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Saudis give up on US, instigate direct Gulf action against Iran

Yes, you did a good search to atleast find a book against Islamic revolution. And ignoring the ground realities which clearly shows who is the enemy or friend of America and Israel.

Really pathetic.

You Seems very enthusiastic . .


Who call you . . Admit . .:angry:
Believe it or not . . you have summarized what I was trying to say years ago in one sentence . . This is the truth, my friends . . Please understand . .Do not believe that the Arab peoples interested if the government if it was Republican or monarchy or dictatorship, or even Imperial, Do not believe that democracy has any importance to the Arabs . . What is the use democracy when you are poor and suffering from unemployment and problems in health and education. . . Arab peoples are moving against the ruling in only one When the economy is getting worse:
Give me a job
Give me a salary
Give me a house
Give me health insurance
Give me free schools for my children
Give me security
and take the democracy . . whos care

That's what the despots think? Human beings inherently crave for respect; have you heard the word 'self-respect'? People like you think that everybody is for handouts. BTW the fact is these Arab despots do not even provide the basic needs to all, most live marginal lives. Only the sycophants live luxuriously and that they do at the expense of the ordinary people. People like you were propped-up by the british at the beginning of the 20th century to serve their interests.
I hope that the Iranian people will soon be able to get rid of those brainless mullas Before it's too late

Think about the despot at home before pointing your finger at others. Sooner or later your despot is going to have his fat a** kicked by his own people and for good reasons.
That's what the despots think? Human beings inherently crave for respect; have you heard the word 'self-respect'? People like you think that everybody is for handouts. BTW the fact is these Arab despots do not even provide the basic needs to all, most live marginal lives. Only the sycophants live luxuriously and that they do at the expense of the ordinary people. People like you were propped-up by the british at the beginning of the 20th century to serve their interests.

What does self-respect connect with this nonsense that you're saying . . If you are poor, destitute, hungry and suffer from diseases and can not feed your children or provide them with medication and you are living in a democratic country then you are a happy person . . Alternatively, if you have money in the bank and live in a luxurious villa, and you have luxury cars and your children have them all what they want from education and health care And the Governor of the your country is dictator then you are miserable human being . . . . what a poppycock . . This rhetoric do not feed bread
Think about the despot at home before pointing your finger at others. Sooner or later your despot is going to have his fat a** kicked by his own people and for good reasons.

How much you are spiteful . . I wish the best for Iranians . . And you wish the evil to my country . . I assure you that your wish unsuccessfully . . and you will die of anger :taz:
How much you are spiteful . . I wish the best for Iranians . . And you wish the evil to my country . . I assure you that your wish unsuccessfully . . and you will die of anger :taz:

Here no one wishes evil for any country. We are talking about politics and the corrupt dictators who have unfortunately ruled for decades.
Also a bit of advice... Please dont take the posts too personally:azn:
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