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Featured SCO to hold joint anti-terrorism exercise at Pabbi in 2021


Feb 18, 2019
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" The decision to hold the joint exercise "Pabbi-Antiterror-2021" was announced during the 36th meeting of the Council of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. "

So will be probably done at the National Counter Terrorism Centre ( NCTC ) Pabbi ,

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:lol: those who claimed that they would invade ajk,gb and have breakfast in lahore followed by lunch in peshawar gym khaana are now asking Pakistan Army for anti terror training! oh the irony, THE I ROW NYYYYYYY!!! haaaaym... :disagree: :coffee:
Could you tell that to the 196 million Indians who sleep hungry every day? This is almost the entire population of Pakistan.
more like 1196 million indians who sleep hungry everyday...
:lol: those who claimed that they would invade ajk,gb and have breakfast in lahore followed by lunch in peshawar gym khaana are now asking Pakistan Army for anti terror training! oh the irony, THE I ROW NYYYYYYY!!! haaaaym... :disagree: :coffee:

more like 1196 million indians who sleep hungry everyday...
You have no idea what SCO is right!! and naturally assumed with your brainwashed mindset that all these countries are asking PA for anti-terror training :omghaha:

While we are smoking your proxies along LoC, your FC is getting pounded by BLA on your western front
Do you know the count in Pakistan or should I share with you? Please take care of your house then points on other.

You think that will feed the 196 million Indians who go hungry everyday?

Look the difference between India, ranked 94th on hunger index, and Pakistan, ranked 88th on hunger index, is that the prime minister of Pakistan is opening langars to provide free food to the hungry and panah gahs that give shelter and dignity to the homeless. None of his ministers stand in parliament and say ignore hunger reports.
You have no idea what SCO is right!! and naturally assumed with your brainwashed mindset that all these countries are asking PA for anti-terror training :omghaha:

While we are smoking your proxies along LoC, your FC is getting pounded by BLA on your western front
the only thing that is getting smoked is that dried cow dung your smoking in the form of biddies cuz those who are smoking anyone's proxies don't get beaten into accepting a ceasefire that they unilaterally broke with the stated policy of "conquering" the enemy Thai is sending those proxies. fast forward to today, forget about "conquering" anything, you monkies couldn't even hold on to your own territory that China just walked in and took nearly 1200 sq km of.:lol:

uhm...your bls monkies are getting deep fried everyday buddy! ;)

but...ignorance is bliss so keep feeding your tiny little brains with all that gowdi media nonsense...in the mean time, the Pakistan China partnership is steadily chipping the indian sovereignty away piece by piece & bit by bit. may wanna start taking either urdu or mandarin classes. ;)
When were we too poor that time we finance to 91k army (POW) for Tea, Lunch and Dinner.... So, giving a tea example is nothing to me!
91 thousand faced the betrayals and 1 pilot prison down in broad day light and challenged in the open. Not a back stab and didn't attack the sleeping enemies ........... we said we are coming and we came with pride.
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SCO member states including India, China to participate in anti-terror drills in Pakistan

  • The drills will be held in Pabbi and the decision to hold the joint exercise was announced during the 36th meeting of the Council of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) held in Tashkent on March 18
  • The joint exercise will strengthen mutual confidence, interoperability and enable sharing of best practices among armed forces of the SCO nations

Fahad Zulfikar
22 Mar 2021


(Karachi) As part of measures to counter terrorism and extremism, India will participate in joint exercise being held in Pakistan under the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).

As per details, the drills will be held in Pabbi and the decision to hold the joint exercise “Pabbi-Anti-terror-2021” was announced during the 36th meeting of the Council of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on March 18.

Besides India, other SCO states including China and Russia will also send their contingents to take part in the drills.

The joint exercise will strengthen mutual confidence, interoperability and enable sharing of best practices among armed forces of the SCO nations.

“Decisions have been made to improve cooperation between the competent authorities of the SCO member states in identifying and suppressing channels that finance terrorist activities,” China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported, quoting a RATS statement.

As part of the SCO initiatives, the SCO Peace Mission Exercise is conducted biennially for the SCO member states.

The SCO was established in Shanghai in 2001, with China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as founding members. It expanded to include India and Pakistan in 2017.

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