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Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

I agree with you, that we should stand behind our guy, but how do u know he is right or wrong. To me it dont work like that, to me they both got it wrong, but the security officials, as Amigos had mentioned as well, are trained to handle this in a better fashion. But they didnt. They could have done one million other things to fix this then going wwe on the guys.

Yea but we have to assume that security services are correct in absence of evidence to the contrary. I mean if a policeman apprehends an individual we assume sufficient wrongdoing on part of that individual for an arrest unless evidence to the contrary turns up.
No , he cares because that is what happens with Pakistanis in ME on a regular basis in their day to day lives ! What is this accident going to change for them ? Trust me , things aren't blown out of proportions on the will of a person ... Seriously , relations between countries suffer due to small accidents ? Even if you didn't agree with his stance , there was no reason to be disrespectful to him and call him " pathetic " or whatever ... This is what being " tolerant to someone's opinions " means even if his opinion doesn't matches with your's or is completely different to your point of view ... Something everyone must learn !

We all agree the ASF's response wasn't professional but the other guy wasn't right either ... Isn't it rational now ?

LoL, the guy you are defending called me a terrorist for being wahabi on a thread the other day.
No , he cares because that is what happens with Pakistanis in ME on a regular basis in their day to day lives ! What is this accident going to change for them ? Trust me , things aren't blown out of proportions on the will of a person ... Seriously , relations between countries suffer due to small accidents ? Even if you didn't agree with his stance , there was no reason to be disrespectful to him and call him " pathetic " or whatever ... This is what being " tolerant to someone's opinions " means even if his opinion doesn't matches with your's or is completely different to your point of view ... Something everyone must learn !

We all agree the ASF's response wasn't professional but the other guy wasn't right either ... Isn't it rational now ?

I see there is some thing you are trying to tell me about my self ?
Us Pakistanis are having a very good time in Saudi Arabia.
Thank you very much.
No , he cares because that is what happens with Pakistanis in ME on a regular basis in their day to day lives ! What is this accident going to change for them ? Trust me , things aren't blown out of proportions on the will of a person ... Seriously , relations between countries suffer due to small accidents ? Even if you didn't agree with his stance , there was no reason to be disrespectful to him and call him " pathetic " or whatever ... This is what being " tolerant to someone's opinions " means even if his opinion doesn't matches with your's or is completely different to your point of view ... Something everyone must learn !

We all agree the ASF's response wasn't professional but the other guy wasn't right either ... Isn't it rational now ?

Thanks but no thanks. And secondly I live here, between these guys day in day out. Interact daily with the Kuwaiti military guys cause I have to enter the port daily where I work. And when some of them are @$$ clowns, many treat me very well. Same thing that our guys do. Some good some bad. But ur brush that you use to paint all Arabs with is not a rational one either. And yes one more time. It was pathetic. Calling a spade a spade is no crime. I dont see u arguing when the same people call every one a Wahabi when we defend the Arabs.

Yea but we have to assume that security services are correct in absence of evidence to the contrary. I mean if a policeman apprehends an individual we assume sufficient wrongdoing on part of that individual for an arrest unless evidence to the contrary turns up.

If they had arrested these guys I would have sided with our guys, right now I have sympathies for non. And am specially angry at our guys for acting the way they did.
If they had arrested these guys I would have sided with our guys, right now I have sympathies for non. And am specially angry at our guys for acting the way they did.

I tend to agree - people with uniforms on representing our nation should have behave in a more appropriate manner. Forget the nationality for a minute. Lets control our officials and behave in a manner to respect all. We don't know all the details of what was exactly said and done so we are jumping to conclusions. Whatever happened im of the opinion NO one deserves to be covered in blood and this escapade is shown around the world.This could and should have been nipped in the bud.
Guys lets limit the talk about the incident - it really is the wrong path to take by bringing sects etc - we must act as one.
I travel frequently, all i would say is that attitude our ASF is the worst and unfortunately they will salute an polish the shoes of goras and corrupt elite at security check and humiliate a common Pakistani on very little thing.

@Topic - We should wait for the result of investigation and until than i will side myself with a "father, who was not able to bear the rude attitude of ASF personal towards his son" same way i supported Afridi when he punched his fan because as a "father, he was not able to bear her daughter was pushed"
Seriously be more vocal about it. Now you can sue anyone for just about anything. Teach them a lesson Saudi human rights organization have some pretty good lawyers and most likely they will take care of the costs themselves.

Will a human rights organization also represent a non-Muslim? Especially if I have to complain about the airport official opening my suitcase to break my idols and tear my religious pictures?
LoL, the guy you are defending called me a terrorist for being wahabi on a thread the other day.

razpak they are fascists which can't give us jobs but saudi give us .they cant give us good life but saudi give us .they donate.0.00$ when floods earthquake jolt pakistan but saudi send 100s millions $ to us . let them bash for this damn issue. even in saudi airport forces never torture like criminals of FIA .i hate these guys now more then anyone else. we 1mn+ pakistanis doing our jobs here and eating 3 times these stupids internet warriors can give us jobs ?

I see there is some thing you are trying to tell me about my self ?
Us Pakistanis are having a very good time in Saudi Arabia.
Thank you very much.

we really have good time here never been harassed or tortured in saudi 12 years . doing it with a diplomat what a shame man . i still remember saudi navy guys stop us to enter in port but when pakistan naval attache arrived they talk so friendly and open their arms and port for us in return we torture their attache? ASF guys should be and will be punished .can ASF give us what saudi give to pakistanis?
Tsk tsk tsk, how did it come to this?? From Pakistani coverts to wahabism, to Pakistanis itching at a chance to get some arbi B____? How did it happen? why did it happen?? Inquiring arbis don't want to know?

Muse, I think you are a little biased here. Why should the "Wahabiism" be a justification for the treatment of all people from one country. After all, aren't you guilty of the racism you so accuse the Saudis of? If you want to be different from them, shouldn't you also reflect on the lack of professionalism on the part of the security official. If a similar "guest" had assaulted a TSA official in the USA, he would have at best sacked him and arrested him for assaulting an officer on duty. Isn't following the protocol more important than settling personal vendetta (like is so prevalent in our nations?)
ASF gets a thumbs up - Anybody, not just because this person was a "saudi" but any person who refuses a lawful request by a Law enforcement officer and get into a physical altercation with that officer, well, that officer will have to protect himself and enforce lawful requests.

You got lot of thanks from usual hater brigade but your comments are as unfortunate as they can be.
What we see is bleeding and injured Saudi army officer, nothing more! which shall be condemned as much as possible.

Most likely some clan member of Gilani and Zardari was instructed to do that.. out of sheer hate for non Shia Muslims.

Keep your thumbs up.
doesnt matter if he was civilian or military; if he dared to misbehave with our airport officials then he got what he deserved....

given the tense security, he's lucky to even be alive!!!!!!

guests or other people like that who misbehave have no business or duty to be in Pakistan....Saudia is however a partner and ally, so therefore the issue will likely be forgotten and forgiven. They should be careful though in future not to send mentally unstable people to Pakistan.

you dont put your hand on airport officials....EVER....in ANY country

this same thing happened in egypt about a year ago with a member of the saudi royal family the police officer beat him up good and his guards at the cairo airport

Khaleejeeyya!!! :laugh:

razpak they are fascists which can't give us jobs but saudi give us .they cant give us good life but saudi give us .they donate.0.00$ when floods earthquake jolt pakistan but saudi send 100s millions $ to us . let them bash for this damn issue. even in saudi airport forces never torture like criminals of FIA .i hate these guys now more then anyone else. we 1mn+ pakistanis doing our jobs here and eating 3 times these stupids internet warriors can give us jobs ?

we really have good time here never been harassed or tortured in saudi 12 years . doing it with a diplomat what a shame man . i still remember saudi navy guys stop us to enter in port but when pakistan naval attache arrived they talk so friendly and open their arms and port for us in return we torture their attache? ASF guys should be and will be punished .can ASF give us what saudi give to pakistanis?

Hundred and thousands of pakistanis are working there for better earnings and what we do here is to disrespect them as much as we can....some congenital haters are too ignorant to see this...
Yeah ! Another conspiracy theory ! :azn:

It is quite evident to see the haters daily on this forum

doesnt matter if he was civilian or military; if he dared to misbehave with our airport officials then he got what he deserved...

It is rule that all checking posts have cctv and if the airport security can provide video than its fine, otherwise thez are liers and haters.
In later case, still it is beyond the jurisdiction of security official to show his hate and injur a person who is a real vip.

Few months back a Saudi embassy official was killed in his car and that too perhaps was due to misbehavior with some Zardari clan clown.
Thanks but no thanks. And secondly I live here, between these guys day in day out. Interact daily with the Kuwaiti military guys cause I have to enter the port daily where I work. And when some of them are @$$ clowns, many treat me very well. Same thing that our guys do. Some good some bad. But ur brush that you use to paint all Arabs with is not a rational one either. And yes one more time. It was pathetic. Calling a spade a spade is no crime. I dont see u arguing when the same people call every one a Wahabi when we defend the Arabs.

I know , millions do ... But the discrimination and the ill treatment they face in Arab countries disgusts me ... After all , we respect all Arabs here arriving in our country and do not treat them the same as they do to us in their country ... I never said that " all Arabs are evil " ... I was merely referring to the treatment generally meted out to my fellow countrymen there ... Again saying " pathetic " hints that you didn't read my previous posts and even if you did , learned nothing from it ... I told you " no matter how different the other person's opinion is from your's " , that is no reason to be disrespectful ... You can still express yourself properly and effectively whilst maintaining civility ... Freedom of speech whilst maintaining a certain level of civility ... Is it that hard brother ? :tdown: ... I do argue when people are termed as " Wahhabi " just for defending Arabs ... Defending or arguing for someone is no criteria to judge a person's caste , orientation or ideology ... But unfortunately , some consider it as their religious duty to defend Arabs for every wrong they have committed ... But still they are entitled to their own opinion as I am to mine ... :)

It is quite evident to see the haters daily on this forum

Few months back a Saudi embassy official was killed in his car and that too perhaps was due to misbehavior with some Zardari clan clown.

Sorry , that is not the answer to my question ... What prove do you have that the ASF's were acting on the directive of some high ranking official or he was assaulted on some personal vendetta ? :azn:

Once again , another one without any proof ! ... No holds barred to wild conspiracy theories ...
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