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Saudi to turn to India, Sri Lanka for housemaids

Like I said, don't try to poke your nose into someone else's business, the Pakistani people who live in KSA aren't going anywhere.
In my incoherent writing, where did I say anything about deportation???

And should I post link of Pakistani deportation for make that coherent? You are amazing

Saudi Arabia deports Pakistanis for
Is that what translate that too...???

dude tell you one thing, Bangladeshi are not only residing in Saudi. Talk to any Malaysia, Singapore, Hongkong, UAE, Kuwait, Libiyia, USA, United Kingdom and see the crime rates of Bangladeshis and any other communities (eg. Pakistan) in those countries.

Why do you think suddenly Bangladeshis gone bad in only KSA??? Dont you think KSA may somehow has to bear the blame of it to some extent???

And dont talk anybody's behind..

:blah::blah::blah: blind patriot of bangladesh
Guys let us not start another stupid fight. I wish to avoid this topic but all I can say is that every Muslim and non-Muslim is welcome in KSA as long as they contribute which is the same philosophy followed by all countries welcoming outsiders.

Especially our Muslim brothers and sisters. I prefer not to differentiate at all.

In general in such topics this simple rule should be followed:

يجب أن لا ننخرط في نقاشات طفولية وبلا معنى كهذه
Why cant the saudi women work as maids?-
That will solve their women unemployment problem-

Same can be said- Why cant saudis work as garbage pickers- car washers- petrol pump filler- truck drivers-
That should solve their men unemployment problem too-
You are more disgusting than the poor women who probably no access toilet facility nearby....

Due to people like you majority of forum considers arabs as racist.....

Wait till you get a first hand experience by actually meeting them. You would know how much they respect you if you know arabic and don't tell them about it.
The sand fleas has nothing to show for but oil money. I feel so sorry for the people who have to seek employment there in SA. No only their laws are devoid of human decency, but the employers can abuse their employees physically, sexually mentally, monetarily with no fear of retribution. Basically SA is a glorified hell hole.

if its a glorified hell hole then fine - you feel that away then that's how you feel....how do you feel then about the workers from your country going there to the hell hole to earn their wages
Why cant the saudi women work as maids?-
That will solve their women unemployment problem-

Same can be said- Why cant saudis work as garbage pickers- car washers- petrol pump filler- truck drivers-
That should solve their men unemployment problem too-

Not all Saudi Arabians have a staff of 100 "servants" or workers, you know? Not all Saudi Arabians are ****** rich.

There are plenty of Saudi Arabians doing that kind of work. But firstly it is not a preferred work, KSA is a welfare state meaning that most nationals receive some kind of welfare in case of there being a need for it.

Secondly there is a HUGE market of foreigners doing such manual work very cheaply. Even if a Saudi Arabian wanted to be a maid she would not be able to compete with the regular Bengali for example who often is working to feed a whole family back home and even sometimes a whole village. He/she is often more desperate and thus prepared to work harder and for a lower pay just to get money. Even wages that are considered very low in KSA are VERY good wages in many of the immigrants countries/villages etc.

Immigrants don't have the luxury of receiving welfare since they are not nationals.

The overall unemployment rate in KSA is low. Also the government is in a process of creating jobs and attractive ones so the youth unemployment will lower itself.

Also some reforms in terms of laws that sometimes can be a hindrance.
Why cant the saudi women work as maids?-
That will solve their women unemployment problem-

Same can be said- Why cant saudis work as garbage pickers- car washers- petrol pump filler- truck drivers-
That should solve their men unemployment problem too-

from what i understand, unlike some of the other lesser populated persian gulf countries - because of the unemployment problem among Saudi youth more and more are taking up menial jobs

you do have Saudi taxi drivers, Saudi factory workers, etc.

my take on it is that given its oil wealth, they should leverage on it now.....they have the potential labor force, all they need is more human capital. It's a country that should seek heavy industralization. I always tell my Saudi friends that they should be the ones building airplanes rather than racking up the import bill. Of course these things take a lot of time and a lot of R&D.

if all Muslim countries pooled their resources together, put their minds together and collaborated (rather than this agendas and vendettas) then no outside power would dare screw with us. unfortunately this is more of an ideal rather than an actual practice. That should change -- though now i am going off topic again
Like I said, don't try to poke your nose into someone else's business, the Pakistan people who live in KSA aren't going anywhere.

Awami League leaning people in Bangladesh have a tendency to pick a fight with Pakistani's for no good reason. This is in their DNA. Even some BNP supporters like idune will support Iran and Assad but not GCC states.

But masses in Bangladesh are not confused like these so called elites. They know Saudi Arabia is an important state for them.
Such a pity :coffee:
Awami League leaning people in Bangladesh have a tendency to pick a fight with Pakistani's for no good reason. This is in their DNA. Even some BNP supporters like idune will support Iran and Assad but not GCC states.

But masses in Bangladesh are not confused like these so called elites. They know Saudi Arabia is an important state for them.
Saudi to turn to India, Sri Lanka for housemaids - Emirates 24/7

Saudi Arabia is considering turning to India and Sri Lanka to meet soaring local demand for domestic workers following labour disputes with the Philippines and Indonesia and a decision to suspend hiring maids from Ethiopia.

Indonesia and the Philippines, among the largest maid supplier to the Middle East, have temporarily halted the travel of their domestic workers to Saudi Arabia following disputes over payment, mistreatment of maids by employers and other issues.

Several rounds of negotiations have so far failed to break the deadlock despite concessions by the Gulf Kingdom, including higher salaries for maids.

Saudi Arabia, the largest Arab economy and the world’s top oil exporter, banned the recruitment of Ethiopian housemaids last month following a series of deadly attacks by those maids on their employers.

One maid who killed a little Syrian girl told police she had committed the crime because she “was told so by an occult power.”

“There is a shortage of around 30 per cent in the supply of foreign domestic workers to Saudi Arabia because of the suspension of the recruitment of housemaids from Ethiopia and other countries,” said Mutlaq Al Hazmi, a member of the expatriate labour hiring committee at the Jeddah chamber of commerce and industry.

“There are plans to open the door for hiring domestic workers from India and Sri Lanka. I believe that this will make hiring maids from Indonesia unnecessary,” he was quoted as saying by Saudi newspapers on Wednesday.

Nearly two million housemaids from Asia and Africa work in Saudi Arabia, the largest base for expatriate domestic workers in the Middle East.

is been 2 year Indonesian government ban ,they are not sending house maids ,
Indonesian women (ibu) is best in the world, the way they take care of house and kids ,no comparison with rest of the world

but because of rough behavior of ARAB , Indonesian government has taken decision, not to send maids,

India must take lesson from this country and should not allow
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