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School van targeted by TTP in Swat

NATO was not trying to destroy them, they were trying to plant a new government, it didn't happen for 20 years so they just left.

I assure you if they wanted to destroy them, they would have.

Also I'm not a pan-Islamist, I don't believe in this Muslim ummah unity BS, so I don't care what America was doing in other countries. It wasn't even religiously motivated but rather for personal goals.
I have heard that the huge bases that they built were for no less than 100 years stay. They wanted to control the whole central asia, china nd south east asia from Afghanistan.
Interesting point!

Are they trying to weaken PTI in Pashtunkhwa by playing lumber 1 double game?

If Altaf comes back these ppl will do another 12th May 2007 against PTI.
they just installed Tessori the smuggler,murderer in sindh as governor it shows their intent they want haramis in offices of power so they can control them...they will unite all the factions of MQM under MQM P and see if new MQM P can get some support if not they will re launch Altaf!

School van attack: Swat protesters warn of marching to Islamabad if culprits not arrested

Sirajuddin Published October 11, 2022 Updated 4 minutes ago

<p>A large number of people took to the streets against the recent developments of terrorism in Swat. — Photo by Fazal Khaliq</p>

A large number of people took to the streets against the recent developments of terrorism in Swat. — Photo by Fazal Khaliq
Protesters demanding the arrest of culprits behind the recent attack on a school van in Swat’s Charbagh tehsil and the restoration of peace in the region warned on Tuesday of marching to Islamabad if authorities failed to meet their demands within 24 hours.
The attack on Monday, which left the van driver dead and two students injured, was the latest in a series of incidents of violence that have gripped the valley in recent days, prompting citizens to take to the streets against the rising tide of insurgency.
According to Rescue 1122 officials, the van was taking students to a school in Gulibagh area of the Charbagh tehsil when unidentified assailants, riding on a motorcycle, had opened fire. The driver was killed on the spot, while two students were moved to the hospital after sustaining injuries.
Editorial: Militancy redux
Locals have blamed the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan for the attack, but the group has denied responsibility. Any other organisation has also not claimed responsibility so far.
Meanwhile, protests that erupted following the incident on Monday continued for the second consecutive day today.

Huge numbers of people took to the streets on Tuesday against the recent developments of terrorism in Swat. — Photo by Fazal Khaliq

Huge numbers of people took to the streets on Tuesday against the recent developments of terrorism in Swat. — Photo by Fazal Khaliq

A sit-in was staged on the main Kalam-Swat road, with protesters refusing to bury the school van’s driver until their demands were met, the Dawn.com correspondent reported.
Consequently, the artery remained blocked for traffic.
Abdul Hamid, a resident of Swat who was participating in the sit-in, said, “We spent the entire night under the open sky, continuing the protest.” He reiterated the call for taking the perpetrators of the attack to task and ensuring peace in the region.
Protesters told Dawn.com that the district administration held talks with them but no conclusion was reached.
“The government is not taking the issue seriously,” complained Haider Ali, a social activist who was among the protesters at the Kalam-Swat road. “The AC (assistant commissioner) and SP (superintendent of police) both came for talks, but we think neither of them have any power.”
Ali said that at the very least the Malakand commissioner needed to visit the protesters and assure them of the fulfilment of their demands.
“We have now given 24 hours to the government to meet our demands or else, we will march to Islamabad,” he warned.
He also outlined the protesters’ demands, saying that the van driver’s killers should be arrested and perpetrators unmasked while the government should take measures to control the “growing militant activities” in the district.
Later in the day, the family members and villagers buried the body of the slain school van driver after successful talks with the administration.
Mingora city, too, echoed with slogans of “no more terrorism and we demand peace from the state” as hundreds of people took to the streets demanding justice.
The protest, which was organised by the Swat Olasi Pasoon, was attended by thousands of people, including civil society members, students, teachers, lawyers, doctors, transporters, and the youth.
Jamaat-e-Islami Senator Mushtaq Ahmed, who was also in attendance, said that every citizen of Pakistan had the constitutional right to a “safe life protected by the state”.
“But unluckily, despite having a huge budget for the defense, the state has completely failed to ensure peace.”
PTM leader Manzoor Pashteen said that it was ironic that in the presence of the security forces Taliban managed to enter Swat, and once again, target killings and fake encounters were being carried out.
“The people of Swat have already witnessed bloodshed. Children have seen their fathers’ dead bodies. The people of Swat were disgraced on check posts earlier in 2007, 2008, and 2009. The people of Swat were displaced, and their properties were destroyed and ruthlessly killed,” he said, adding that peace returned in 2009 and till 2022, durable peace prevailed.
“It is questionable that in a wink of an eye the situation turned into chaos where despite the presence of a large number of security forces, Taliban entered and started sabotaging peace,” he added.
While the sit-ins continued, private schools in several parts of Swat remained closed in an expression of protest.
The Private School Management Association (PSMA) had announced that they would keep schools in the district closed on Tuesday and participate in a civil society protest at Nishat Chowk.

People across Swat took to the streets on Tuesday against the recent rise in militant attacks in the region. — Photo by Fazal Khaliq

People across Swat took to the streets on Tuesday against the recent rise in militant attacks in the region. — Photo by Fazal Khaliq

According to PSMA Executive Secretary Nisar Ahmed, around 1,200 schools remained closed in Swat on Tuesday.
It was also reported that students and teachers walked out of classes, calling for peace in the region.
“People are angry,” school principal Ahmad Shah told AFP on Monday, when 2,000 teachers and students walked out of classes in protest. “Students from all the private schools came out to protest,” he added.
Monday’s incident has brought back memories of the attack on Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai on October 9, 2012, who survived a gun attack by the TTP gunmen nearly a decade ago.
Her father, Ziauddin, condemned Monday’s incident, calling it “tragic and alarming” on Twitter.
If army can't handle security just disband it. Why do you need a million army. Just keep 1 lac like other countries

You can keep a small air force and navy
And nuke weapons

We need to also reduce the number of core commanders
I have heard that the huge bases that they built were for no less than 100 years stay. They wanted to control the whole central asia, china nd south east asia from Afghanistan.
If they had actually been successful in planting Ghani's government then it's entirely possible.
It looks like a CIA operation as Malala is also in Pakistan strangely at the same time. It means things are going to build up in the coming days. It happened ten years and one day after the original Malala incident and in the same locality.
How would CIA play into this? What would be their goals?

Protesters demand attackers of Swat school van arrested​

Crowds condemn attack on school children, alleging connections with terrorist organisations

News Desk
October 11, 2022

photo online twitter

PHOTO: Online/Twitter

Outraged protesters took to the streets for a second consecutive day on Tuesday as they demanded action against attackers who opened fire on a vehicle carrying school children in Swat yesterday.

A driver of a school van was killed and two students were injured when their vehicle came under attack by unidentified gunmen in the village of Guli Bagh within the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s (K-P) Swat district.

Officials said the assailants were waiting on a motorcycle and attacked the van as it passed. They fled soon after the attack.
Massive protests erupted across the region and have continued into a second day today as protesters demanded the arrest of the assailants.

Journalist Iftikhar Firdous stated that protesters had been on the road for 36 hours, with low-level negotiations with them having so far failed.

Locals claim that terrorists from banned outfits were behind the attack, although no terrorist group has yet taken responsibility for the attack.

According to some reports, the protesters have refused to bury the victims of the attack as they stage a sit-in.

Meanwhile, social activists criticised the government for paying no heed to the matter.
I have mentioned before that during the late 80s and later in late 90 in Islamabad I used to offer prayers at Lal Masjid and I saw a radical change for worse in there.
the locals there that fill up the mosque are no less fanatics in their beliefs than those who slit throats.

TTP will use all the narrative that suits it, anti globalism, anti secularism, pro Pashton, pro Islam, anti army, anti Shia anti women.. . it will use every populist slogan because it knows that Pakistani population has a large number of bigots, racists , xenophobes ,fanatics and takfiris that is always there to refill it ranks despite fighting with the power of state and worlds top military for over 20 years.
Yeah and the way to counter this is by labeling and promoting them as khawarij.
Their main narrative is they want ‘shariah’ and pak army is “murtads”. We need to counter this by calling them khawarij and anti Islam. If they use Islam for their narrative we should fight back using Islam.
When their arguments is we’re “murtads” and we push secularism as a counter ideology to their narrative, we’re only strengthening their narrative against us and Pakistan being a mostly high conservative religious Muslim population, they will have lots of support from our population. If we fight this war calling them khawarij and refuting them using Islam we will turn those ttp sympathizers into anti ttp as well.
Ofcourse when you have been brainwashed to erase your identity, you are unable to look past the lens of faith based politics. Your experiment failed in Afghanistan, it doesn't work, it never works. Just look at the decline of Indian society with Hindu extremism.

Pakistan is an identity and an ideology in itself. Jinnah wanted a multi ethnic and multi religion state where everyone co exists and no one imposes on each other. He wanted variety, a melting pot.

Just remember Osama bin Dickhead is on the bottom of the ocean floor and Pakistan is still here.

I have noticed Pakistanis living abroad after a while develop a complex. They lose their Pakistani identity and become religious extremists. Its either that or they become whitewashed.

I have observed long enough to know Pakistanis living in Pakistan, from the decent families have a perfect mix of religion and culture and are the best version of Pakistanis.
Pakistan ideology was Islamic. If you remove Islam from it there’s no more Pakistan.
For me islam is before anything and everything including Pakistan. If you call that brainwashed then yes I am brainwashed.
If secularism is what you guys wanted why separate from india in the first place?
If secularism is the goal why should me and my fellow Punjabi’s share our resources and land with non Punjabis? If secularism was the goal why should we Punjabis fight against our Punjabi brethren in India? If secularism was then us Punjabis rather live with our Punjabis brothers in a separate Punjab country with our historical borders. We have no interest in ruining our land sharing it with other people.
However, only for Islam and Islamic unity am I willing to drop my ethnicity and even fight my own kind for Islam. I won’t do that for any man made ideology.
A secular Pakistan is a non existent Pakistan.
Only an Islamic Pakistan exists.
How would CIA play into this? What would be their goals?
It looks like a CIA operation as Malala is also in Pakistan strangely at the same time. It means things are going to build up in the coming days. It happened ten years and one day after the original Malala incident and in the same locality.
Rumors in market:
سوات میں دہشتگردوں کوباجوہ فورس ندیم انجم کےذریعے خود داخل کروارہی ہےسوات میں بچوں پرحملےکےپیچھے باجوہ اور ندیم انجم ہیں تاکہ وہان اپریشن کے بہانے امریکی ڈرؤن اُڑسکیں۔اور ڈالروں سےجیبیں بھرسکیں۔ باجوہ یہی ڈیل کر کےآیا ہےامریکا سے۔

Bajwa force is introducing terrorists in Swat through Nadeem Anjum. Bajwa and Nadeem Anjum are behind the attack on children in Swat so that they can fly American drones under the pretext of operations and fill their pockets with dollars. Bajwa has came from America with this deal.
You remember the incident of burning that srilankan manager in Sialkot.

Where do you think those boys got their education from ? How did the mob mentality take over ?

They killed the manager in name of religion considering his act as blasphemy. Isn’t that extremism on the streets inside cities. Now those boys languish in prisons. It just happened within one day, a few hours, that’s all. It wasn’t planned, it was impulsive. Kill or die for the sake of religion but don’t follow it.

TTP is also using religion and religious education as a tool against Pakistan.
Real Muslims are the most against ttp.
While you guys flirt with secularism and try to kill ttp with secularism, we label them as khawarij and actually damage their cause.
While you guys say separate religion from state, we say have a state religion so state can regulate and teach religion to everyone like it does with other subjects like maths or sciences. You guys by wanting state to separate it self from religion leave your children at the mercy of ignorant Mullahs. We don’t just drop our kids off at a masjid and expect them to learn Islam from some molvi who we don’t even know about. We start teaching our kids Islam from home than send them to trustworthy molvis. You guys and your pushes for secularism alienate religious people in society and force them to be used by ignorant Mullahs. We call for a Islamic Pakistan because islam ensures the rights of minorities. Your guys neglect for Islam means you have to take your deen from some ignorant mullah because you guys don’t know shit about the deen. We say make Pakistan a Islamic country and teach the Sunnah of Rasulallah (ﷺ) to our children so they grow up to be proper Muslims and follow his (ﷺ) Sunnah. We say make Pakistan Islamic so ignorant Mullahs don’t make jahils lynch people, instead a proper trial with religious judges takes place and Justice is properly served. This mob mentality comes because while we can teach lgbtq in schools, we can’t teach Islam to our children in schools so parents have to find madressas to put their children in and, molvis payed by the government in Pakistan don’t nearly make enough to survive so many religious knowledgeable people don’t even become molvis and we end up with people tryna exploit Islam who brainwash our children.
Your guys solution is to promote secularism and this false ideology that we are united by nothing which in fact creates the most religious extremism because you guys live in a utopia and neglect the fact that majority of the country is religious conservative and will remain that way.
The sooner you guys wake up and make the country more Islamic, the faster we’ll progress.

TTP is also using religion and religious education as a tool against Pakistan.
And some geniuses think it’s a great idea to use secularism to counter them 🤣.
They call our soldiers “murtads” and instead of motivating our soldiers telling them their true Muslims and fighting khawarij, you guys tell them about secularism and to go fight for secularism.
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