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Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

I do not think so. Our security services have a difficult job as it is. We must support them unless there is evidence to suggest wrongdoing. The default position is they are right. Anyway its good to hear they are doing their job effectively and even sauds are not offered concessions

Evidence i guess we should except same evidence they do in there country what ever the official says.
security duty doesn't mean you "MUST" use your maximum force to subdue an unarmed opponent. a well trained person specially in a place like airports that is used by ordinary people must use minimum non-lethal , physical force to subdue a person who refuses to comply after verbal warnings.


We must assume our security services behaved as per protocol unless there is evidence to the contrary. You know how difficult their job.

The point about this guy being a Saudi is that Pakistan security are not in the habit of beating up anyone and in particular Saudsas we have good relations as a country with them
=r3alist;2999152]i despair if you think that this story has achieved your goal.

Please spare me

the saudi's will do as the saudi's please, as will the Americans, as will the rest of the world.

And you thing we shouldn't have national pride.

the trick is being able to deal with different types of people in the most expedient way.

And i think he was Given a Fair and fast treatment.

maybe one day Pakistan will get this respect it thinks it deserves by actually going out into the world and earning it? or

1=Respect is not given its earned
2=no one respects the pushover

do you want it all on a plate?

Have you ever been introduced to the thing called Self respect its a wonderful thing.
We must assume our security services behaved as per protocol unless there is evidence to the contrary.

Evidence i guess we should except same evidence they do in there country what ever the official says.



look at his face and. his torn shirt.

is bloody obvious
brother you lost the point there

security duty doesn't mean you "MUST" use your maximum force to subdue an unarmed opponent. a well trained person specially in a place like airports that is used by ordinary people must use minimum non-lethal , physical force to subdue a person who refuses to comply after verbal warnings.

for a moment just consider what if he was an Afghan, Somalian or Nepalese? would you still advocate the same amount of force?

forget the Saudi part, he might be an arrogant pillock and might have shown total disregard to the staff. but thats where the difference lies between a thug and a responsible and well trained individual on duty in a place like an airport.

Irfan Bhai i have seen what these Saudis Do to Pakistanis i have always wished we should be doing to them same.

I assured you at the western airports these Saudis behave and do exactly what they are told but the same people become obnoxious when they are in our countries.

Reason they behave in such a way is simple they no nothing will happen to them but this time obviously this guy Got more then he bargained for.

In Saudi no matter what the evidence is or what CCTV shows police officer or airport officials words is the last word.
ASF should be armed with high intensity tasers to deal with these type of situation.ASF Officials should have exercised patience and caution IMHO.


I wont go to any airport where the security has your mindset.
even taser is one of the last resort.
if the person ignores the verbal warnings and gets physical, then he must be tackled and incapacitated (arms and legs grabbed and pinned to floor/ wall)

you dont start pulling triggers and throwing punishes at an unarmed fella just because you are wearing a uniform and happen to have your mates with guns with you as well.

I am not advocating a black belt in ding dong du (or whatever the martial arts name they got) simple and basic restraining techniques work wonders and I have used them many times.


look at his face and. his torn shirt.

is bloody obvious

Irfan Bhai

I am not a lawyer but i do play one and in this case here is what i see

1=His eyes are red obviously been drinking
2=blood is on his shirt outside not inside indicating he beat some one up cause he was intoxicated and that's there blood
3=cause he been drinking he fell and hurt himself that's why he is bleeding from his forehead.

Damm i would have been a Good lawyer :angel:
Irfan Bhai i have seen what these Saudis Do to Pakistanis i have always wished we should be doing to them same.

I assured you at the western airports these Saudis behave and do exactly what they are told but the same people become obnoxious when they are in our countries.

Reason they behave in such a way is simple they no nothing will happen to them but this time obviously this guy Got more then he bargained for.

In Saudi no matter what the evidence is or what CCTV shows police officer or airport officials words is the last word.

like I said,

I am not even contesting or advocating the behaviour of the saudi

I am not even interested in his nationality. ASF must exhibit a behaviour it will do with all nationals and foreigners.

just because Americans or Saudis mistreat us doesnt mean we do the same. then we lose the right to complain

its like an unending TV debate where PPP guys says you are corrupt bad and the PMLn guys says well so are you... and the story goes on.

Irfan Bhai

I am not a lawyer but i do play one and in this case here is what i see

1=His eyes are red obviously been drinking
2=blood is on his shirt outside not inside indicating he beat some one up cause he was intoxicated and that's there blood
3=cause he been drinking he fell and hurt himself that's why he is bleeding from his forehead.

Damm i would have been a Good lawyer :angel:

you being non serious now

thats red eye due to the camera flash

his right eye socket has swelling due to a kick or a radio hit on the side of his eye and thats where the vain was punctured and soiled his shirt.
had he fallen himself it would have been nose and lips not the side of the eye.
Our own local Sheikhs behave more rudely at airports and every uncouth who somehow has managed to accumulate wealth through illegal means demands to be treated like a king. Recently a corrupt son of our corrupt PM was involved in a brawl on a PIA flight, I wish the security would have given him the same treatment.

sorry Mohtarma Shaeed Banazir Bhutto Airport is world s worse International Airport.

Even the name of this airport cannot be more ugly. Can we call it again Islamabad International Airport once the king of corrupts is not desecrating the office of presidency any more?
Irfan Bhai

I am not a lawyer but i do play one and in this case here is what i see

1=His eyes are red obviously been drinking
2=blood is on his shirt outside not inside indicating he beat some one up cause he was intoxicated and that's there blood
3=cause he been drinking he fell and hurt himself that's why he is bleeding from his forehead.

Damm i would have been a Good lawyer :angel:

looool eyes are red b'cause of camera flash ;)
Our own local Sheikhs behave more rudely at airports and every uncouth who somehow has managed to accumulate wealth through illegal means demands to be treated like a king. Recently a corrupt son of our corrupt PM was involved in a brawl on a PIA flight, I wish the security would have given him the same treatment.

Even the name of this airport cannot be more ugly. Can we call it again Islamabad International Airport once the king of corrupts is not desecrating the office of presidency any more?

after king will go if we try to change the names of tow benazeer (queen of corruption ) to something else their gangs of jiyalas will loot burn flame the country dear .at this time two air ports many twons one big city (nawabshah) and much more is renamed as queen of corruption :D call it banazeerstan now not pakistan

I wont go to any airport where the security has your mindset.
even taser is one of the last resort.
if the person ignores the verbal warnings and gets physical, then he must be tackled and incapacitated (arms and legs grabbed and pinned to floor/ wall)

you dont start pulling triggers and throwing punishes at an unarmed fella just because you are wearing a uniform and happen to have your mates with guns with you as well.

I am not advocating a black belt in ding dong du (or whatever the martial arts name they got) simple and basic restraining techniques work wonders and I have used them many times.

Without a report of the incidence all; you are doing is speculation and giving the benefit of the doubt to the Saudi. As I have said earlier in the absence of evidence to the contrary we must support our security services

just because Americans or Saudis mistreat us doesnt mean we do the same. then we lose the right to complain

How do you know that our security services mistreated him? How do you know that disproportionate force was used as per your suggestion
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