the US Camp.

If the US does impose Sanctions, China will stop doing business with us just like the rest of the world will as all associated entities will not only withdraw support, they will withdraw trade and relations. I hope and pray that the leaders come to their senses, even as I fret that it may already be too late as we not only humiliated the only Super Power (as of yet), we had to post photos of the ISI Chief in Afghanistan to rub it in their faces too!

Secondly, your post is very flawed. You guys like to think "America got humiliated", etc, etc. These same posts are visible to the world as "Pakistanis hate America" when you guys are just too emotional to be frank. To the US, this was an operation. When an operation goes bad, we shut it down without emotions. It's just that simple. Our focus needed to be on China and now trillions are being planned to be spent against China. Nothing has really "destroyed" America financially by being in Afghanistan. Again, Pakistan has always known it had issues with the US, and secondly, there was the Indian lobby factor. That's minimized now and it's just the post Afghan war era image of Pakistan and the US leadership. So somewhere you guys needed to bring blue suits and red ties. The US leadership hates dealing with current or ex military people, sadly, that was all Pakistan could offer. Send in civilians with authority, in suits and with aggressive diplomacy. You'll see results in two years.

How can we send suits when all the suits are subservient to the GHQ? And those who rebel see their videos leaked, their wealth placed in jeopardy, their lives and the lives of their children put up at stakes, spend years in litigation and in arbitrary arrest/detention etc. In which country are agencies/organizations allowed to arrest people for up to 3 years even before a crime is proved against them?

Anyway, I also hope that the GHQ has well thought out the war scenario (sanctions) and how to deal with them in a manner through which Pakistan emerges stronger; even though it is almost impossible. I see no way for China/Russia/Turkey etc., to circumvent sanctions on Pakistan (if imposed). I fear another North Korea!
Stupid take from Faiza supporter
The threat of sanctions are there because for the first time we took a bold stance against US designs and they are pissed off that they cant do anything about it

They can't do anything about it???? How much more delusional can you people get?????
Never though there are 80.000 Pakistani deaths. In what war ? As I know Afghan war during USSR, Pakistan only supplied ammunition, weapon, and maybe some special force operation, never has direct fight against USSR.

And during Bush invasion in Afghan, Pakistan is also not involved. Drone attack by Obama administration did make many victims as many Taliban run away to Pakistan and Pakistan civilians may become victim, but I am not suppose to reach 80.000 lives............

Were you a sleeping from last 20 years while our country men were carrying their loved ones to their last resting places.
Thread title to be changed, there are no sanctions. This is a bill.
there will be sanctions but its also a manipulative bill where they will want to see Pakistan's reaction...and it is already very aggressive.
Never though there are 80.000 Pakistani deaths. In what war ? As I know Afghan war during USSR, Pakistan only supplied ammunition, weapon, and maybe some special force operation, never has direct fight against USSR.

And during Bush invasion in Afghan, Pakistan is also not involved. Drone attack by Obama administration did make many victims as many Taliban run away to Pakistan and Pakistan civilians may become victim, but I am not suppose to reach 80.000 lives............

LOL jeez. You can't be serious.
there will be sanctions but its also a manipulative bill where they will want to see Pakistan's reaction...and it is already very aggressive.

You know how many such topics I have seen and read for the past decades? Zillions. Everyone screams, shouts and wants to impose his/her view. In the end, nothing happens and the sun rises the very next day. Barely is Pakistan ever sanctioned apart from the Pressler days.

LOL at US hearings. My hair is turning white now. That is how many US hearings I have witnessed in my life. Just a PR exercise. Hearings don't mean a thing. Zilch.

Deals are made behind closed doors. If the US sanctions Pakistan I will eat my words. The US needs a scapegoat because the people are asking valid questions. WTF did the US achieve warmongering for the past two decades? Where did all the money go? Why did the US/NATO trained Afghan army crumble in a matter of days? The US generals don't have any answers. Of course they need a scapegoat to shift blame.
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there will be sanctions but its also a manipulative bill where they will want to see Pakistan's reaction...and it is already very aggressive.

Would EU follow?

I don't think this will be a full on set of sanctions slapped in very near future. Gradual sanctions with demands.
You mean to say the previous leadership was actually very capable and they were lobbying Pakistans interest to a point where US was about to sanction india instead of pakistan?
Who are you trying to fool here other than yourself?Who ruled Pakistan for past 3 decades and more? and how pakistan's image from a time when its examples were quoted to the world, changed to a third world failed state? There was no IK or pti back than, it was in the very capable leadership of Mian Muhammad Nawaz Shairf and his counter part BB taking turns running Pakistan.
Every time I criticise Imran, some supporter like yourself attempt to deflect. To hell with the current leadership, and to hell with all the previous. They are all a bunch of rank incompetents of one degree or another.
Dear Sir, do you believe AZ and MNS were gems and now people are useless. It were them who did not take appropriate measures to stop money laundering cause they themselves were involved in parking their wealth abroad resultantly we were blacklisted. Our adversaries were lobbying around the globe and our leadership was sitting mum. In fact projects like orange train and ill planned power projects with out matching improvement in transmission system are perpetual debt makers. Presence family including grand children in UN sessions show state of interest and capability. Weak economic condition and lack of interest is perfect recipe for the state we are in.
Obviously sanctions are not to be taken lightly, we need to play our cards well. Slapping sanctions won't be easy for US and in this case they also have a lot to lose. US should / will consider results of sanctions in 90's which did not prove good for either side. Now Pakistan also has options and two poles of new multipolar world have stakes here, therefore, it won't be easy decision for US.
Talibs or no Talibs, if there is fire in Afghanistan then it will particularly affect Pakistan and the region in general, therefore, Regional countries will take appropriate measures to avoid humanitarian crisis / spill over of refugees and their adopted measures will have negative affect on proposed extreme position of US.
Where did i even mention previous leadership? Our diplomacy was more or less the same then, incapable and incompetent.

Stupid take from Faiza supporter
The threat of sanctions are there because for the first time we took a bold stance against US designs and they are pissed off that they cant do anything about it
What bold stance is that lmao? You mean to tell me your dear leader won’t be going back to the IMF? Please spare me, the war in Afghanistan reached its natural conclusion, that’s all.

It would be the same, no matter which useless incompetent is in power. Immy and his band of idiots, or Nawaz’s Nepotism league and their group of fools. Same goes for the “national security establishment”, they can manage the hell out of a housing society built on commandeered public land, but a country is beyond them.
What bold stance is that lmao? You mean to tell me your dear leader won’t be going back to the IMF? Please spare me, the war in Afghanistan reached its natural conclusion, that’s all.
We can reject IMF by decreasing subsidies across the board but your lot will cry the loudest if we do that
As for war in Afghanistan the US wanted to maintain a skeleton presence through Pakistan but a rather harsh stance has put US in a really tight spot
We can reject IMF by decreasing subsidies across the board but your lot will cry the loudest if we do that
As for war in Afghanistan the US wanted to maintain a skeleton presence through Pakistan but a rather harsh stance has put US in a really tight spot
Tell Immy to take a bold stance and do it then. Last time he promised it, a u turn ensued and we got a massive bailout. Good luck.
Will they be passing a bill to look at their own role in Afghanistan? I mean they were there for 20 years why? Pakistan didnt force them to run like loosers.
We can reject IMF by decreasing subsidies across the board but your lot will cry the loudest if we do that
As for war in Afghanistan the US wanted to maintain a skeleton presence through Pakistan but a rather harsh stance has put US in a really tight spot

"Reject" IMF? LOL. Going to the IMF is a choice made by the country when it needs a bailout. IMF does not work by being accepted or rejected.
ڈگیا کھوتی توں تے غصہ کمہار تے Punjabi proverb
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