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School van targeted by TTP in Swat

Stop spreading propaganda and deceive people, TTP is a separate group which has nothing to do with Afghan Taliban. Infact it was US and previous Afghan regime which gave safe havens and support to TTP in Afghanistan.
Secondly let the officials investigate to check who attacked the van.
Stop spreading propaganda and deceive people, TTP is a separate group which has nothing to do with Afghan Taliban. Infact it was US and previous Afghan regime which gave safe havens and support to TTP in Afghanistan.
Secondly let the officials investigate to check who attacked the van.

TTP are brothers and cousins of Taliban and brainchild of Al Qaeda to destabilize Pakistan.
A tali is tali no matter hes afghani, Pakistan, irani, all of these groups are dependent on each others support.

Uncle Bajwa to show peace has compromised state security, gave up hard earned land back to talis for what ?
Pakistan army has been losing the ground and public state, i see things only getting worse for foot soldiers sadly.
This good Taliban (Afghan Taliban) and bad Taliban (TTP) narrative will also blow up on the face of uninformed youth like the establishment fairy tale.

To all Pakistanis, trust me, in the not too distant future, Pakistan will have to fight TTP and Taliban. No two ways about it.
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