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Saudis give up on US, instigate direct Gulf action against Iran

Saudia Arabia has been looted and defrauded by USA many times. It is the reliance on US which has made Saudi Arabia weaker financially.
Some members here have the rationality and deductive reasoning of a child! Pakistan as a country is already on life-support with all the problems that are plaguing it. Most of which are a direct result of the same kind of short-sighted and greedy policies that are being advocated by most of the members here. May I remind you of the Taliban and how it was fomented by a 'too smart for its own good' ISI? Not only did that turn out to be an abject foreign policy failure, your former proteges are now starting to slowly digest your own country from within! You can't just make deals with the devil whenever it suits your immediate interests and not mortgage your overall integrity in the process.

Iranians have running a tight game against the combined might of the Arabs+Israel+US and all their allies for the past 32 years. And against all odds, they've been beating them consistently. What the Arabs are saying is nothing new. We are quite used to their racist and base ideology. Some of you may be too young to remember. But at some point, they found Iran without a standing military and could simply not resist taking a stab at us. Needless to say, 31 years on, after going through much pain and suffering, the offender country is now a good friend of ours.

Iran and Pakistan are neighbours. We share much in way of common history, language and cultural heritage. We have so far managed to keep a rather friendly relationship. I am happy that the Iranian government has had the wisdom to treat Pakistan with kid gloves, even through difficult times, such the brainless Taliban episode. Because common sense tells Iranians "don't fcuk with your next door neighbour".

But the simple fact is that if Pakistan decides to enter into any kind of military conflict against Iran as a hired gun on the side of whomever it may be, you will instantly become the enemy of the country and nation of Iran. And as such, you will force Iran to take full advantage of all resources at its disposal to destabilize, sabotage, undermine, subdue, cut apart and defeat your country. And such a strategy will be much easier to implement on a country with a shared land border and a weak center of gravity to boot, than say Israel or even SA. In short it will be dirty and ugly.

Now, I'm just going through the motions of a very unlikely scenario, for the benefit of some of the 'more arab than the saudis' members out there.But it's something that needs to be mentioned and contemplated, in order to bring a little bit of reality to the debate. Is the price worth quenching your hatred? It's your choice. Choose wisely!

My dear let me tell you people here and by people i mean the common man realy loves Iran and its stance against the US and Isreal. And we would surely not want a war with Iran, there are many reasons for this. We have 2nd largest shia population and this shia population is spread all across pakistan, Its not like Iraq or lebonan or Iran etc. We really don't want another mess in our country. And i hope there is no mess in this whole region as well because this will have a negative impact on us as well.
Balochistan ?

there are alot more things at stake than just balochistan. I don't think they can do any thing in balochistan because they are themselves having problem with baloch in their balochistan, but i think pakistan can't afford another war in our neibourhood. too much at stake.
Long forgotten friendship, memory of the Shah, and a potential Nuclear Arab state. Iran and Israel were once great allies of each other.

But this was after Shah period. And Iran vehemently denies it though.
But this was after Shah period. And Iran vehemently denies it though.

That`s why i said "memory of the Shah". Israel was obviously hoping to restore the former friendship and of course they would deny it now that the war was over and they are our worst enemy.
My dear let me tell you people here and by people i mean the common man realy loves Iran and its stance against the US and Isreal. And we would surely not want a war with Iran, there are many reasons for this. We have 2nd largest shia population and this shia population is spread all across pakistan, Its not like Iraq or lebonan or Iran etc. We really don't want another mess in our country. And i hope there is no mess in this whole region as well because this will have a negative impact on us as well.

Very logical reply but I'm afraid it's not going to stop those who dream of an Iran-Pak conflict from dreaming.
Very logical reply but I'm afraid it's not going to stop those who dream of an Iran-Pak conflict from dreaming.

Yes, you are right. Many elements in Pakistan dont want good relations between Pakistan and Iran. For instance Iran had offered Pakistan electricity starting from 1000 MW upto our needs. But we didnt response them, and we are going to buy electricity from India... pff

But as far as war is concern I think in any case Iran will avoid this to happen.
I really admire Iranians for living on the edge of danger for 32 years, not even blinking and still alive. Despite what everyone says about the Iranian government, they're alive, in power, and the economy is growing. More than we can say for Saddam and Mubarak. Iranians used to be poorer than Iraq and Egypt. Now they're twice as rich. Iran used to have no science and technology. Now it has achieved basic independence. Throughout their development they've never made any "deals with the devil" the way countries like China, Pakistan and India have. Yes, we are all guilty of indirectly helping the U.S. commit atrocities. Although we're still not as guilty as South Korea, Japan, UK, etc. we're still guilty. The Iranians are the only ones with clean hands here and none of us are in a position to laugh at them.
yes Iran has faced incredible odds and is still standing....however their isolationist approach to everything is doing them little justice or good and is a hindrance to their economic growth

it's quite sad that a country siting on such large gas and petrol reserves does not have the capability or infrastructure to refine it; and therefore must import refined..........

in terms of educated population and contribution towards science and arts -- Iranians are far far ahead of the Arabs and many other Muslim nations. However, Iran (like Egypt) has a shortage of skilled jobs availability. You'll see someone with a PhD in engineering who has difficulty in Iran finding a job to suit his skillsets so he's forced to be an electrician or a cab driver. That is why Iran faces so much brain-drain. Those who want to advance their careers sometimes have to bite the bullet and re-locate overseas.

Below_frezing -- i dont think it's about laughing at Iranians. Why should we? Despite the fact that our relationship with them is an extremely complicated and sometimes strained one -- I still view them as a brother country. There are things about Iran I would want to emulate; some things i would never want to emulate or try. I think every nation has aspects that are worthy of note and good practices which others should experiment with.

Iran's issue is the same one that Saudi Arabia has....both are competing against eachother in counter-productive fashion for influence in the greater region; and they are using religion for purely political purposes. And in doing so, they are creating a sort of factionalization amongst some Muslims -- like in Iraq, Lubnan, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Afghanistan and even Pakistan to some extent. This cannot be acceptable.

this is why i say leave religion in your heart. When it boils down to state affairs, religion has little role. When it boils down to vote banks, religion should have little role. In the wrong hands, religion just divides. Look at what's happening in Nigeria.
Not even their masters Israel/US dared to attack Iran now the jewish house of Arabia is going to do it ? LOL

some people in my country sadly are brainwashed with seeing Jews for all the problems of the world
get some education Mister IranZamin
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