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SC Ayodhya verdict shows Muslims can be given public space if it doesn’t adulterate Hindu one

Next time when Islam returns to power in India, hope not a single 'Hindu' place of worship will be spared. Showing pardon is interpreted as weakness by the cow people.

Liberals are the guards of Fascist Hindus. Note that the vast majority of them all are Hindus. They exist to only give jhoothi tasalli to Sarkari Musalmans and keep them sarkaris.

haha beta Islam returns or not I don't know. Make sure your name features in NRC first, otherwise you will be put on a bus to bangladesh.

then they sud have give decision in favor of muslims. minorities are afraid of these BJP RSS terrorist even judges and some politicians. so are you afraid of saying truth.

Even pakistan army is afraid isn't it of RSS :lol:
That is why they are always tweeting about them
haha beta Islam returns or not I don't know. Make sure your name features in NRC first, otherwise you will be put on a bus to bangladesh.

Even pakistan army is afraid isn't it of RSS :lol:
That is why they are always tweeting about them
Afraid of terrorist lol i think you dont know what have we done to Terrorist and to those who sent their monkies to mission..
ISPR tweet to let people know that if anything happend to these terrorist dont blame us. this time no one is sending your flying donkey back.
haha beta Islam returns or not I don't know. Make sure your name features in NRC first, otherwise you will be put on a bus to bangladesh.

There are certain Madarchods whose name are in the National Registry of Citizenship of India but the Sedition Charges on them are there. Indian Nation, National Security has been Negotiated by certain Madarchods.
No Merit Indians should be sent not even to Tihar Jail because of the very good atmosphere in Tihar Jail. Sending No Merit Indians to Bangladesh would be not Approved by the Indian Armed Forces, Central Command Headquarters. Better that Indian Armed Forces Firing Squad should be applied on these No Merit Indians who have did sedition against the Union of India.

Even pakistan army is afraid isn't it of RSS :lol:
That is why they are always tweeting about them

Ros Space Station seems to be over taken by the Chinese. Chinese are taking the leads everywhere in the Ros Space Station.
then they sud have give decision in favor of muslims. minorities are afraid of these BJP RSS terrorist even judges and some politicians. so are you afraid of saying truth.

there are muslims in india who did not believe in two nation theory , they are living with hindus from last thousand years , they know how to live amicably with hindus.they will chose middle path.
there are muslims in india who did not believe in two nation theory , they are living with hindus from last thousand years , they know how to live amicably with hindus.they will chose middle path.

That's because they are racially the same as the hindus. Pakistanis however are RACIALLY and RELIGOUSLY different to indian hindus.

haha beta Islam returns or not I don't know. Make sure your name features in NRC first, otherwise you will be put on a bus to bangladesh.

Even pakistan army is afraid isn't it of RSS :lol:
That is why they are always tweeting about them

@Dubious @waz @Horus @WAJsal @Irfan Baloch

The troll fest from the deformalites from the East has started up again.
That's because they are racially the same as the hindus. Pakistanis however are RACIALLY and RELIGOUSLY different to indian hindus.

yes you are right most of the indian muslims are converted from hindus .
there are muslims in india who did not believe in two nation theory , they are living with hindus from last thousand years , they know how to live amicably with hindus.they will chose middle path.

Well Jaish Al Anbya (Soldiers of Shastra and Shariah) who believes in the RasoolAllah/Bhagwan according to the commandments in Deen e Islam and Deen e Arya because the real Mission of each single Human being is to kill the Shaytan/Asur.

yes you are right most of the indian muslims are converted from hindus .

The Hindu/Indian Civilisation all are One Big Family. This is about the Hindu/Indian Tribes and the Mission to keep up the Deen e Islam and Deen e Arya/Arya Dharma.
Well Jaish Al Anbya (Soldiers of Shastra and Shariah) who believes in the RasoolAllah/Bhagwan according to the commandments in Deen e Islam and Deen e Arya because the real Mission of each single Human being is to kill the Shaytan/Asur.

deen e arya ? :D
i never came across deen e arya .
there are muslims in india who did not believe in two nation theory , they are living with hindus from last thousand years , they know how to live amicably with hindus.they will chose middle path.
they were living with hindus when they were running the gov now what muslims have.. they cant get any gov job just cuz they are muslim wow cuz hindu dont trust them thats why after 900 years those who realize got seprate land now its time for the rest to get seprated. sooner of later other minorities will realize too along with low cast hindus...
they were living with hindus when they were running the gov now what muslims have.. they cant get any gov job just cuz they are muslim wow cuz hindu dont trust them thats why after 900 years those who realize got seprate land now its time for the rest to get seprated. sooner of later other minorities will realize too along with low cast hindus...

poor people hindus ,muslims or any faith are suffering in india / pakistan/ bangladesh . discrimination is everywhere . india is not an ideal state nor is pakistan a jannat . problems are everywhere .
Even pakistan army is afraid isn't it of RSS :lol:
That is why they are always tweeting about them

The RSS? Those cowardly ba$tards are easy to kill, they only rape women and kill children and old people. My grandfather killed many of them, described them as soft fleshed i.e. you drive your bayonet straight through them, too much give. :yes4:
Go ask your RSS heroes of how the men of the AKRF forces did to them, the Dogra troops and the Indian army.
They wet themselves at the very thought of facing us.
The RSS? Those cowardly ba$tards are easy to kill, they only rape women and kill children and old people. My grandfather killed many of them, described them as soft fleshed i.e. you drive your bayonet straight through them, too much give. :yes4:
Go ask your RSS heroes of how the men of the AKRF forces did to them, the Dogra troops and the Indian army.
They wet themselves at the very thought of facing us.

how and why your grand father was involved in these killings ? was it in 1947 partition ?
a lot of hindus , sikhs and muslims were killed in those times .
how and why your grand father was involved in these killings ? was it in 1947 partition ?
a lot of hindus , sikhs and muslims were killed in those times .

They were captured in the 47 Kashmir war, my grandfather and the male relatives of my family all served in the British Indian army.
And no they never killed any innocent, just the safron filth who were running around in mobs until they caught and slaughtered by REAL soliders......
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