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School van targeted by TTP in Swat

Where did I say this attack was done by Afghan Taliban.

In the short and medium term we will be fighting the TTP. Once the Pakistan security forces are done with TTP, the Afghan Taliban will be next.

Remember, we regarded Ahmed Shah Masoud and others, a freedom fighter and financed him during the Soviet era. And over time, there were conflicts the Pakistani policy makers and remnants of Mujahideen were on the opposite ends.

My opinion, the same will happen with Taliban. Pakistan and Taliban might be on the same side today, but there are simmering tensions, and if past is any reference, chances are pretty good we’d have to face the Taliban. For the very basic fact that their extremism and world viewpoint is exactly opposite of what Pakistan stands for.

And it's exactly what Pakistan expected after the fall of Afghanistan, Indian ran, U S high tailed it, as did NATO.

This fall out was expected until our enemy can be slowly degraded

All these people are slow in the head because they little understand of the magnitude of last years events

Buckle up, this will take about 5 years and you can't lose your shit after every event
The TTP have nothing to do with the Afghan Taliban or with Islam. They are largely an assorted group of criminals- smugglers, gun runners, drug peddlars, timber and emerald mafia etc

People should stop speculating that this was a terror related attack, let the authorities give the statement.
I have been watching this sh*tshow for 20 years. You are incapable of defending your borders against these savages.

Chests out in front of India and with anyone else you are puppy dogs.

Someone tell me is the durand line a hard border? Why is the Afghan arm not been twisted to push this through? And if they are not agreeing why are you not declaring war on them?
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What a useless army Pakistan has, utter failure... I wish our enemies had armies like this.

Dude, I’m seriously wondering how hard it would be to learn Urdu, move to PK, graduate from a military college, and take action with a series of small Pak army commandos and secure the regions where the TTP are present

The current commanders are fcking spineless, and don’t have the motivation to do anything…..unlike some
Dude, I’m seriously wondering how hard it would be to learn Urdu, move to PK, graduate from a military college, and take action with a series of small Pak army commandos and secure the regions where the TTP are present

The current commanders are fcking spineless, and don’t have the motivation to do anything…..unlike some

Need a budget for this. A 10,000 force, fully equipped can wipe out all the western border towns in Afg. I would give it another 20 years until Pakistanis abroad are rich enough to afford this and then we will take matters into our own hands.
Need a budget for this. A 10,000 force, fully equipped can wipe out all the western border towns in Afg. I would give it another 20 years until Pakistanis abroad are rich enough to afford this and then we will take matter into our own hands.

It’s a pain in the *** that such a high number of soldiers are needed in counter insurgency.

How much money do you reckon could cut it? I doubt the Pak army would monetarily assist, but you could launch a series of Small scale operations to secure border towns and Instill nationalism within them, to give a mental level of resistance against TTP occupation. Also, a small force which is unexpected could lay waste to a very large amount of TTP, so I don’t reckon that tens of thousands would actually be needed to push them back, rather, to hold the territory. The current pk army would be able to hold the territory, whilst the covert strikes on TTP positions through drones, guided munitions and small assault teams could push them back.
It’s a pain in the *** that such a high number of soldiers are needed in counter insurgency.

How much money do you reckon could cut it? I doubt the Pak army would monetarily assist, but you could launch a series of Small scale operations to secure border towns and Instill nationalism within them, to give a mental level of resistance against TTP occupation. Also, a small force which is unexpected could lay waste to a very large amount of TTP, so I don’t reckon that tens of thousands would actually be needed to push them back, rather, to hold the territory. The current pk army would be able to hold the territory, whilst the covert strikes on TTP positions through drones, guided munitions and small assault teams could push them back.

How would a private army get access to jets to carry out airstrikes? That's the only issue. We could afford helis but how would we get access to the airbases?

Ideally PA need to say enough is enough and destroy TTP bases in Kunar, as in completely destroy them without any care of civilian causalities so its completely destroyed and then a ground invasion and hold the territory for a mop up then slow withdrawal, leaving a buffer zone and checkposts inside Afg.

Give a deadline to Afg to recognise durand line as an official border and moving TTP fighters and their families out of the western towns and if they don't abide then trigger a regime change and back an opposition who will agree to this.

The one big issue is many TTP and Afghans have gone into swat and married Pakistani women. Swat needs to be combed and any family who has married into Afghans need to be deported along with all the refugees.

Afghanistan needs to be treated as a state enemy unless durand line is declared an official border and TTP disband.
I am looking at it from a bigger perspective.

Pakistan fencing the border and US exit from Afghanistan was beneficial for Pakistan in terms of TTP threat. The financial and logistics help to TTP was effectively neutralized. What we see today is remnants of the TTP who’re trying to wrest control.

But we have to keep one eye on the emerging threat that is Afghan Taliban. Their soft corner to extremism and it’s spill over effects on Pakistan, giving refuge to terrorists, their human rights record etc.
How would a private army get access to jets to carry out airstrikes? That's the only issue. We could afford helis but how would we get access to the airbases?

Ideally PA need to say enough is enough and destroy TTP bases in Kunar, as in completely destroy them without any care of civilian causalities so its completely destroyed and then a ground invasion and hold the territory for a mop up then slow withdrawal, leaving a buffer zone and checkposts inside Afg.

Give a deadline to Afg to recognise durand line as an official border and moving TTP fighters and their families out of the western towns and if they don't abide then trigger a regime change and back an opposition who will agree to this.

The one big issue is many TTP and Afghans have gone into swat and married Pakistani women. Swat needs to be combed and any family who has married into Afghans need to be deported along with all the refugees.

Afghanistan needs to be treated as a state enemy unless durand line is declared an official border and TTP disband.

Militarily, the attack doesn't even need aircraft. We have seen the use of small, commercially available drones within the Ukraine conflict, and the devastating effect they have had on troops, tanks and artillery platforms. A swarm of these drones, all armed, could lay waste to an entire fighting force.

As for the deportation, it is a must, because of the indirect conquest tactics that the TTP uses. Inevitably, some afghans without TTP links would be deported, but its a small price to pay.

The drones would use thermal imagery to comb the landscape at night, and to check for any TTP hidden amongst the natural formations. Only then would the PK army be able to advance up to the border and establish the Durand Line as the new border
Dude, I’m seriously wondering how hard it would be to learn Urdu, move to PK, graduate from a military college, and take action with a series of small Pak army commandos and secure the regions where the TTP are present

The current commanders are fcking spineless, and don’t have the motivation to do anything…..unlike some
You will probably do better than this incompetent army, even with 1000x less resources.
You will probably do better than this incompetent army, even with 1000x less resources.

Challenge accepted

You will probably do better than this incompetent army, even with 1000x less resources.

I reckon a couple of smalldrones should be able to do the trick, especially on the smaller occupied towns.

A privateMilitary would be able to deal with it better, and it could also act as a wing of the PK army/paramilitary anyway
This thread has kindled a passion in me lol. Now it's time to see if things can actually get done
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