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Saudis give up on US, instigate direct Gulf action against Iran

If SA attacks Iran it will be with the intentions of forcing the west to act on Iran. Do you think Iran won't activly target western warships or commercial traffic already in the Gulf there? In fact I wager they will launch missiles at Israel and turn their Hezbollah and Hamas proxies loose as well. In order to gain support from the average Muslim. In SA eyes it can't lose since there is no way Iran will be able to stand up agianst the modern militaries of so many nations.
USA has never had good relations with any country in the middle east that had or has a democracy. At the moment there are only two of them that hold elections. Palestine and Iran, and both are regularly on the USA hit list

Going by the protests that took place in Iran after the last election, I wouldn't call it much of a democracy.
people over there needs to chill the f*&k down. the rest of the world needs oil and we need oil cheap.
Just curious, why is Iran considered to be the greatest enemy of Israel?

Because Iran is the only Muslim country that stands up for itself and other oppressed Muslims around the world. The Arab governments are a laughing stock at best, and downright duplicitous at worst. Even Pakistan, which prides itself on its military power, is known to be beholden to US/Saudi dictates.

In Bosnia, where Muslims were being massacred by the Russian-backed Serbs, it was Iran who sent a planeload of weapons in defiance of the European arms embargo. The Arabs were happy to let their European masters, er friends, 'handle' the situation.

In Kosova, again, before the Americans stepped in and the Europeans were twiddling their thumbs as Muslims were being ethnically cleansed, Iran was one of the first countries to help them. The Arabs did nothing and were content to let the Europeans and Americans 'handle' the situation.

In Gaza, the Iranians defied the Israeli/Western demand to punish the Palestinians for democratically electing Hamas. The Arabs supported the Israeli position. In fact, the Arab governments are just as much an enemy of the Palestinians as are the Israelis. More and more ordinary Arabs are starting to realize it, and it is increasing Iran's popularity in the Arab world, which is one reason for the Saudi royal tantrum.

Bottom line, Iran is striving for self-reliance and is defiant in the face of Western blackmail. The Arabs have no backbone and have lost all dignity to Israel. They are desperate to salvage some self-respect by beating their chest about Iran.

P.S. It's funny to see some Turks defending the Arabs. The Arabs hate the Turks just as much as they hate the Persians.
First of all this is a DEBKA file report which is basically an Israeli think tank/intelligence website.

The reality is, neither sides will turn the cold war hot. The more likely reason for the heating up of the cold war has more to do with consolidating their regimes, both for GCC countries and Iran.

Iranian regime itself is suffering a credibility crisis among Iranians since 2008 and ratcheting up rhetoric against Israel or in this case against the GCC countries is a way of uniting Iranians against the foreign enemy rather than taking down the regime.

Similarly, the Saudis and the GCC states are using the Iranian interference as a pretext to smother any democratic reform and protests demanding for end of hereditary rule.
First of all this is a DEBKA file report which is basically an Israeli think tank/intelligence website.

The reality is, neither sides will turn the cold war hot. The more likely reason for the heating up of the cold war has more to do with consolidating their regimes, both for GCC countries and Iran.

Iranian regime itself is suffering a credibility crisis among Iranians since 2008 and ratcheting up rhetoric against Israel or in this case against the GCC countries is a way of uniting Iranians against the foreign enemy rather than taking down the regime.

Similarly, the Saudis and the GCC states are using the Iranian interference as a pretext to smother any democratic reform and protests demanding for end of hereditary rule.

Iran's government has legitimacy. It came to power as a revolution of the people, by the people, with elected leaders. Saudi's government is an absolute monarchy imposed by the British. There is no comparison.
Some members here have the rationality and deductive reasoning of a child! Pakistan as a country is already on life-support with all the problems that are plaguing it. Most of which are a direct result of the same kind of short-sighted and greedy policies that are being advocated by most of the members here. May I remind you of the Taliban and how it was fomented by a 'too smart for its own good' ISI? Not only did that turn out to be an abject foreign policy failure, your former proteges are now starting to slowly digest your own country from within! You can't just make deals with the devil whenever it suits your immediate interests and not mortgage your overall integrity in the process.

Iranians have running a tight game against the combined might of the Arabs+Israel+US and all their allies for the past 32 years. And against all odds, they've been beating them consistently. What the Arabs are saying is nothing new. We are quite used to their racist and base ideology. Some of you may be too young to remember. But at some point, they found Iran without a standing military and could simply not resist taking a stab at us. Needless to say, 31 years on, after going through much pain and suffering, the offender country is now a good friend of ours.

Iran and Pakistan are neighbours. We share much in way of common history, language and cultural heritage. We have so far managed to keep a rather friendly relationship. I am happy that the Iranian government has had the wisdom to treat Pakistan with kid gloves, even through difficult times, such the brainless Taliban episode. Because common sense tells Iranians "don't fcuk with your next door neighbour".

But the simple fact is that if Pakistan decides to enter into any kind of military conflict against Iran as a hired gun on the side of whomever it may be, you will instantly become the enemy of the country and nation of Iran. And as such, you will force Iran to take full advantage of all resources at its disposal to destabilize, sabotage, undermine, subdue, cut apart and defeat your country. And such a strategy will be much easier to implement on a country with a shared land border and a weak center of gravity to boot, than say Israel or even SA. In short it will be dirty and ugly.

Now, I'm just going through the motions of a very unlikely scenario, for the benefit of some of the 'more arab than the saudis' members out there.But it's something that needs to be mentioned and contemplated, in order to bring a little bit of reality to the debate. Is the price worth quenching your hatred? It's your choice. Choose wisely!
But the simple fact is that if Pakistan decides to enter into any kind of military conflict against Iran as a hired gun on the side of whomever it may be, you will instantly become the enemy of the country and nation of Iran. And as such, you will force Iran to take full advantage of all resources at its disposal to destabilize, sabotage, undermine, subdue, cut apart and defeat your country. And such a strategy will be much easier to implement on a country with a shared land border and a weak center of gravity to boot, than say Israel or even SA. In short it will be dirty and ugly.

Balochistan ?
If those Israeli defence anlysts are at all reliable, the issue looks to be more then serious. If at all GCC countries try and dis-allign themselves from USofA and try to take matter in their own hand wrt Iran, they are screwed big time. They haven't recognized the energy hungry vultures till now.

On a second thought, those predictions about 2012 does not look like complete myth... At least half the world will be destroyed if someone has the audacity to start a war in the middle east, god forbid.

I, for one, however, agree with what EjazR has posted. These all are just meant to consolidated respective government stronghold on their populace. No one is stupid enough to actually start any war. Iran appears to be a real scrapgoat though. They have good relation with almost all the upcoming nations, aka, India, China, Russia etc. Too bad they didn't try to improve their relatioship with rest of the world, specifically the west and got meddled with policing for the Islamic causes.
P.S. It's funny to see some Turks defending the Arabs. The Arabs hate the Turks just as much as they hate the Persians.

just so you know, not every arab hates us. it's only the one who was under our rule during the ottoman empire that hates us, and that because they were feed with anti-islam by the british governemt at that time.

i have a lot of egyptian algerian and moroccan friends who loves turkey, it is just some countries that hates us.
just so you know, not every arab hates us. it's only the one who was under our rule during the ottoman empire that hates us, and that because they were feed with anti-islam by the british governemt at that time.

i have a lot of egyptian algerian and moroccan friends who loves turkey, it is just some countries that hates us.
it is the same for Iranians.
i totally agree and tried to explain to Nishan: i have many Arab friends here from north africa and they don't care i am Iranian and they have no grievance against us.

In the muslim world, i expect them to be a major place. Like they were in the past.
And you see the revolution success ... are there. and these revolutions are nothing to do with Iran... except if Nishan finds another link with Iran LOL
anyway i could watch on French TV and blogs that many egyptians said they watched green revolution in Iran and they say good luck for Iranians
like us we praised it suceeded there
We found a good solidarity : it is about the people who want freedeom: nothing tro do with the stupid shia-sunni problem or any stupid argue to make war or take benefit of a support from US.
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