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Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

ASF gets a thumbs up - Anybody, not just because this person was a "saudi" but any person who refuses a lawful request by a Law enforcement officer and get into a physical altercation with that officer, well, that officer will have to protect himself and enforce lawful requests.

sir I wont be too smug about it

Arabs never forgive or forget like a camel. specially Saudis.. for them the South Asians are slaves ( yes INDIANS too :woot:)
they wont let it pass

there will be backlash in Saudia against the Pakistani citizens

brace yourself for many incidents with similar or more severity.

by the way. I refuse to accept the beating of this man.
ASF should have used minimum force and restrained him

thats what the training is for.
anyone worth his security training should impobalise and restrain a person specially when there are other gaurds to assist in that case.
beating punching and ripping off the shirt of a lone person is hardly professional.

to me it doesnt matter who started it. maybe the Saudi was being an arrogant idiot but that doesnt justify what we see in the picture.

be it Saudi, Indian, Chinese (American yea sure lol) or any other nationality using a crude and thuggish force is unacceptable for an organised security force that is supposed to man the airport.

lawful requests if refused should follow up with a brute force like this if non-lethal techniques to incapacitate a person are at hand. one doenst even need to know martial arts. 3 or for men could have garbed him and pushed him to the wall or floor instead of punching his face.

I am saying all this from personal experience and have done security duties for about 4 years, during my time I have removed people from the premises that were bigger and stronger than me on my own and with the help of other team members without having to punch or kick anyone.
Why are you so happy? Another minority you can abuse? I do not know if he is or not but I will stand with him as a Pakistani every time against what you stand for.

When I stand with Hindus, I am termed, When I voice support a position an Israeli has taken, I am termed a Jew, when I support a position Iran has taken, I am a Shiah ---- in all of this, not once have those who say such things, not been Islamist which a soft spot for the Wahabi

Ahmadi, Shi'ah, Hindu, Jew - just look at the gamut of hatred with in Pakistan that Wahabis promote, and they wonder why

Arabs never forgive or forget like a camel. specially Saudis.. for them the South Asians are slaves ( yes INDIANS too )
they wont let it pass

I'm counting on it - I hope this story get a lot of air time in Saudi, I hope there is a great deal of "emotion" generated - -
You can't get into a street fight mode with diplomats of other nations in your country .

Even if the Saudi did initiate it , he should have been arrested and given fair trial and not beaten up like this .

The saudis do seem like an arrogant bunch though if the ASF version is true .
Its sad whatever has happened, nobody is above the law but at the same time the ASF should have taken sane steps. But I have a fear that weather ASF is responsible or not but somebody will become a scapegoat and as a proud nation that is what we dont want. My two pennies.
When I stand with Hindus, I am termed, When I voice support a position an Israeli has taken, I am termed a Jew, when I support a position Iran has taken, I am a Shiah ---- in all of this, not once have those who say such things, not been Islamist which a soft spot for the Wahabi

Ahmadi, Shi'ah, Hindu, Jew - just look at the gamut of hatred with in Pakistan that Wahabis promote, and they wonder why

I'm counting on it - I hope this story get a lot of air time in Saudi, I hope there is a great deal of "emotion" generated - -

In others, you are not necessarily "pro" anything or anyone, but in essence "anti arbi", or "anti wahabi" - I think you have become a little obsessed.
In others, you are not necessarily "pro" anything or anyone, but in essence "anti arbi", or "anti wahabi" - I think you have become a little obsessed.

You are right - just because you can't stand with the bad, does not mean you stand with the good --very Pakistani, very post modern, very confused.
sir I wont be too smug about it

Arabs never forgive or forget like a camel. specially Saudis.. for them the South Asians are slaves ( yes INDIANS too :woot:)
they wont let it pass

there will be backlash in Saudia against the Pakistani citizens

brace yourself for many incidents with similar or more severity.


not just ur citizens but all working class who are living there to earn for their family will be affected if the diplomats and his associates vie for vengeance like u said.
You can't get into a street fight mode with diplomats of other nations in your country .

Even if the Saudi did initiate it , he should have been arrested and given fair trial and not beaten up like this .

The saudis do seem like an arrogant bunch though if the ASF version is true .

irrelevant now yaar

ASF used unnecessary force . they have been unprofessional.
passengers spit, swear, throw-up agitate all sort of things

travelling is a very stressful affair and I tell you Islamabad Airport..
sorry Mohtarma Shaeed Banazir Bhutto Airport is world s worse International Airport.

being a security guard is not just looking good and complaining about people who dont fall in the line. there is a method and limit to get compliance. and this picture shows the worse form of it.

had they rugby tackled him and then hand cuffed him then it would have been much better. looking at this picture and not reading the story would make you think if he has been beaten up by a drunken group of youth or something.

what he had done "allegedly" .. is wrong but ASF is bigger culprit.
i think both are wrong on the action bunch of idiots having good time :chilli:

I do not think so. Our security services have a difficult job as it is. We must support them unless there is evidence to suggest wrongdoing. The default position is they are right. Anyway its good to hear they are doing their job effectively and even sauds are not offered concessions

Well you have experience with this and certainly your perspective is much deeper - perhaps ASF should be equipped with those taser weapons
As expected that is what we talk about liberal bias against Islam and Muslims of liberals of Pakistan he was from embassy with immunity and ASF morons thrash him with already Pakistan in trouble these things will prove last nail in our coffin

People like you are exactly the reason why sauidies Behave like this with Pakistanis but this time he obviously came across a man with self respect dignity and National pride and was given a lesson he will never forget for the rest of his life.

Well you have experience with this and certainly your perspective is much deeper - perhaps ASF should be equipped with those taser weapons

ya tasers & dogs .. you pull the gun out and warn him and if he knows what the 2000 volts do then he will "STFU"

and just open the kosh and swing in the air, just the sound if its opening forces the agitated person to comply (a growl of the German Sheppard will have same effect)

I dont care if this was a Saudi, he could have been a Bangali , Korean or some other European.

on lighter note, lets see how sauid media plays it.. you get the popcorns and I will get the drinks
Sir your all of your posts have always made it clear that your problem is with Saudi Arabia if it would have been western you wouldn't have said it and this Saudi was most probably with immunity and the ASF has done most horrible act and can result in really bad consequences for Pakistan

You and like you are a total embarrassment to the Pakistani Nation if you like them so Much please feel free to buy one way ticket and don't let the door hit you on your way out.
People like you are exactly the reason why sauidies Behave like this with Pakistanis but this time he obviously came across a man with self respect dignity and National pride and was given a lesson he will never forget for the rest of his life.

brother you lost the point there

security duty doesn't mean you "MUST" use your maximum force to subdue an unarmed opponent. a well trained person specially in a place like airports that is used by ordinary people must use minimum non-lethal , physical force to subdue a person who refuses to comply after verbal warnings.

for a moment just consider what if he was an Afghan, Somalian or Nepalese? would you still advocate the same amount of force?

forget the Saudi part, he might be an arrogant pillock and might have shown total disregard to the staff. but thats where the difference lies between a thug and a responsible and well trained individual on duty in a place like an airport.
People like you are exactly the reason why sauidies Behave like this with Pakistanis but this time he obviously came across a man with self respect dignity and National pride and was given a lesson he will never forget for the rest of his life.

i despair if you think that this story has achieved your goal.

the saudi's will do as the saudi's please, as will the americans, as will the rest of the world.

the trick is being able to deal with different types of people in the most expedient way.

maybe one day pakistan will get this respect it thinks it deserves by actually going out into the world and earning it? or do you want it all on a plate?

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