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Saudi prince says US ties at risk over Mideast


Jan 4, 2009
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LONDON: A member of Saudi Arabia’s royal family warned US President Barack Obama on Friday the Middle East peace process and US-Saudi ties were at risk unless Washington changed tack on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel had come close to “killing the prospect of peace” with its offensive in Gaza, Prince Turki Al-Faisal wrote in an article published on the Financial Times’ website.

“Unless the new US administration takes forceful steps to prevent any further suffering and slaughter of Palestinians, the peace process, the US-Saudi relationship and the stability of the region are at risk,” said Turki, a former Saudi intelligence chief and former ambassador to the US and Britain.

Former US president George Bush’s administration had left a ‘sickening legacy’ in the Middle East, Turki wrote, singling out the Iraq war.

He said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had written to Saudi King Abdullah last week urging Saudi Arabia to lead a jihad against Israel.

This call for jihad would, if pursued, create ‘unprecedented chaos and bloodshed’ in the region, Turki added.

“So far, the kingdom has resisted these calls, but every day this restraint becomes more difficult to maintain,” he said. reuters
Can someone tell me why I drink my chai and aren't really impressed by this? :coffee:
The basic message is that this was not the last massacre by Israel, but there are many more to come before the Saudi's actually realize or will re-consider their ties, by that time, I fear that already tens of thousands of Palestinians will be buried and hundreds of thousands or even millions will be displaced or living in fear.
My God. This stuff by Prince Turki is laughable.

The only Jihad the Saudi Royals will be launching any time soon would probably be against roasted lamb at tonight's dinner.

Of course if you want a few million dollars for a stinking shoe, then they are your men.
LONDON: A member of Saudi Arabia’s royal family warned US President Barack Obama on Friday the Middle East peace process and US-Saudi ties were at risk unless Washington changed tack on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel had come close to “killing the prospect of peace” with its offensive in Gaza, Prince Turki Al-Faisal wrote in an article published on the Financial Times’ website.

“Unless the new US administration takes forceful steps to prevent any further suffering and slaughter of Palestinians, the peace process, the US-Saudi relationship and the stability of the region are at risk,” said Turki, a former Saudi intelligence chief and former ambassador to the US and Britain.

Former US president George Bush’s administration had left a ‘sickening legacy’ in the Middle East, Turki wrote, singling out the Iraq war.

He said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had written to Saudi King Abdullah last week urging Saudi Arabia to lead a jihad against Israel.

This call for jihad would, if pursued, create ‘unprecedented chaos and bloodshed’ in the region, Turki added.

“So far, the kingdom has resisted these calls, but every day this restraint becomes more difficult to maintain,” he said. reuters

I drink my tea and am not impressed.

They said the same after the invasion of lebanon.

They will always do something next time.
LONDON: A member of Saudi Arabia’s royal family warned US President Barack Obama on Friday the Middle East peace process and US-Saudi ties were at risk unless Washington changed tack on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel had come close to “killing the prospect of peace” with its offensive in Gaza, Prince Turki Al-Faisal wrote in an article published on the Financial Times’ website.

“Unless the new US administration takes forceful steps to prevent any further suffering and slaughter of Palestinians, the peace process, the US-Saudi relationship and the stability of the region are at risk,” said Turki, a former Saudi intelligence chief and former ambassador to the US and Britain.

Former US president George Bush’s administration had left a ‘sickening legacy’ in the Middle East, Turki wrote, singling out the Iraq war.

He said Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had written to Saudi King Abdullah last week urging Saudi Arabia to lead a jihad against Israel.

This call for jihad would, if pursued, create ‘unprecedented chaos and bloodshed’ in the region, Turki added.

“So far, the kingdom has resisted these calls, but every day this restraint becomes more difficult to maintain,” he said. reuters

:lol::rofl: 300000000000 times
i once asked a Saudi Army personnel two years back; why don't you train yourself properly for war, and the reply was:
Habibi we will pay others to fight for us at the time of war!
(And the indications was probably towards Pakistani Army)
i once asked a Saudi Army personnel two years back; why don't you train yourself properly for war, and the reply was:
Habibi we will pay others to fight for us at the time of war!
(And the indications was probably towards Pakistani Army)

:rofl: Hell If Saudi Arabia was our enemy Pakistan would have captured it in few days (If it also shared border with Pakistan) but then again America would have intervened (Operation Desert Storm)
I wouldnt downgrade the Saudis, They got a capable Airforce, which is better trained than any other Middle East AF at present.
I wouldnt downgrade the Saudis, They got a capable Airforce, which is better trained than any other Middle East AF at present.
Israel is also in Middle East my friend.Israel still has edge over Saudi Arabia Air Power but things will change when KSA get Eurofighters but then Israel will most likely have F-35 JSF or some other frontline fighter..
i once asked a Saudi Army personnel two years back; why don't you train yourself properly for war, and the reply was:
Habibi we will pay others to fight for us at the time of war!
(And the indications was probably towards Pakistani Army)

and by the way when they are planning to strat paying? Apart from joke, if suadies can justout source their defence to Pak with same spending levels, I think this would be best thing in Muslim history of Past 100 years:pakistan:
i once asked a Saudi Army personnel two years back; why don't you train yourself properly for war, and the reply was:
Habibi we will pay others to fight for us at the time of war!
(And the indications was probably towards Pakistani Army)

Well i smell some misunderstanding on this one.
First, by 'And the indications was probably towards Pakistani Army' i meant that they will ask for us to fight for them (of course we would love to help them out)

Second, i didn't downgrade the Saudi Armed forces as they always have every version of the state-of-art weaponry in their kitties, but what i felt was that atleast their Army personnel were not quite serious about their job.

They thought that either they will never be required to fight as no one will ever target them or if there comes a remote chance that someone will try to take them on, they will call upon 'other nations' to help them out or may i put it like this-other nations will jump in to save them at all cost.
they are so naive because they have Mecca n Madina so its obivious KSA is under attack whether Pakistan-Iran-Turkey like it or not they will have to jump in.
they are so naive because they have Mecca n Madina so its obivious KSA is under attack whether Pakistan-Iran-Turkey like it or not they will have to jump in.

Buddy dont no how to tell ya but other then few and i hope all house of saud lovers out of pakistan no one will help the house of saud.

israel palestine war house of saud with israel
israel lebanon war hosue of saud with israel
pakistan india war house of saud no where to be found
iran iraq war house of saud supporting iraq with money and ammo
desert storm house of saud paid 55billions to the americans plus provided there teritory to be used to attack iraq so there track record speaks for it self.oh and population of Arabia will slaughter them themselfs given the chance hint hint saddam.
I'd disagree with the above. Whatever we think of our Arab brothers attitudes, or their militaristic capablities, they have always been a generous and faithful friend to Pakistan.

The number of times in the past 50 years that they have bailed us out, funded our various projects is unmentionable.

Lets give credit where its due.
I'd disagree with the above. Whatever we think of our Arab brothers attitudes, or their militaristic capablities, they have always been a generous and faithful friend to Pakistan.

The number of times in the past 50 years that they have bailed us out, funded our various projects is unmentionable.

Lets give credit where its due.

You are right on this one.
They have always helped us atleast financially and the subsidy that we get on the oil, but they are required to be more serious, with saudia in lead and Pakistan with Nukes Muslims can be back on track again!!

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