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Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

Is there a problem with you?? I have property in Pakistan and come often. Welcome to the 21st Century people travel for work and business.

Pakistan is a poor country and so some of our people are poor?? So what? We should let people abuse us?? Have some self frakkin respect. Its well known how our Saudi brothers treat Pakistanis in Sauds. I remember sometime ago being informed by a Pakistani who had worked in Saudi that they refer to Pakistanis as orphans. Seeing yours and others comments I understand why

"P-a-k-i" was coined by skin head Sauds i guess? Its well know how brits treated Pakistanis and still you choose England? Seeing your self respect rhetoric I understand why "Hypocrite" word was invented. Britain due to which Kashmir issue still persist, due to which your forefathers were suffered during migration. Shows how much self respect you are earning mate.
lolz you guys are so selfish man . your British kill 100s of thousands on muslims .decline our 800 years old muslim empire in india .you are proud of that but we poor Pakistanis pay 2-3 lakhs work here earn 1000$ per month because we are from rural areas of Pakistan you should understand our problem my dear .

I am not your dear. I have seen many of your posts and they show a distinct lack of decorum and education. You are not representative of all Pakistanis abroad or in Pakistan.

Here in Britain we are at the heart of the west. We play an important role in changing opinion. For example part of the success of the anti war movement is down to people like me.

We are at an embryonic stage of our development but we do aspire to have our own AIPAC equivalent in the UK in time. If we can make UK and west supportive of Pakistan by winning hearts and minds it will prove useful for Pakistan.

Now let us go back to topic and state for the record that ignore that it was Pakistanis and Saudis involved. In the absence of evidence that the response was disproportionate every single nation from the poorest to the richest would stand by their security officers
Give me an example where a Pakistani has gone and abused security officials at an Airport these days and nothing ha been done. Our security staff are not paid to be slapped it just is not in the job description.

just cos someone is rich does not give him a right to abuse other

Better than bending or bowing in the face of adversity. Until I see evidence that the response was disproportional I will not accept any criticism of our security personnel

I will give double thumbs up when these so called professional ASF guys beat hell of a gora or corrupt elite and their kids abusing them, that's also not in their job description, isn't it? I have seen how these person pass through the security and treat these macho men like peons or security guards standing on their gate.
Then why did you ran away to England? Former Master of Pakistan?

Typical sign of a loser. When you cant discuss the topic refer to personal attacks and personal comments. One of the problems I have noticed with some of you Saudi lovers that logic and reasonableness does not enter your vocabularies. This often manifests itself by you guys coming over as if you have no education even when you have been to school.
its very hard to to find 5000 jobs today in pakistan but we have 1300.000 jobs here these idiots don't understand it .if he misbehave just ignore him damn

You obviously lived in Saudi Arabia working McDonalds or whatever low pay, that's what this make you happy. In Pakistan, BilalHaider got job in the higher Engineer position in Pakistan, please contact him if you want to work in Pakistan which are looking for high educated people. :P
Refusing to cooperate: ‘ASF men rough up Saudi embassy official’

RAWALPINDI: Airport Security Force personnel at the Benazir Bhutto International Airport allegedly entered into an altercation with the military attaché of the Saudi embassy on Thursday, after he refused to cooperate during security checks and abused Pakistan and called Pakistani officials his “servants”.

According to officials from the ASF, Colonel Sukhari, who was meant to fly out to Riyadh, refused to get a routine body check and started quarrelling with the security personnel at the airport. The ASF officials said that the military attaché insisted that he was not subject to a body search because he was a diplomat.

The Saudi embassy official became abusive and attacked the ASF officials, say eye witnesses. He also abused Pakistanis in general and called them “servant class,” said eyewitnesses.

An official from the Airport Police said the Saudi official started the fight by slapping an ASF official, identified as Idrees.

Following this, the ASF staff started tried to restrain Sukhari.

While speaking to the media at the airport after being medically examined, the colonel denied starting the fight and claimed that the security staff misbehaved with him and his son.

The embassy official added that he would initiate criminal proceedings against the ASF security staff.

The Saudi Embassy, refused to comment on the incident.

Medical Superintendent BBH Dr Asif Qadir Mir informed the media that a medical examination of Colonel Sukhari had been carried out, which showed that he was bruised. ASF officials also received injuries.

Sukhari was taken to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences by Saudi ambassador Abdul Aziz Bin Ibrahim for treatment. But no such relief was accorded to ASF officials, said sources.

No FIR has been registered.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 1st, 2012.

While Pakistani sources say the man was not an official of the Saudi embassy and was here for a military course, Saudi Airline sources said he was a member of the Saudi Arabian embassy.

Please be careful Saudi next times to visit Pakistan airport, that's advice suggestion, and refrain nonsense comments against Pakistani security. Typical Arab racisms.
Our forefathers didnt make pakistan to be called as land of ingragtes....And our forefathers didnt make a pakistan unable to differentiate between friends and enemies....

Americans kill Muslims from Libya to Pakistan. Sauds are their allies. It is you that is in denial.
I smell foul play here...

Either the security official really did something which infuriated the diplomat...
the diplomat is simply being arrogant..

i believe the first case because the diplomat in question has no prior record of misbehaving and arrogance at the airport...

Wait until the CCTV footage is released..

So sad that you don't even know that this Ruffian was a Saudi Air force officer, not a diplomat -- anyway.
it's somewhat troubling that threads like these make 12+ pages but when we are discussing more pressing matters (like economy and development and ideas and discussion on moving forward) those hardly make 3-4 pages.

something to think about

as for this incident - the guest misbehaved and now maybe he understands that his actions were wrong and irrational. NEVER EVER EVER do you raise a hand to an airport official - who is simply doing his/her job!

simple thing would be just to deport him back to Saudi....if he has complain or grievences, he can file complaint against airport staff. However, unless the CCTV footage is released its hard to come to any judgement or conclusion. Seems ASF was working within its boundaries, this guy was just being hot-tempered. Such people should not be in diplomatic or military positions anyways - how can they be considered professionals?
I am not your dear. I have seen many of your posts and they show a distinct lack of decorum and education. You are not representative of all Pakistanis abroad or in Pakistan.

Here in Britain we are at the heart of the west. We play an important role in changing opinion. For example part of the success of the anti war movement is down to people like me.

We are at an embryonic stage of our development but we do aspire to have our own AIPAC equivalent in the UK in time. If we can make UK and west supportive of Pakistan by winning hearts and minds it will prove useful for Pakistan.

Now let us go back to topic and state for the record that ignore that it was Pakistanis and Saudis involved. In the absence of evidence that the response was disproportionate every single nation from the poorest to the richest would stand by their security officers

the same UK USA and west whom we provided enough support in cold war and soviet afghan war and our 40000 lives in WOT couldnt make them pakistani's supportive and just by ur praising their antiwar movement can make them pakistan's supportive is like a joke
Americans kill Muslims from Libya to Pakistan. Sauds are their allies. It is you that is in denial.

Iran is Indian ally and Indians kill Muslims too!

You ignore that quite conveniently! :tdown:
Our forefathers didnt make pakistan to be called as land of ingragtes....And our forefathers didnt make a pakistan unable to differentiate between friends and enemies....

Are you senile mate. American's kill Muslims from Libya to Pakistan every day. Western press propaganda constantly attacks Pakistan. These Sauds are their allies and are complicit.

They asked Pakistan to continue allow Americans to use Shamsi after they killed our troops and made Pakistani orphans. Did you see that junior officer killed he had a two year old daughter. These basket Americans cant even say sorry and these Arabs want us to open routes etc for them.

Pakistan is starved of energy and they want to stop the IP pipeline whilst those Sauds sit in their AC and 50 wives and Pakistan has load shedding etc.

You Saudi loving lot are the fifth column in Pakistan
well if he abused Pakistanis in general then i think everyone in security gate and departure lounge should have joined in
Typical sign of a loser. When you cant discuss the topic refer to personal attacks and personal comments. One of the problems I have noticed with some of you Saudi lovers that logic and reasonableness does not enter your vocabularies. This often manifests itself by you guys coming over as if you have no education even when you have been to school.

Typical sign of desperation. When there is not a coherent picture and things are still being investigated. A person comes and start blaming SAUDIS and HOUSE OF SAUDS.

Please Tell us Mighty O Aryan B. What happened to your logics and reasoning that you so persistently give, on Iran-Syrian threads. We should not believe blindly what is reported in Press, we should have an open mind until true picture start to come out.

Mighty O Aryan B. The lord of Vocabulary, The master of Literate Lot of PDF, When we keep an open mind you accuse us of illiterates and saudi lovers and when we have close minds you advise us not to believe whatever reported in press?

Why there is so much fallacy and in-coherency in your arguments Mighty O Aryan B? Why you became emotional? Shows the level of your debating, at least kids here in pakistan are much better debater than you are.
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