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Scrutiny and possible actions against Pak for perceived or real support to Afg Taliban.

This is for the first time ever that our leadership hasn't trusted the Americans actually.

US govt doesn't like Imran Khan govt here. They are clearly in talks with PPP Bilawal Bhutto. Little bhutto visited US last month and 2 days back he has flown to US again to have 'important meetings' as claimed by his spokesperson in Karachi yesterday.

By holding talks directly with any political figure the Americans are playing with fire. Openly choosing their favorite and interfering in another sovereign nation. Distrust towards the US will only increase. I think America is making it impossible for itself to work with Pakistan.

There is much more to just weapons here...understand that you can't comprehend anything beyond.
US control IMF, world bank...say goodbye to investments, loans, export to the west....they also can influence Gulf countries to make your energy supplies on credit, more difficult...plus FATF, Plus fuelling insurgency, plus destabilising political environment...... Only if you would have chosen your words correctly, your ministers and elites would not have bragged / chest thumped on Taliban taking over Af....and IK would have kept his mouth shut...things could have been different.....but now....
" Absolutely Not".

We will see what your mighty America will do. We will see. We have heard and seen it before.
Where are all those who suggested for a continued working relationship with the US......:disagree:
Let the Americans provoke and go ahead with their Indian sponsored accusations against Pakistan. I hope this time they don't back off like a coward.

This will set Pakistan finally free and let it work with regional nations unequivocally.

And this was expected. A bill has been introduced to sanction individuals, countries and governments that help Taliban. There is a Pakistan specific chapter in the bill. Its very similar to Pressler Amendment.

Who told our leadership to trust the Americans? How many times we will be bitten by them?
Our leadership already knows this and is expecting this.

the last two times they put sanctions in Pakistan, Pakistan became the 3rd largest nuclear weapons state & almost self sufficient in conventional weapons. this time, the u.s. won't rest until Pakistan becomes a military powerhouse so CONGRATS! :enjoy:

furthermore, the establishment and Imran Khan won't have to go easy on the corrupt pmln & ppp along with the judiciary, hell will be unleashed on them cuz after all, what's uncle sam gonna do? put more sanctions on Pakistan? :lol:

reminds me of...
just replace the white guy with this new u.s. law
blackmail with sanctions
criminal with america
beaten to a pulp with defeat in Afghanistan
and finally,
batman with PAKISTAN! 😎🇵🇰
There is much more to just weapons here...understand that you can't comprehend anything beyond.
US control IMF, world bank...say goodbye to investments, loans, export to the west....they also can influence Gulf countries to make your energy supplies on credit, more difficult...plus FATF, Plus fuelling insurgency, plus destabilising political environment...... Only if you would have chosen your words correctly, your ministers and elites would not have bragged / chest thumped on Taliban taking over Af....and IK would have kept his mouth shut...things could have been different.....but now....
" Absolutely Not".
and none of the above is gonna happen including fatf (especially fatf). the gulf countries need our security apparatus and they know america can't be relied upon. here's a small glimpse of a warning shot across the american bow...
u.s. clout is receding across the globe they just haven't realized it yet.
last time they imposed sanctions we ended up making JF-17 ... hehe !!! these Yankies don't have balls to accept their mistake and are sour losers
This Senator is anti muslim.

The bill was introduced by Senator Jim Risch, the representative for the state of Idaho and a ranking member of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee who has previously co-sponsored acts imposing sanctions on Turkey and making it a federal crime for Americans to encourage or participate in boycotts against Israel and Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

So they are going to Sanction Pakistan for Saying No? Its not the same as before, we arent really relying on them anymore. This will have a blow to Pakistan for a month or so and everything will inshallh return normal, pretty sure these guys will hesitate to do this. After all they cant just let the biggest player in south asia fall into China's Hands.

And this was expected. A bill has been introduced to sanction individuals, countries and governments that help Taliban. There is a Pakistan specific chapter in the bill. Its very similar to Pressler Amendment.

Who told our leadership to trust the Americans? How many times we will be bitten by them?
they missed out one of the biggest charge that Pakistan shares an open border and has pashton population.
or maybe Pakistan is in same continent as Afghan Taliban.

worse sour losers these American senators.
These sanctions were in pipes since Obama. I've written about this extensively on here. Pakistan's largest trading partner for it's exports is the US. I don't understand how do you not engage with the only real superpower in the globe for so many years as actively as it was needed. At this time, 80% of the US leaders are against Pakistan. If active foreign policy was at play all these years, you'd see minimal damage.

Secondly, your post is very flawed. You guys like to think "America got humiliated", etc, etc. These same posts are visible to the world as "Pakistanis hate America" when you guys are just too emotional to be frank. To the US, this was an operation. When an operation goes bad, we shut it down without emotions. It's just that simple. Our focus needed to be on China and now trillions are being planned to be spent against China. Nothing has really "destroyed" America financially by being in Afghanistan. Again, Pakistan has always known it had issues with the US, and secondly, there was the Indian lobby factor. That's minimized now and it's just the post Afghan war era image of Pakistan and the US leadership. So somewhere you guys needed to bring blue suits and red ties. The US leadership hates dealing with current or ex military people, sadly, that was all Pakistan could offer. Send in civilians with authority, in suits and with aggressive diplomacy. You'll see results in two years.
considering yourself as the center of the universe is a fatal mistake. america is gonna run outta cash by next month of October unless the debt ceiling is raised and the debt is already touching $30 trillion. now you wanna spend trillions on taking on China? can the american tax payers handle that burden? their wallets are already stretched thin, and now this new expense of yet another misadventure? this time against China & Russia? capital hill is being ran by megalomaniacle ignoramuses that don't realize that there only real leverage, the usd, is fast loosing steam and on top of that, they just lost the longest war in their history and that too, to a bunch of ragtag barefoot guerrilla figures that couldn't even real the 100k mark in their strength. what does america have anyway to use against Pakistan besides exports? fatf? nope, we have far too many big boys on our side in fatf. middle east oil? wrong again, they can't afford to loose an alliance with the only Muslim nuclear weapons state in the world. oh. hold the F16 support? Turkey can provide that and besides, pssssst...we don't really need the F16s anymore anyway thanks to the JF17 BLK3 and J19Cs. so what does u.s. have to use against Pakistan besides exports anyway? Pakistan can easily substitute exporting to the u.s. by changing tracks and exporting to China, Russia & central asia now that Afghanistan is at peace thus making the wakhan corridor easily accessible. China alone is a market bigger that both u.s. and e.u. combined. if america thinks it's irreplaceable for Pakistan then it's sadly mistaken...very, VERY sadly mistaken.
Our leadership already knows this and is expecting this.

the last two times they put sanctions in Pakistan, Pakistan became the 3rd largest nuclear weapons state & almost self sufficient in conventional weapons. this time, the u.s. won't rest until Pakistan becomes a military powerhouse so CONGRATS! :enjoy:

furthermore, the establishment and Imran Khan won't have to go easy on the corrupt pmln & ppp along with the judiciary, hell will be unleashed on them cuz after all, what's uncle sam gonna do? put more sanctions on Pakistan? :lol:

reminds me of...
just replace the white guy with this new u.s. law
blackmail with sanctions
criminal with america
beaten to a pulp with defeat in Afghanistan
and finally,
batman with PAKISTAN! 😎🇵🇰
Now let us not be carried away with this kind of HUBRIS either.

Pressler Amendment sanctions called for a significant drop in American Aid to Pakistan. This had no bearing on Pakistani trade and industries in fact. Pakistan had another donor to keep it afloat throughout; KSA.

Pressler Amendment affected Pakistani military capability however - this was apparent in the Kargil War.

War On Terror created much needed opportunity for Pakistani military to revamp itself with cash flows from both USA and KSA, and military-focused projects with China to reduce reliance on USA for Pakistani security needs. Pakistan itself could avail IMF bailout package(s) to sustain its economy over time. Pakistani security system became much better in these times consequently. Many Pakistani are not appreciative of these ground realities and Pervez Musharraf's gambit unfortunately.

USA never attempted to cripple Pakistani economic system by and large.

WE should be thankful to Allah Almighty in any case. Allah Almighty have answered our prayers and provided opportunities to Pakistan.

WE should not be in HUBRIS however. Pakistan needs global goodwill to flourish; it does not function in vaccum.

WE should continue to look up to Allah Almighty for guidance and course-correct ourselves in whatever ways WE can.

My 2 cents.
Now let us not be carried away with this kind of HUBRIS either.

Pressler Amendment sanctions called for a significant drop in American Aid to Pakistan. This had no bearing on Pakistani trade and industries in fact. Pakistan had another donor to keep it afloat nevertheless; KSA.

Pressler Amendment affected Pakistani military capability however - this was apparent in the Kargil War.

War On Terror created much needed opportunity for Pakistani military to revamp itself with cash flows from both USA and KSA, and military-focused projects with China to reduce reliance on USA for Pakistani security needs. Pakistan itself could avail IMF bailout package(s) to sustain its economy over time. Pakistani security system became much better in these times consequently. Many Pakistani are not appreciative of these ground realities and Pervez Musharraf's gambit unfortunately.

USA never attempted to cripple Pakistani economic system by and large.

WE should be thankful to Allah Almighty in any case. Allah Almighty have answered our prayers and provided opportunities to Pakistan.

WE should not be in HUBRIS however. Pakistan needs global goodwill to flourish; it does not function in vaccum.

WE should continue to look up to Allah Almighty for guidance and course-correct ourselves in whatever ways WE can.

My 2 cents.

usa knows that it CAN'T cripple Pakistan economically ESPECIALLY today when there are much bigger & bigger markets available to export to. and I would urge you to rethink your point of view on the kargil War good sir, india lost 2 jets, 3 choppers & 1 pilot while we lost none and still kept the highest peak in the region with us as per india's own admission. these are cold hard facts, but some hear say based from some journalists or politicians or retired whatevers...
Never though there are 80.000 Pakistani deaths
yaap civilians, Armed forces Personals, and Terrorist and militant included .... thought there is a large chunk of those militant terrorist who were not Pakistani Origin but killed in Pakistan they are also included in this list.
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