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Saudi prince hunts endangered birds


Jul 12, 2013
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South Africa
South Africa
Why this people still perform old barbaric traditions?
absolute trash is what these people are. they think they own anything with throwing money. they think they are above the law. if a white man goes near these arabs, they bow down and kiss their feet.
sadly this has been going on for quite some time now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The gov.t is accountable for allowing these Arabs to come into Pakistan and kill off our bird species.
The gov.t is accountable for allowing these Arabs to come into Pakistan and kill off our bird species.

How can your government provoke these Arabs?
After all they are from KSA.
Pak government cant stop these Arab Kings due to 'bird sentiment'.
sreekumar, the fact of matter is the govt of pakistan is impotent to begin with. alliances with saudis have brought just pain, suffering and misery to afghanistan, pakistan and india. these people have funded all the one eyes mullahs or rahter one twisted warped mindsets of uneducated religious idiots who are backing the govt and also the isi who have funded genocide and murder across this region.
castrate a couple of them and put them in front of the world to see... then only will they change. may be i am being too optimist.
They are not just hunting it here in Pakistan :) they go to Turkmenistan And Russia for hunting of these birds.

I think the bird called TILOR !
Oh my God...God please speed up our victory and raise a new pious generation as soon as possible we want to get rid of these immoral clowns leading our nations whom are installed by the West and we want freedom in our region as soon as possible. Please grant victory to us God and speed it up, Amen.
it is thanks to the british and imperial powers that put the status quo across entire region. with over 8000 princes - really??? all leadership is corrupt. they have odacity to put titles to themselves for glorification. ask them to help poor people... spend tonnes of funds on arms and ammo and keep masses uneducated; that is the way it is preferred.
they prefer to have slaves and buy people. all the GCC, saudis are the same... just clowns who were put to suck funds away from the people like leeches.
sreekumar, the fact of matter is the govt of pakistan is impotent to begin with. alliances with saudis have brought just pain, suffering and misery to afghanistan, pakistan and india. these people have funded all the one eyes mullahs or rahter one twisted warped mindsets of uneducated religious idiots who are backing the govt and also the isi who have funded genocide and murder across this region.
castrate a couple of them and put them in front of the world to see... then only will they change. may be i am being too optimist.

You are right .with some certain modification.Some Saudi Wahabis indeed made problem for India by financing terrorists through our western neighbour and sometimes directly .But I dont generalize them.Only few them doing this nefariaous activities .We have good relations with KSA and have good business with them.KSA supports Afghanistan also.
But Pakistan is a close ally of KSA.These Arabs helped them when crisis arises financially ,politically and diplomatically.
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