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Saudis protest anti-Islam film in a civilized way


Jun 19, 2011
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Saudis protest anti-Islam film in a civilized way


JEDDAH — As angry demonstrators stormed US and European embassies in many countries in protest at a movie denigrating the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), a large number of young Saudis began raising awareness about the Prophet through various campaigns on social networking sites.

Recently social media has been abuzz with Muslims speaking out against the violence and they took the initiative to portray the correct image of the Prophet.

Twenty-three-year-old student Maher Naji said: “The way we shall respond is not by violence, threats, or insults. No, we shall respond with wisdom and social media is our tool to spread the message.”

Maher and his friends here in Jeddah started to think of a civilized way to respond to those who had the wrong impression of the Prophet. He said: “The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself stated the strong Muslim was the one who could control his anger and control his emotions. Therefore all Muslims should follow this example.

“That’s what we are doing right now. We have a very informative site that shows who the Prophet was, so other Westerners can find out everything about him.”

Abdulaziz Al-Jihani, a 24-year-old student, said: “Setting places on fire and killing innocent people does not do anything to defend the Prophet, but increases the hate toward Muslims.”

Al-Jihani said he and his friends launched a site that features the greatest examples and actions of the Prophet. “We showed examples of his kindness, mercy, generosity and sincerity. We are also showing what a great man Muhammad (pbuh) was; he should be respected and praised.”

Huda Attar, 26, said she has been sending many e-mails about who the Prophet (pbuh) really was. “My messages about our Prophet have been forwarded to my Western friends who do not speak Arabic. “It is a brief introduction to Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).”

The messages include explanations in English about the Prophet and also links to videos with more information.

“Our aim now is to send these types of messages to whoever watched the controversial movie so they can find out the truth about our beloved Prophet.”

She said she has seen more than 1,000 young boys and girls from Jeddah taking part in such campaigns.

Muneer Al-Ghamdi, a government employee, said such campaigns helps to spread the truth and is the right way to respond to the anti-Islam film.

He added: “I am not with those who went out and held violent protests in the streets because violence and killings are not what Islam is all about.”
Al-Ghamdi urged young children who are frequent users of Facebook, Twitter and other social channels to start their own campaigns to show the real character of the Prophet.

Muhammad Ghazali and his friends decided to make videos covering the life of the Prophet.

Ghazali told Saudi Gazette they were offended by the movie. He said: “Of course we were angry and we wanted to show our anger in a peaceful manner.
“Therefore we started to use the Net to show our anger but in a way that can reach those who have no respect for our beloved Prophet.”

Right away, Ghazali and his schoolmates began using Facebook as their gateway to spread the message. He said they created a video on the biography of the Prophet.

Many Saudi scholars, writers, journalists and celebrities have been using social media to urge young men and women to use their creativity and respond to the video in a peaceful way and educate those do not know the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Saudi Gazette - Saudis protest anti-Islam film in a civilized way
I said it before to a member who asked me why there weren't similar demonstrations in KSA to those in Libya and Egypt.
I answered that ignorance of Islam led to those bloody events, while KSA people are religiously educated and yet know it's non of Islam to burn buildings and kill innocent people for crimes they have nothing to do with. Unfortunately, Mosa:pop: is as ignorant as those people, who thinks by adopting liberalism (I am not sure if he understands it), he would look like Westerners. Well, in my humble opinion, I would say, by hard working and education his beloved country will look like this, otherwise it won't happen. People respect the West only for their breakthroughs in all fields and their way of life not because of their liberalism and capitalism which is, BTW, the dark side of Western civilization that people despise.
Does the article indicate that all others who protested in other Muslim countries are uncivilized?
Does the article indicate that all others who protested in other Muslim countries are uncivilized?

In Libya, Tunisia, Sudan, Egypt and even those in Jordan as well as other countries are absolutely uncivilized and barbaric people, those who thought by burning buildings and killing innocents they were defending the prophet (SAW).
In Libya, Tunisia, Sudan, Egypt and even those in Jordan as well as other countries are absolutely uncivilized and barbaric people, those who thought by burning buildings and killing innocents they were defending the prophet (SAW).

I don't think calling all of them uncivilized is the right thing.As you know,a minority,always can turn a peaceful protest in to a violent one.I don't think all of them agreed with the incidents happened in embassies.Also,in most Iran's cities,there were protests,without even a stone being thrown to embassies or slightest incident happen.
I don't think calling all of them uncivilized is the right thing.As you know,a minority,always can turn a peaceful protest in to a violent one.I don't think all of them agreed with the incidents happened in embassies.Also,in most Iran's cities,there were protests,without even a stone being thrown to embassies or slightest incident happen.
Even the peaceful protests were in my opinion stupid. I mean if I go to the street and start yelling and hold signs, how is that defending the prophet? I just don't see the connection. Also, there are thousands of website, books and articles that try to slander our prophet, why don't they protest against them. Its because of the media attention this video clip got. Sheep.
Even tough many may disagree with me but I honestly think this stupid joke needs to stop right now. All these protesters violently destroying own property burning flags, tires. throwing rocks at police, killing or getting killed over a video made by someone Muslims should barely care about. This aint gonna do anything. If these protesters think they'll scare these pricks from making another one they are dead wrong. At this rate just watch how the 'anger' among muslim world is further provoked by making more videos.

Muslims honestly need to chill, its getting embarrassing with every passing day. Oh and kudos to saudi arabia and a grp in libya for choosing peaceful ways to protest. Teach our people some manners will you. Jobless pricks loose on streets using religion as excuse to destroy what ever comes in mind.
Even the peaceful protests were in my opinion stupid. I mean if I go to the street and start yelling and hold signs, how is that defending the prophet? I just don't see the connection. Also, there are thousands of website, books and articles that try to slander our prophet, why don't they protest against them. Its because of the media attention this video clip got. Sheep.
Why do you think peaceful protest are worthless?What kind of logic is that?If no one raise a voice against these kind of movies,then they will make much worse clips and movies,they become courageous.They should understand,when they insult a prophet of a religion,there are 1.5 billions who hate this and will denounce it.Muslims do not insult Moses or Jesus as prophets,because they are considered divine prophets in Islam too.So,is that too much if Muslims expect them not to make such movies?
Also,you make an anti-Semitic movie in west,and see how the whole 'civilized' western world unite against you,denounce you and curse you,you may even go to prison for that.This hypocrisy shows allowing production of such movies has nothing to do with freedom of speech,it's actually,abusing the freedom of speech.
Saudi Nation is a good one, but i am afraid there king and his family is not,
they are american puppets playing in the hands of west.



In this episode of this Movie, all can see are only three things..
1) An intelligent Isreal
2) A Foolish US of A..
3) Most foolish Muslims shouting/burning flags of US of A..
In this episode of this Movie, all can see are only three things..
1) An intelligent Isreal
2) A Foolish US of A..
3) Most foolish Muslims shouting/burning flags of US of A..
Israel check the Muslims that awake or sleep but Muslims always awake...
but coming days are awake.......

Could you explain what awake means? For some reason I am not understanding your definition of awake. I could be wrong but what I see today is the coming days of the end of some muslim countries. Bar Saudi arabia and turkey who have fit themselves in the 21st century while forgetting to explain to the Ummah that times have changed.

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