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Indian Muslims wary of Modi’s Hindu nationalist ties

What is arab mindset? o_O Does anything like that exist? ......well even if it does i don't think it would be as worse as primitive hindtuva mindset. So u should just take a chill pill and let muslims be the way they want to be. :agree:

Btw do learn the meaning of terms such as sharia and madrassa before typing those ignorantly. It doesn't take much brains or time to google......... oh sorry do hindutvas even have brains?:confused:

Btw what's your problem if a muslim doesn't care abt nationalism?

Explain what u mean by assimilating? If it means giving up Islamic principles that a muslim must abide by in his/her private life then unfortunately for u whatever u r dreaming of ain't coming true. Whether its france or India islamophobia and bigotry against muslims will always backfire. :)

Sometimes, when people form a clan mentality, it makes them behave unnecessarily defensive and to make statements which are subjective and without any logic. You with respect just demonstrated that above. Assimilation doesn't in any way imply giving up your religious or political or moral standards or beliefs. If you cared to examine my post before leaping to your Islamphobia claim, you would note that I pointed out that the problems which the poorer Muslims face in India are not restricted to Muslims only. Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, hetrosexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders etc all face these problems if they belong to those poorer communities. My point was simply that the poorer Muslims make it a "anti-Muslim" issue instead of a civic issue. Instead of assimilating and joining ranks with the other poorer communities to protest or take up the issues affecting them, they would rather go on the minority ticket and go it alone. That certainly doesn't help their cause. Unless you are implying that it is haraam for these Muslims to join force with other non-Muslims to protest and tackle non-delivery by government, your post has no relevance to mine
We don't want people to put religion before the nation. Religion is just a private thing between you and god.

Every Indian must strive to be Indian first then Hindu, Muslim Sikh or Chirstian

For muslims religion comes first above anything else. And this personal religous belief is also a muslim's inalieable right under your country's "secular" constitution. Practice what u preach. Don't go on telling a muslim what to believe and what not. If u r worried abt loyalty bar them from your politically sensitive posts.......well u already do that. I don't think muslims would ever have any problem with that if their religious and personal rights are not infrienged upon like talking abt following "uniform civil code". Muslims in India are there to stay and being such a significant minority they will always find their way to get their rights. Hindtuvas should just deal with this reality.

By that word, I mean elitist, exclusivist mentality. Hindutva (the term originates in those living beyond the Indus river) is for all Indians. Just like Bharat is the Sanskrit name for India, Hindutva is the Sanskrit name of Indian nationalism. As you know that there is no word called 'India' in Sanskrit.

Hindutva is for all indians? DO u include muslims in that as well.:laughcry:Its like expecting muslims to accept pagan beliefs and customs. :crazy: The racist bigot that came up with such non-sense was living in their dodo land just like the rest of his kind today.

Sure. One can be selfish and look at one's own life.

But the Arab mentality of 'giving in to our ways' by such types will not be tolerated.

I m yet to see Indian muslims trying to force anything on India. Hell they don't even have a organized political party & always voted for hindutva kangress.They have hard time surviving in India among all the bigotry and hatred of the majority Hindtuva hindus.

Assimilating means adopting the common national stand without bringing in 'this is incompatible with what prophet said".

Keep convincing yourself of an imaginary backfire.

Then your version of assimilation will never happen. A muslim with the slightest bit of imaan would never accept such BS. Whatever u mean by assimilation will also be violation of human rights and also Indian constitution of violating religious and personal freedom.

Anyway i get what problem hindus in India generally have. U guys can't live with the fact that millions of muslims call India and subcontinent home. Muslims came here and setelled in just like they did in the rest of the world. I guess the hatered stems from the myth of a "pure dharmic civilization" u people r tought to find some sort of solance with your own selves. U should learn to live with the fact that muslims r there to stay in India and they r big chunk of India's pop. and are growing. U stay out of their personal lives and they will stay out of yours and whatever national agenda u hindus have . But trying to take "revenge" fuled by myth and bigotry on muslims for just being in India will naturally have serious consequences for hindutva bigots.:D

Sometimes, when people form a clan mentality, it makes them behave unnecessarily defensive and to make statements which are subjective and without any logic. You with respect just demonstrated that above. Assimilation doesn't in any way imply giving up your religious or political or moral standards or beliefs. If you cared to examine my post before leaping to your Islamphobia claim, you would note that I pointed out that the problems which the poorer Muslims face in India are not restricted to Muslims only. Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, hetrosexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders etc all face these problems if they belong to those poorer communities. My point was simply that the poorer Muslims make it a "anti-Muslim" issue instead of a civic issue. Instead of assimilating and joining ranks with the other poorer communities to protest or take up the issues affecting them, they would rather go on the minority ticket and go it alone. That certainly doesn't help their cause. Unless you are implying that it is haraam for these Muslims to join force with other non-Muslims to protest and tackle non-delivery by government, your post has no relevance to mine

No its not haram. Its absolutely fine to join forces to tackle non-delivery of gov and on social issues. But normally when non-muslims specially islamophobic ones talk abt assimilation they refer to forcing muslims to give up islamic belief and principles and follow their way of life. U can't accept a muslim to start drinking alcohol and sinigng vande matahram or except them to let their girls roam in the streets without hijab and proper islamic dress code. U can ban loudspeakers in mosque but can't ban a muslim going to mosque. There are some clear red lines that u can not cross when talking abt assimilation. U have to accept that muslims have their own way of life distinct from whatever your common national/cultural way of life is. Assimilation and social cooperation is possible keeping both yours and their way of life intact. But for that bigotry from non-muslims islamophobes has to go.
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This is why we say your religion is not compatible with societies of majority of the world.

Look at Turks. They are the perfect balance between sensibility and cultural pride.

Learn from them.
For muslims religion comes first above anything else. And this personal religous belief is also a muslim's inalieable right under your country's "secular" constitution. Practice what u preach. Don't go on telling a muslim what to believe and what not. If u r worried abt loyalty bar them from your politically sensitive posts.......well u already do that. I don't think muslims would ever have any problem with that if their religious and personal rights are not infrienged upon like talking abt following "uniform civil code". Muslims in India are there to stay and being such a significant minority they will always find their way to get their rights. Hindtuvas should just deal with this reality.

No Muslim is barred from any posts. Unlike countries like our neighbours where the constitution bars Non Muslims from becoming PMs and Presidents. In India we have many Muslim Presidents and Vice Presidents. Our "highly sensitive" nuclear program, missile development program and space program was led by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam who is also the most well loved and respected president of this country and incidentally was elected the president during the rule of Hindu Nationalist BJP. Muslims have also been in other "sensitive" posts like head of RAW and Inteligenge bureau. So don't give me crap about Muslims being barred from anywhere.

And regarding Uniform Civil code it is a part of Directive Principles of State Policy enshrined in our constitution. The constitution clearly says that the govt should strive towards implementation of UCC. Now that we have a govt that does not depend on vote banks we will do so.

Hindutva is for all indians? DO u include muslims in that as well.:laughcry:Its like expecting muslims to accept pagan beliefs and customs. :crazy: The racist bigot that came up with such non-sense was living in their dodo land just like the rest of his kind today.

You clearly don't know the difference between Hindutwa and Hinduism. And since you are so blinded in your hatred you will not try to understand the difference. And it is none other than Supreme Court of India which has said that Hindutva is the cultural ethos of all Indians irrespective of religion.

No its not haram. Its absolutely fine to join forces to tackle non-delivery of gov and on social issues. But normally when non-muslims specially islamophobic ones talk abt assimilation they refer to forcing muslims to give up islamic belief and principles and follow their way of life. U can't accept a muslim to start drinking alcohol and sinigng vande matahram or except them to let their girls roam in the streets without hijab and proper islamic dress code. U can ban loudspeakers in mosque but can't ban a muslim going to mosque. There are some clear red lines that u can not cross when talking abt assimilation. U have to accept that muslims have their own way of life distinct from whatever your common national/cultural way of life is. Assimilation and social cooperation is possible keeping both yours and their way of life intact. But for that bigotry from non-muslims islamophobes has to go.

In India the educated progressive Muslims don't force their girls to wear burqa. Even in conservative societies the girls are rebelling. In Muslim dominated Chandni Chowk girls come out of their houses wearing Burqa but but before catching a metro to South Delhi they change into Jeans and TShirt. This clearly shows their independent thinking and that they don't wear burqa from their own free will.

Regarding singing Vande Mataram one of the most beautiful renditions of the song has been sung by Allah Rakha Rehmaan. Many Muslim scholars have said that it is not haram to sing Vande Mataram.

We want all Muslims to join in the mainstream. Can you tell me that why with a population of 180 million and growing the Muslims feel that their culture is targeted? While Parsees with population of only 69000 are very happily part of the mainstream
Because those who think of themselves as arabs cannot digest reality. Zoroatrians don't have an expansionist agenda
Sometimes, when people form a clan mentality, it makes them behave unnecessarily defensive and to make statements which are subjective and without any logic. You with respect just demonstrated that above. Assimilation doesn't in any way imply giving up your religious or political or moral standards or beliefs. If you cared to examine my post before leaping to your Islamphobia claim, you would note that I pointed out that the problems which the poorer Muslims face in India are not restricted to Muslims only. Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, hetrosexuals, homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders etc all face these problems if they belong to those poorer communities. My point was simply that the poorer Muslims make it a "anti-Muslim" issue instead of a civic issue. Instead of assimilating and joining ranks with the other poorer communities to protest or take up the issues affecting them, they would rather go on the minority ticket and go it alone. That certainly doesn't help their cause. Unless you are implying that it is haraam for these Muslims to join force with other non-Muslims to protest and tackle non-delivery by government, your post has no relevance to mine

A lot of those complaining about Muslim persecution have no compunction ofensive remarks about the LGBT community, and other religions.

What you said is right. Poor Muslims, along with other vulnerable groups who are at the bottom of the economic scale should join forces and ask for better delivery of basic necessities for government.

Anyway, that is my thought :-)

No its not haram. Its absolutely fine to join forces to tackle non-delivery of gov and on social issues. But normally when non-muslims specially islamophobic ones talk abt assimilation they refer to forcing muslims to give up islamic belief and principles and follow their way of life. U can't accept a muslim to start drinking alcohol and sinigng vande matahram or except them to let their girls roam in the streets without hijab and proper islamic dress code. U can ban loudspeakers in mosque but can't ban a muslim going to mosque. There are some clear red lines that u can not cross when talking abt assimilation. U have to accept that muslims have their own way of life distinct from whatever your common national/cultural way of life is. Assimilation and social cooperation is possible keeping both yours and their way of life intact. But for that bigotry from non-muslims islamophobes has to go.

What if a Muslim chooses to drink Alcohol? What if a Muslim Woman chooses to not abide by the Islamic dress code?

Hey, if you are not forced against your will to follow those rules.

Go to Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, or Malabar. You will see Muslims follow their own dress code.


No religion, Neither Hinduism, Neither Christianity, Neither Islam comes above the rule of law.
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    An Indian Muslim stands at a market place in Ahmadabad. (AP)

AHMADABAD: With his long beard and white skullcap, Mohammed Naseem makes no secret that he’s a devout Muslim in a country where Muslims are often persecuted.
Now, after Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi was sworn in as prime minister following a landslide election victory, Naseem and other Muslims in this country of 1.2 billion are watching the direction of their nation with a mixture of caution and fear.
Modi, who is Hindu like most of India’s population, has long had an uneasy relationship with Muslims, in large part because he, as chief minister of Gujarat state, was in command in 2002 when communal riots there killed more than 1,000 people, most of them Muslims.
“What happened in 2002 still affects the minds of Muslims,” says Naseem, a real estate broker who lives in Ahmadabad, a Gujarat city where some of the worst rioting occurred.
But like millions of others, Naseem despaired of the policy paralysis and economic downslide that marked the last decade under the Congress party.
“On development, (Modi’s) performance here has been very good. Now there are many Muslims who are supporting him,” Naseem said. He added that he hoped the media glare on Modi as prime minister would also keep him in check.
Modi, who was sworn in Monday, has denied any role in the violence, and the Supreme Court said there was no case against him, but the killings continue to affect Muslims’ perceptions.
Muslims account for more than 13 percent of India’s population and face no legal discrimination under the country’s secular constitution. But while many Indian Muslims have held high government offices — current Vice President Hamid Ansari is Muslim — the community is largely poor and fares badly on most socio-economic indicators such as health and education.
Many Muslims say they face discrimination, sometimes subtle and at other times blatant, when looking for jobs or renting a house. Intermarriage between the country’s Hindus and Muslims is still rare.
The center-left Congress party, which has ruled India for all but 10 years but was routed in the recent elections, has traditionally been seen as more favorable to Muslim interests than Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party.
Modi’s own political career started with the Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Dal or the National Volunteers Association, a militant Hindu movement and parent organization of the BJP. The RSS has been widely accused of stoking religious hatred with aggressively anti-Muslim views.
Some Indians fear that Modi’s ties to the RSS may influence his decision-making. But Neerja Chowdhury, a political commentator and analyst, says that Modi, known for his autocratic and independent working style, will resist the pressure.
“The RSS will continue to have consultations with him but they will not be able to micromanage a person like Modi,” Chowdhury said.
“The compulsions of governance will also compel Modi to be neutral,” she added.
One of the BJP’s main promises to its largely Hindu supporters has been to construct a temple at the site of a 16th-century mosque in north India.
Over the years, the dispute triggered bloody communal violence.
In 1992, while the legal case to sort out the dispute lingered, tens of thousands of Hindu extremists, watched over by top BJP leaders and security forces, ripped apart the mosque with spades, crowbars and their bare hands.
The demolition sparked nationwide riots that killed 2,000 people and cemented the belief that India’s Muslims could not trust the BJP.
The area has since been split up between Hindus and Muslims by a 2010 court order, but the issue remains sensitive.
Modi’s convincing victory, however, suggests that many Muslims voted for the BJP anyway, out of concern for India’s economy.
The party grabbed 282 seats in the 543-seat Lok Sabha or lower house of Parliament.
“People were disgusted with corruption and price rise and therefore everyone, irrespective of religion, wanted a change,” said Ahmed Hussain, a school teacher in the northeastern city of Gauhati.
The most recent Congress-led government was mired in corruption scandals, and on its watch India’s economic growth slowed to less than 5 percent. Job growth has been poor and inflation high.
Modi’s campaign focused on Gujarat’s economic successes and promises that he could do the same across India. But for some Muslims, it is his handling of the riots that remains paramount.
“We know Modi’s past. He is communal to the core. His hands are stained with the blood of innocent Muslims,” said Monis Khan, a retired school teacher in the northern city of Lucknow.
“We are not afraid of him but we cannot rely on him,” Khan said.
“We Muslims have to watch his every move.”
Indian Muslims wary of Modi’s Hindu nationalist ties | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
@nair @Areesh @Cherokee @OrionHunter @Aeronaut @IND151
BS article nothing more expected from Arabs fanatics.Where are those Guys who are talking about mascaring of Muslims when Modi come to power nothing happens it's a tight slap for those who are called So-secular they always denied the fact that BJP is already in power in 4 States for 3 &5 times some of them have big population of Minorities Muslims, Christians (Goa) so there so called hopicracy falls flat at Ground Basis automatically
Typical cry babies.Blaming others for their own problems and then going to sleep doing nothing about it.
No Muslim is barred from any posts. Unlike countries like our neighbours where the constitution bars Non Muslims from becoming PMs and Presidents. In India we have many Muslim Presidents and Vice Presidents. Our "highly sensitive" nuclear program, missile development program and space program was led by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam who is also the most well loved and respected president of this country and incidentally was elected the president during the rule of Hindu Nationalist BJP. Muslims have also been in other "sensitive" posts like head of RAW and Inteligenge bureau. So don't give me crap about Muslims being barred from anywhere.

Read again what i wrote. I said u can bar them if u feel muslims r not loyal. Its not expected that non-muslims would trust muslims in sentitive position. The people u named r not practicing muslims some don't even claim to be muslims. U guys consider ahmedis & other heretic group as muslims. :lol:My point is simple don't ask muslims to consider nation over religion. Leave those muslims who want to practice their religion in peace and u carry on with your national agenda with heretics. Nothing wrong with that nothing at all. :)

And regarding Uniform Civil code it is a part of Directive Principles of State Policy enshrined in our constitution. The constitution clearly says that the govt should strive towards implementation of UCC. Now that we have a govt that does not depend on vote banks we will do so.

Then u would be violating the right of muslims to practice their religion freely. As expected u guys r hypocrites who can't even hold on to your stated principle. Niether secular nor islamophobe hindtuvas. Muslims personal law is the personal matter of muslims and doesn't affect the Hindu nationa state of India. SO i don't get what beef u have with muslims following muslim personal law. It only shows your bigotry & hatered and justifies 2 nation theory again. U people r inherently communal mentality. Anyway India muslims will found a way out of this as well if u force uniform civil code on them. Muslims throughout history anywhere in the world always have. :enjoy:

You clearly don't know the difference between Hindutwa and Hinduism. And since you are so blinded in your hatred you will not try to understand the difference. And it is none other than Supreme Court of India which has said that Hindutva is the cultural ethos of all Indians irrespective of religion.

U can't expect muslims to follow pagan customs in the name of culture. :rofl:As i said u people r inhernely communal and secular in name only. Before ranting anymore BS answer this - Why should muslims follow something that goes against their religion. Where is the religous freedom in that?

In India the educated progressive Muslims don't force their girls to wear burqa. Even in conservative societies the girls are rebelling. In Muslim dominated Chandni Chowk girls come out of their houses wearing Burqa but but before catching a metro to South Delhi they change into Jeans and TShirt. This clearly shows their independent thinking and that they don't wear burqa from their own free will.

What problem do u have with burqa and hijab? :crazy:Sorry if it bothers u that muslims keeo women in high regard don't degrade their honour. Its a personal matter. Again it shows you bigotry and communal mentality. There will always be some who won't follow islamic dress code and there r many more who would follow it. Those who don't follow islam don't represent those who follow islam & vise versa and U communal non-muslims neither represent muslims nor have any right to set the agenda for them that affects their private lives.

Regarding singing Vande Mataram one of the most beautiful renditions of the song has been sung by Allah Rakha Rehmaan. Many Muslim scholars have said that it is not haram to sing Vande Mataram.

The song has names of hindu godesses and gods in it. It has aspect of shirk and can not be sung by a muslim. U can't blame a muslim is he/she doesn't want to sing it based on his personal religous belief which is also his inalieanable right under Indian constitution and Intl Human rights charter.

We want all Muslims to join in the mainstream. Can you tell me that why with a population of 180 million and growing the Muslims feel that their culture is targeted? While Parsees with population of only 69000 are very happily part of the mainstream

What u want is make muslims give up their religion and way of life and follow yours. That's why muslims won't get to your version of "mainstream" and u have to accept and learn to live with them. Historically non-muslims always tried to do that and failed even during the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s time. Non-muslim frustration and apathy toward Islam would always be there till the end of time. Islam is a way of life unlike any other religion and as such can not be compared with any other community like parsees. The sooner u folks realize this the better. :)

Because those who think of themselves as arabs cannot digest reality. Zoroatrians don't have an expansionist agenda

What beef u have with arabs? Oh i get it its the pathetic racist bigoted mnetality u people r brought up with. :sick:

Btw how does muslims have expansionist agenda. Why the fear mongering? Did any muslims org asked or forced their way of life on you hindu majority pagans? If not why the fear mongering? U pathtic selves will never find solance with yourselves & will keep on fuming under frustration if u don't get over your overzealous communal mentality which i doubt u can.
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religion sucks and people following a religion blindly suck even more

are u smoking weed??
they have 0 reservation in jobs and education.

reservation is 22.5% for sc/st and 27% for obc's.muslims have nothing.

on the issue of smriti irani,,i am firm she is not qualified enough,anyone who is not even a graduate will have 0 idea of problems here

Frankly company will stop investing in India if private reservation bill is implemented in Parliament which idiots like BSP, SP advocate..
And reservation is there for Muslims in India in education.. Its there in TN.
A lot of those complaining about Muslim persecution have no compunction ofensive remarks about the LGBT community, and other religions.

What you said is right. Poor Muslims, along with other vulnerable groups who are at the bottom of the economic scale should join forces and ask for better delivery of basic necessities for government.

Anyway, that is my thought :-)

Muslims can join non-muslims to protest on issues such as inflation, cimre rate, education, housing, corruption and including rights of other religous/ ethnic minorities ( but groups like LGBTs/special interest groups like casino/bar owners r not included here) etc. Nothing wrong with that. Infact according to scholars muslims should do with community service and increase social cooperation with non-muslims in non-muslim countries and they should do it keeping their Islamic way of life intact i.e not indulging in any unislamic activies which is very much possible.

What if a Muslim chooses to drink Alcohol? What if a Muslim Woman chooses to not abide by the Islamic dress code?

Hey, if you are not forced against your will to follow those rules.

Go to Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, or Malabar. You will see Muslims follow their own dress code.


No religion, Neither Hinduism, Neither Christianity, Neither Islam comes above the rule of law.

What abt them? o_OThere r many who don't follow it and this is not out of the ordinary. But those people don't represent practicing muslims. U can't force your way of life on practicing muslims and ask a women not to wear the hijab when she wants to or force expect muslims to drink alcohol. The point is practice what u preach. respect personal & religous freedom something that seculars brag abt but naturally fails to abide by.

Btw u r an athiest if i m not wrong. What u u think abt your hindtuva countrymen's demand to make muslims follow pagan hindutva culture. Does your supreme court has any right to set the agenda for muslims of what they should and should not consider themselves as and what they should do?
Read again what i wrote. I said u can bar them if u feel muslims r not loyal. Its not expected that non-muslims would trust muslims in sentitive position. The people u named r not practicing muslims some don't even claim to be muslims. U guys consider ahmedis & other heretic group as muslims. :lol:My point is simple don't ask muslims to consider nation over religion. Leave those muslims who want to practice their religion in peace and u carry on with your national agenda with heretics. Nothing wrong with that nothing at all. :)

Then u would be violating the right of muslims to practice their religion freely. As expected u guys r hypocrites who can't even hold on to your stated principle. Niether secular nor islamophobe hindtuvas. Muslims personal law is the personal matter of muslims and doesn't affect the Hindu nationa state of India. SO i don't get what beef u have with muslims following muslim personal law. It only shows your bigotry & hatered and justifies 2 nation theory again. U people r inherently communal mentality. Anyway India muslims will found a way out of this as well if u force uniform civil code on them. Muslims throughout history anywhere in the world always have. :enjoy:

U can't expect muslims to follow pagan customs in the name of culture. :rofl:As i said u people r inhernely communal and secular in name only. Before ranting anymore BS answer this - Why should muslims follow something that goes against their religion. Where is the religous freedom in that?

What problem do u have with burqa and hijab? :crazy:Sorry if it bothers u that muslims keeo women in high regard don't degrade their honour. Its a personal matter. Again it shows you bigotry and communal mentality. There will always be some who won't follow islamic dress code and there r many more who would follow it. Those who don't follow islam don't represent those who follow islam & vise versa and U communal non-muslims neither represent muslims nor have any right to set the agenda for them that affects their private lives.

The song has names of hindu godesses and gods in it. It has aspect of shirk and can not be sung by a muslim. U can't blame a muslim is he/she doesn't want to sing it based on his personal religous belief which is also his inalieanable right under Indian constitution and Intl Human rights charter.

What u want is make muslims give up their religion and way of life and follow yours. That's why muslims won't get to your version of "mainstream" and u have to accept and learn to live with them. Historically non-muslims always tried to do that and failed even during the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s time. Non-muslim frustration and apathy toward Islam would always be there till the end of time. Islam is a way of life unlike any other religion and as such can not be compared with any other community like parsees. The sooner u folks realize this the better. :)

What beef u have with arabs? Oh i get it its the pathetic racist bigoted mnetality u people r brought up with. :sick:

Btw how does muslims have expansionist agenda. Why the fear mongering? Did any muslims org asked or forced their way of life on you hindu majority pagans? If not why the fear mongering? U pathtic selves will never find solance with yourselves & will keep on fuming under frustration if u don't get over your overzealous communal mentality which i doubt u can.

Our nation our rules. We will implement UCC. Any people, even Hindus who have problem with it, can migrate.
Our nation our rules. We will implement UCC. Any people, even Hindus who have problem with it, can migrate.

someone needs to teach this lad about Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

The moment someone puts religion over nation, no matter the religion, that nation is doomed.

Western nations have learned this lesson, and the Chinese have learned this lesson.
Our nation our rules. We will implement UCC. Any people, even Hindus who have problem with it, can migrate.

Then u would be violating your "secular" constitution. As expected u can't practive what u preach? Btw this was never an issue before why now? Does a muslims practicing muslim personal law affect non-muslim life or your state/ gov function in any way?
someone needs to teach this lad about Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

The moment someone puts religion over nation, no matter the religion, that nation is doomed.

Western nations have learned this lesson, and the Chinese have learned this lesson.

The only Muslim nations capable of telling the world moderate are Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia. Others?? Its an example to the other countries, how a country shouldnt be.
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