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Saudi Special forces


1. Do we know that Arabs fought 3-4 wars with Israel over Palestine, in 1967 and 1973 also?

2. Egypt, Jordan, and Syria directly fought. The nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria contributed troops, arms & money to the Arab forces.

3. The 1st day of 1967 war, Saudi King Faisal started the famous OIL EMBARGO against western countries.

4. Arab countries lost in 6 days, due to direct USA support for Israel.

5. Arabs lost their own territories - Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Golan Heights.

6. Do you know why Israel was FORCED to leave Gaza in 2005? Due to efforts of Egypt and Arabs!

Do we STILL want WARS???

Why doesn’t nuclear power Pakistan initiate a War with India and settle Kashmir??? We also fought 3 wars …. What happened???

If we think that we muslims COMBINED can win a war with USA & Israel .... we must be living in a fools paradise.

The Arabs learned from their 3-4 wars, withdrew their investments from west and now we have ME economies booming and west in slow recession. Their GDP averages 20% and private sector 6%.

Saudia recently allocated $28 billion for their education in budget of 2008-09.

ME countries are most modern and progressing economies. I've seen world over and ME. These Kings have delivered for their nations - what we couldn't deliver in the next 50 years!

Vision helps and not emotions!
Saudi Arabia deported or killed all of it's terrorists while Pakistan is playing stalemate with theirs.

Dear, u forgot that uk had also made settlement with IRA so dont point finger on Pakistan, and Saudi's never kiked out any of its citizen except osama.
You are uncertain nation.Because we defend medina on world war 1 you killed TURKISH SOLDIER onyl one british gold :angry: :angry: :angry: you are scrooge :angry: :guns: :guns:
they look quite ameturish compared to other special forces :sniper: .... the only thing that looks good are the weapons

i don't know why some people on this thread are so attached to Saudi Arabia and the royal family! I mean i agree that they did a lot of good stuff for their country, but we can't forget that these were the same people who betrayed the Ottoman Caliphate! How can we forget that these are the same people who supported israel's creation?
where are those images which u have just mentioned making foooll of us heee
NO the main reason no one raises a finger against House of saud is they will have there necks cut of if they do so.

Pakistan government will provide all that right after we can kill sh it spread in pakistan with house of sauds Money you no small peice of s h i t called osama.

Yes, I know all the oil income goes into the pockets of the Saudi Royals,(who died and made these clowns owners of arabia ) but I donot rasie a fingre on them unless and until they keep everyone happy in their lives, this is the Golden rule to their success, this is why they have been ruling Saudi Arabia for more than 100 years now.

You no my dog loves me to when i throw bones towards him he is feed properly so he never ever barks at me but he does barks at the people that look towards me or question my authority.
That reminds me of some body on this forum who could that be help me out will ya sohailbutt or butman


Golden rule to there success is talk against them and you disappear for good or you are killed but go ahead keep telling your self what ever you want
most have brains and eyes they can see reality.

sohailbutt tell us do u have the same rights in Arabia as say some one who is from the west white skin off course can you vote can you own land do u have saudi citizen ship or best of all can you pray standing next to any royal Theives family members also known as self appointed oh my bad appointed by british i would love to no your answers sohailbutt.
sohailbutt is there such thing as monarchy allowed in Islam or you cant answer that question.
very true , my friend.
I do not know why people move out of the topic, regardless our idea about the Saudi political system or history, i guess we should talk about the topic.it is not good we talk about all the thing in the topic of Saudi's especial force.
while this indicate Muslims are not happy with Saudi's policy, but we can talk about all of them in other threads

1. Do we know that Arabs fought 3-4 wars with Israel over Palestine, in 1967 and 1973 also?

2. Egypt, Jordan, and Syria directly fought. The nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria contributed troops, arms & money to the Arab forces.

3. The 1st day of 1967 war, Saudi King Faisal started the famous OIL EMBARGO against western countries.

4. Arab countries lost in 6 days, due to direct USA support for Israel.

5. Arabs lost their own territories - Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Golan Heights.

6. Do you know why Israel was FORCED to leave Gaza in 2005? Due to efforts of Egypt and Arabs!

Do we STILL want WARS???

Why doesn’t nuclear power Pakistan initiate a War with India and settle Kashmir??? We also fought 3 wars …. What happened???

If we think that we muslims COMBINED can win a war with USA & Israel .... we must be living in a fools paradise.

The Arabs learned from their 3-4 wars, withdrew their investments from west and now we have ME economies booming and west in slow recession. Their GDP averages 20% and private sector 6%.

Saudia recently allocated $28 billion for their education in budget of 2008-09.

ME countries are most modern and progressing economies. I've seen world over and ME. These Kings have delivered for their nations - what we couldn't deliver in the next 50 years!

Vision helps and not emotions!

totaly agreed
Saudi Arabia needs to further improve upon their defence forces not just in equipment but also in professional training.
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