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Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport


Saudi ambassador to Pakistan with embassy official Shehri at the the airport.


ISLAMABAD: A Saudi Embassy official in Pakistan was injured in a brawl with security officials at the Benazir Bhutto International Airport on Thursday, reported Express News.

Colonel Sukhari was off to Riyadh when he allegedly refused to be checked at the airport. He also slapped an Airport Security Force (ASF) official when security officials insisted.
In turn, the ASF official thrashed him and his son, injuring them both.

ASF claimed that he was a protocol officer, while the Saudi ambassador in Pakistan claimed that he was a military attaché at the consulate.

Speaking to the media after the incident, Sukhari said that he did not refuse any security check and was thrashed after he tried to stop officials from misbehaving with his son.

“Can I do this? I did not refuse any security check. My son and I got ourselves checked at two security checks,” he told the media.

He added that he will initiate a case against the ASF for torturing him and his son.

Sources say that the CCTV footage at the airport has been seized on the orders of the chief security officer and all ASF officials have been summoned.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik has sought an inquiry report from in to the incident from FIA within 24 hours.


I know what you mean bro, I live in Bahrain & i knows these Arabs well.

I am sure that it wasn't ASF fault it is Saudis fault 100% but Rahman Malik looking in to this matter means trouble for Pakistan. He is a lying & a propaganda machine. He has only cause 100% problems for Pakistan.

You can't get into a street fight mode with diplomats of other nations in your country .

Even if the Saudi did initiate it , he should have been arrested and given fair trial and not beaten up like this .

The saudis do seem like an arrogant bunch though if the ASF version is true .

Oh baba you would had been shoot in the US had you refused to go through security check.
=r3alist;2999287]if you think national pride involves winning a public brawl when calm and control was required then i continue to despair.

NO national pride is let them walk all over us who ever and when ever they want oh wait we have been doing that for years look where it has gotten us.

national pride to my mind would mean NOT stooping to low standards but applying the CORRECT standards.

And in My Mind correct standards have been applied here.
Irfan Bhai

I am not a lawyer but i do play one and in this case here is what i see

1=His eyes are red obviously been drinking
2=blood is on his shirt outside not inside indicating he beat some one up cause he was intoxicated and that's there blood
3=cause he been drinking he fell and hurt himself that's why he is bleeding from his forehead.

Damm i would have been a Good lawyer :angel:


You could make a lawyer but with this line of arguments your case would not hold.

Red eyes as the Defence would prove can be for a variety of reasons like Blood Pressue, lack of sleep, trauma, heat etc.

Unless a blood test establishes it or for traffic offences a breatlolyser does establishing being under the influence of alcohol is not easy. Also there is vast difference between having had a drink and being under its influence - drunk as it is loosely called.
Even if the Sudi offical was rude or violent towards the airport security you dont beat up people you arrest them, then charge or deport.
How do you think this will play back home, Saudi anounces assistance package to Pakistan, Pakistan airport guard puts the boot into Saudi diplomat?
Its our incompetence that we depends on Saudi assistance package...We need to learn how to starve instead of beggars.....:smokin:
NO national pride is let them walk all over us who ever and when ever they want oh wait we have been doing that for years look where it has gotten us.

and this fighting spirit is a good thing, but only if you know when to pick your fights.
So I see,
the usual Shia gang cheering up ... Oh ahhhh, revenge in the name of Khomeni ....

Let the officials get to it, let there be an inquiry, and we will see what comes out of it.

Shia don't worship Khomeini we worship The Almighty God not like Pakistani Wahhabi worship House of saud and cause some of us are standing up for the security personal who did his job don't mean you bring in religion into this.

But its good to see you clearly a non biased reasonable person who started with attacking shia even though this has absolutely nothing to do with religion standing up for your country men but we all no for Wahhabi Pakistan isn't priority House of Saud is.
As expected that is what we talk about liberal bias against Islam and Muslims of liberals of Pakistan he was from embassy with immunity and ASF morons thrash him with already Pakistan in trouble these things will prove last nail in our coffin

Here comes another person who considers defending Saudis as his religious duty for every wrong they have committed ! Where do you see any bias against Muslim ? Aren't the ASF personnel muslims too ? Or any mention of liberals of Pakistan and such ?

Are you even aware how Pakistanis and other South Asians are treated in KSA ? :azn:

I know the ASF didn't handle this properly , but what they do in their country with our fellow Pakistanis is even worse !
Shia don't worship Khomeini we worship The Almighty God not like Pakistani Wahhabi worship House of saud and cause some of us are standing up for the security personal who did his job don't mean you bring in religion into this.

But its good to see you clearly a non biased reasonable person who started with attacking shia even though this has absolutely nothing to do with religion standing up for your country men but we all no for Wahhabi Pakistan isn't priority House of Saud is.

See i am waiting a while before I reply you ... some one owes me one.
See i am waiting a while before I reply you ... some one owes me one.
Salman , there's no Shia and Sunni thing involved in this matter ... Please keep sectarianism aside from this thread atleast !

This guy is not diplomat from what I read he works for the Saudi Air Force and is in Pakistan on a training mission. This guy is a squadron leader and not at all a diplomat.

Well , that obviously means that he has no immunity of any sort ... Why the refusal to pass through security then ? :what:
When I stand with Hindus, I am termed, When I voice support a position an Israeli has taken, I am termed a Jew, when I support a position Iran has taken, I am a Shiah ---- in all of this, not once have those who say such things, not been Islamist which a soft spot for the Wahabi

Ahmadi, Shi'ah, Hindu, Jew - just look at the gamut of hatred with in Pakistan that Wahabis promote, and they wonder why

I'm counting on it - I hope this story get a lot of air time in Saudi, I hope there is a great deal of "emotion" generated - -

I normally stop my self from getting involved into your crapy theories, and try not to answer. But this hope of yours goes on to show how pathetic you are, just because its not your @$$ on the line so be it. You know how many Pakistanis stand to suffer from this, but u dont give a Chit now do you. Arrogance has a limit, but with you it never ends.

Now on topic, lets all wait, if the Saudi guy is at fault give them prof of it and close the chapter. If the ASF guys are then deal with them. But what ever was the case the ASF guys behaved like common thugs at the end, which is not the right thing to do .
You know how many Pakistanis stand to suffer from this, but u dont give a Chit now do you.

Do not they already suffer ? :azn: Isn't there a discriminatory line drawn between Arabs and non Arabs ?

Speaking to the media after the incident, Sukhari said that he did not refuse any security check and was thrashed after he tried to stop officials from misbehaving with his son.

He added that he will initiate a case against the ASF for torturing him and his son.

Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport – The Express Tribune

At least you can initiate a case against the people you consider as guilty in our land ! I am even sure you can expect a free and fair trial and speedy justice to be awarded by our courts ! Aren't you fortunate ?

Can my fellow countrymen in KSA register a case and then expect the same if something similar or much worse was done to them ? :no:
Do not they already suffer ? :azn: Isn't there a discriminatory line drawn between Arabs and non Arabs ?

At least you can initiate a case against the people you consider as guilty in our land ! I am even sure you can expect a free and fair trial and speedy justice to be awarded by our courts ! Aren't you fortunate ?

Can my fellow countrymen in KSA register a case and then expect the same if something similar or much worse was done to them ? :no:

Now why did u have to remove that threat you made to me. I was enjoying reading it my friend. I will still answer it even though u had removed it. I said what I said and I meant what I said. You so called liberal bunch are very amusing. You say what u have to say, but if some one else says something that you dont like then they are labeled every thing along with the threats like the one u had made to me. And have u ever been to Saudi, or Kuwait, or Emirates. Yes they at times do treat u like Chit, I have had experienced it my self. But guess what the worst treatments that I had gotten were not at a Saudi ariport, or a Kuwaiti one, or an Emirati one. But an American Ariport, and Karachi Ariport. The american ariport guy did what he had to because Iam a Muslim, and the Karachi one treated me like **** cause I am a Punjabi.

Now on your free and fair trial in our own country, seriously seriously seriously.
When I stand with Hindus, I am termed, When I voice support a position an Israeli has taken, I am termed a Jew, when I support a position Iran has taken, I am a Shiah ---- in all of this, not once have those who say such things, not been Islamist which a soft spot for the Wahabi

Ahmadi, Shi'ah, Hindu, Jew - just look at the gamut of hatred with in Pakistan that Wahabis promote, and they wonder why

Same here. I was named hidden Jew, Israeli, Armenian, Greek, Indian, Bharmin, Hindu and whatnot. People needs to recognise the importance of independent thought. It is not right to label anybody away from the (mainstream) thought as something perceived derogatory.
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