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What country gave their territory for use by the US in their invasion of Iraq? Was it KSA or Iran, remind us...

To be honest, I don't remember if Saudia gave its territory to USA for use as staging ground for the 2003 invasion. Wikipedia says not.

Please note that I am not supporting Saudia in this thread.
Well, a Jordanian member of PDF had once posted details from an armaments records website that spoke of more than just missiles. It had items like ships too, transferred to Iran.

Also, let us remember that the 2003 Iraq invasion had the tacit support of Iran.
those ships bought before start of war, there were CH-47 helicopters too but they were delivered to us then, during war. and those were European suppliers otherwise Iran bought 300 f-16, bell 214 st, AWACs, subs, tomahawks, A2g munitions and many other things that we never recieved. in Iran contra we only bought missiles with very higher price, if it was a cooperation with US we would get our F-14s and F-16s.
the support we mean is the fact that Iraqi air force despite loosing 750 aircraft in war, was 3 times bigger than the day war started. this is the support we mean, like north Korean and Syrian and Libyan help to us with providing us BMs, our needs.
those ships bought before start of war, there were CH-47 helicopters too but they were delivered to us then, during war. and those were European suppliers otherwise Iran bought 300 f-16, bell 214 st, AWACs, subs, tomahawks, A2g munitions and many other things that we never recieved. in Iran contra we only bought missiles with very higher price, if it was a cooperation with US we would get our F-14s and F-16s.
the support we mean is the fact that Iraqi air force despite loosing 750 aircraft in war, was 3 times bigger than the day war started. this is the support we mean, like north Korean and Syrian and Libyan help to us with providing us BMs, our needs.

USA didn't help equally and helped both countries via proxy in a deniable manner. So, USA supplied only spare parts and other things to Iran and didn't directly supply F16.

USA objectives was to ensure that Iraq has better army but Iran has enough army to defend itself. USA wanted Iran-Iraq death toll in 3:1 ratio as the population ratio was 3:1. Hence the idea was to supply more to Iraq and supply leas to Iran. Nevertheless, USA did supply Iran with weapons.
USA didn't help equally and helped both countries via proxy in a deniable manner. So, USA supplied only spare parts and other things to Iran and didn't directly supply F16.
They supplied F-16 indirectly then??

Why do Indians have such a low life expectancy? Iranians live more than 7 years more than Indians on average! Higher homicide rate... Lower internet rate (apart from the famous Indian "bobs and vagene" crew of course!)... Less than a third of Iran's GNI per capita (PPP)... India is ranked 130th in the world for HDI, 70 ranks below Iran... Yikes.

Is the Indian rape culture epidemic improving at least?
USA didn't help equally and helped both countries via proxy in a deniable manner. So, USA supplied only spare parts and other things to Iran and didn't directly supply F16.
wtf bruh, they never delivered our falcons.
USA objectives was to ensure that Iraq has better army but Iran has enough army to defend itself. USA wanted Iran-Iraq death toll in 3:1 ratio as the population ratio was 3:1. Hence the idea was to supply more to Iraq and supply leas to Iran. Nevertheless, USA did supply Iran with weapons.
dude their goal was to bring back shah, there was a factor that seems like people forgot, the soviet union and Iran was main barrier against them in western Asia.
They supplied F-16 indirectly then??

Why do Indians have such a low life expectancy? Iranians live more than 7 years more than Indians on average! Higher homicide rate... Lower internet rate (apart from the famous Indian "bobs and vagene" crew of course!)... Less than a third of Iran's GNI per capita (PPP)... India is ranked 130th in the world for HDI, 70 ranks below Iran... Yikes.

Is the Indian rape culture epidemic improving at least?

Don't overact just because Iran got plenty of oil and gas which is the major industrial resources of today while India has almost no energy resources except coal. This doesn't make Iran any better than India inherently. Compare Iran to India across history and then you will see reality.

wtf bruh, they never delivered our falcon
Iran had kidnapped USA diplomats (according to USA official words) and hence USA would not directly support Iran by giving Falcons. Instead USA supplied spare parts of various USA planes. F14, F5 etc were supplied with USA parts so that they fight and survive the war. In 1980s, F14 was comparable to F16 and hence not giving F16 didn't have much of an effect as long as F14 were functional.

dude their goal was to bring back shah, there was a factor that seems like people forgot, the soviet union and Iran was main barrier against them in western Asia.
USA could never bring back shah as none in Iran would accept Shah. So, regardless of the outcome, Shah was not coming back. Moreover, Saddam was not known to be pro-USA and was even anti-USA sice 1970s. So, USA wouldn't want Saddam to win either. So, USA planned to play double game and force Iraq and Iran to sell their oil to the west for cheap by overproducing and buy the bloated priced USA arms due to desperation of the time. USA didn't support Iran per se but only helped prolong the war by playing to both sides
Don't overact just because Iran got plenty of oil and gas which is the major industrial resources of today while India has almost no energy resources except coal. This doesn't make Iran any better than India inherently. Compare Iran to India across history and then you will see reality.
LOL you are a country of rapists because you don't have oil and gas??

A comparison throughout history will show how you were colonised by Persians - your best diamonds are in the British crown jewels and the Iranian crown jewels!

Street shitting rapists should not talk about things they don't know shit about (no pun intended!).
LOL you are a country of rapists because you don't have oil and gas??

A comparison throughout history will show how you were colonised by Persians - your best diamonds are in the British crown jewels and the Iranian crown jewels!

Street shitting rapists should not talk about things they don't know shit about (no pun intended!).
Man why do you insult an entire country because of a troll?
LOL you are a country of rapists because you don't have oil and gas??

A comparison throughout history will show how you were colonised by Persians - your best diamonds are in the British crown jewels and the Iranian crown jewels!

Street shitting rapists should not talk about things they don't know shit about (no pun intended!).
Do you know that Persia was colonised by Arabs? India was indeed by Persians butt Persia was also invaded by India fee centuries back.

India has 20% of world gold extracted till date (17000 tons total extraction). This is despite India not having any big gold reserve. Diamonds are scams and have very little real value. You can see this by trying to resale diamonds. The real back is in hold and India has 20% of it desire not having gold mines.

Who knows what is being talked about? You or me? Speaking cheap words don't change reality.

Secondly, Indian rape per 100000 is one of the least in the world.

Everything I said is a statistical and verifiable fact.

That guy is always trolling on Iran threads, he comes on here on defence week to spread shit about Saddam and the war!
Iranians at times exaggerate things. Hence i come and show statistics. I don't troll anyone but just give out analysis and information
Do you know that Persia was colonised by Arabs? India was indeed by Persians butt Persia was also invaded by India fee centuries back.

India has 20% of world gold extracted till date (17000 tons total extraction). This is despite India not having any big gold reserve. Diamonds are scams and have very little real value. You can see this by trying to resale diamonds. The real back is in hold and India has 20% of it desire not having gold mines.

Who knows what is being talked about? You or me? Speaking cheap words don't change reality.

Secondly, Indian rape per 100000 is one of the least in the world.
Yes and then Persians colonised them from the inside out. :)

India invaded Persia?! LOL. Your country was speaking Persian for centuries and all your diamonds are in Iran and England.

I thought your excuse for your failed backwards rapist country was that you don't have resources, now you brag about how much gold you have?!

Yes and then Persians colonised them from the inside out. :)
When was that?

India invaded Persia?! LOL. Your country was speaking Persian for centuries and all your diamonds are in Iran and England
Only some parts of Punjab spoke Persian. That doesn't mean much

I thought your excuse for your failed backwards rapist country was that you don't have resources, now you brag about how much gold you have
India is poor, not backwards. India has enough sophisticated Technology to be advanced. Defence, semiconductor, pharmaceutics, space program, nuclear programme are all evidence of the advancement. Tell me what does im Iran have? Space rocket? Pharmaceutics? Nuclear programme advanced enough to make breeder reactors? Defence industry they can make own planes, accurate ICBM, large ships, bigger submarines? Tell me who is advanced? Iran or India? Yes, Iran is richer than India but is backwards
In 1980s, F14 was comparable to F16
lol dude f-16 even now is not comparable to tomcat.
and if US was providing us with spare parts we would buy f-5 from Ethiopia or f-4 spares of Japan and Korea...
also main reason of why our tomcats were not operational during the war was the fact that US advisors removed some of their parts. i do not know how US was helping us or how you think there was some kind of balance of power in iran-iraq war.
lol dude f-16 even now is not comparable to tomcat.
and if US was providing us with spare parts we would buy f-5 from Ethiopia or f-4 spares of Japan and Korea...
also main reason of why our tomcats were not operational during the war was the fact that US advisors removed some of their parts. i do not know how US was helping us or how you think there was some kind of balance of power in iran-iraq war.
Here is one Wikipedia article about how Israel supported Iran in Iran-Iraq war-

Clearly, Israel is proxy of USA and hence it is understood that the Israeli support was indirectly USA support.
Here is one Wikipedia article about how Israel supported Iran in Iran-Iraq war-

Clearly, Israel is proxy of USA and hence it is understood that the Israeli support was indirectly USA support.
lol i don't even know why I'm replying on you. it's like you are in the i will not understand it mode.
dude Iraqi fighters lost in the war was 3 times bigger than our whole fleet, they were allowed to gas our ground units, for example they gassed 3 brigades stationed in Iraqi Kurdistan preparing to take out Baghdad. they almost didn't felt economic blow back duo to PGCC financial support.
there was no US support of us they sold us limited number of missiles with 3x price, because of Iraqi threat to Israel not because of good of their heart. in the last years of war most of our fleet was grounded because of lack of spares.
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