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SC Ayodhya verdict shows Muslims can be given public space if it doesn’t adulterate Hindu one


Dude, look at this guy. Why are you allowing this person to mix his kufr with Islam? you have to draw the line somewhere. Look at this guys posts.. they are all hideous.

Deen e Islam is easy to understand. Mission of Each Single Musalman is to kill Shayateen. Jihad e Kabira (the Biggest Jihad) is with the Nafs(Roh) and the biggest Enemy of Nafs(Roh) is Shaytan. Hidayat of Rasool Allah Muhammed Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam are there already. Kufr ka Kuffara aada kiya jasakta hain par Shrik na nahi.

Why? This particular morality is relative. Why should anyone now be accountable for ghaznavi this ghaznavi that? Do you know how Hindus behaved back then?

Sebugtin and Alptin were Invaders and have nothing to do with Deen e Islam. Afghan Hindu Shahi's Soldiers were Muslimeen and Arya who were fighting the Sebugtin and his son Alptin (Mooghuls)

Meanwhile the Indian SC rewarded unilateral thuggery that occurred only in 1992, the murder of completely innocent Muslims just minding their own business.

Case is been handle by Apex Court and Dharm Droh has been committed by whom all are aware.
Hindu means here Hindu/Indian Tribes. Hindu/Indian Tribes have always fought to uphold Deen e Arya when there is Corruption in the True Deen e Arya.

5340 Years Ago, This War took place in Hindu/Indian Civilisation.
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Yes 6000 years ago hindus were a galactic civilisation too, and they colonised the entire galaxy before the evil Muslims came and attacked them
Deen e Islam is easy to understand. Mission of Each Single Musalman is to kill Shayateen. Jihad e Kabira (the Biggest Jihad) is with the Nafs(Roh) and the biggest Enemy of Nafs(Roh) is Shaytan. Hidayat of Rasool Allah Muhammed Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam are there already. Kufr ka Kuffara aada kiya jasakta hain par Shrik na nahi.

You absolutely don't understand Islam. You should read the Quran because there is only 1 central message in Quran and all else will make sense to you.
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