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Scrappy Indian Navy Copter Bid Nears End

I would have no problem with either platform tbh but I would say on balance the S-70B is the better and more capable platform.

But seriously:

The 16-chopper MRH competition is to be followed by the N-MRH (just in case nomenclature wasn't confusing enough), a separate tender for 44 helicopters. Lockheed-Martin's MH-60R -- based on the same airframe as the S-70B -- and which was ignored in the MRH, will be a contender.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...-navy-copter-bid-nears-end.html#ixzz207gl5yWl

WTF??!! Confusing or what??!!!



I think Indian navy will choose
Its a proven design and pretty versatile.
NH70 has some design problems even its customers Germany was unsatisfied with its reliability and performance.

My choice S-70B and for N-MRH MH-60 romeo
I think Indian navy will choose
Its a proven design and pretty versatile.
NH70 has some design problems even its customers Germany was unsatisfied with its reliability and performance.

My choice S-70B and for N-MRH MH-60 romeo

I think the same, the NH90 is a new helicopter and has still some issues and Sikorsky will point out the fact that the cabins will be build by Tata, which should be a big advantage, not to forget that the S70 should be cheaper too.
but afterall 16 helis for $1 billion????????....wtf??
what is Puhlease
Main Entry: puh-leeze!
Part of Speech: interj
Definition: please!; an expression of indignation, disbelief, or scorn; also written puh-lease, puh-leez
Example: You're going to teach me how to ice skate? Puh-leeze!
Etymology: alteration of please
Usage: informal

Urban Dictionary: puh-lease

New NH-90 airforce choppers flawed | Stuff.co.nz
Eight new $700 million airforce helicopters have a serious flaw that even when fixed will prevent use in snowy conditions.

The Royal New Zealand Air Force is the first military force to use the high technology NH-90s, winning criticism from Auditor-General Lyn Provost who says this country should not be buying "first of type" equipment.

Her comments came in a Defence Force report published on its website this week dealing with the military's major projects.
"In my view, in addition to more focus on off-the-shelf items, more consideration must be given to the risks involved in buying aircraft that are 'first of type'," she said.

"Aircraft with proven capabilities may be better value for money and may be more quickly introduced into service."
The report says NHIndustries is believed to be freezing software development on the helicopter before it reaches the standard asked for by New Zealand.

Australian NH90 Version Will Not Be Ready Before Mid-year
So the IN could (and it looks very likely right now) end up operating BOTH the S-70B and MH-60R?!!



Why not a single platform? Whilst, obviously, there is going to be a HUGE amount of commander between the S-70B and MH-60R they are still going to be differences so why bother going down this road? Can anyone clue me up on the differences between the S-70B and MH-60R and the pluses and minuses of the two different platforms?
First tender is for 16 ASW Helis

Second Tender is for 44-75 Naval Multirole Helis

Now Multirole means capable of ASW , AEWC , SAR , Commando Assault
ie Aircraft should be able to perform all these roles with competence
First tender is for 16 ASW Helis

Second Tender is for 44-75 Naval Multirole Helis

Now Multirole means capable of ASW , AEWC , SAR , Commando Assault
ie Aircraft should be able to perform all these roles with competence

So why not have ALL of them be the same and all multi-role? Just odd IMHO but I'm not complaining much as these are cool helos!
I would have no problem with either platform tbh but I would say on balance the S-70B is the better and more capable platform.

But seriously:

WTF??!! Confusing or what??!!!




Can you describe something about this missile???? I want to know all about it. SIr.
I think Indian navy will choose
Its a proven design and pretty versatile.
NH70 has some design problems even its customers Germany was unsatisfied with its reliability and performance.

My choice S-70B and for N-MRH MH-60 romeo

yes S 70B is good choice
There is no need for two platforms as both the 60R & 70B perform virtually the same ASW & ASuW missions.
In addition, the MH-60R is not in the current tender for 16 MRH aircraft for the Indian navy. The S-70B is & should win that competition. The Indian Navy, I believe, will be happy with that choice and it would then make no sense to procure another aircraft for the obvious reasons (training, maintenance, logistics, etc.) The S-70B can also be configured in a utility version to offer the same capabilities as the MH-60S.
As far as major differences:

1. S-70B has the Penguin Anti-Ship missile already integrated, the 60R does not.
2. Both have the American MK-46 & MK-54 torpedoes already integrated. The 70B also has the Eurotorp A244 mod 3 torpedo integrated.
3. The 70B AFCS is a new system that represents a significant improvement over earlier Seahawk systems.
4. The new WMS facilitates integration of indigenous systems or unique customer required stores or weapons.
5. The 70B employs a "federated systems architecture" meaning major functions are dispersed to centralized subsystems. Modification enhancement has typically proved to be easier, cheaper, and less risk for systems of this type, while the 60R employs a "centralized architecture" with a primary and backup mission computer that performs all mission related functions ( mission management, flight management, weapons management, navigation, etc.)
6. Both have integrated FLIR, ESM, counter measures, Radar, EGI (embedded GPS with inertial) navigation and attitude reference systems, and AFCS systems. I believe the 60R does not currently have a VOR/TACAN navigation capability.
7. The mission and avionics systems for the 70B are designed and tested by Sikorsky Aircraft. The 60R systems are done by Lockheed Martin. Sikorsky makes both airframes. My opinion is that Sikorsky has fielded a greatly superior avionics & mission system in the 70B.

For this reader, the S-70B is the clear choice.
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