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Saudi Monarchy;a disgrace?

Kashmiri Nationalist

Oct 21, 2009
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The Saudi Monarchy has controlled Saudi Arabi for thousands of years. Saudi Arabia has never hosted democratic elections either, the King and his family (5000+members) are the heads of state and most dept. are controlled by them.

Recently when the Israeli Army massacred Palestinians in Gaza they did nothing, in fact Western Nations made much more of a fuss than them. After years of oppressing Palestinians we see a lot of rhetoric but no action. Saudi has more cash than Israel and manpower, within a few years they could easily win a war with Israel, Pakistan and other Muslim powers would back them up.

The Saudi Monarchy is also Wahabi, the Imam of Wahabism destroyed the tomb of the Prophet & his followers aswell as killed non muslims and muslims during his conquest of Mekka, something the prophet never done. Sunni (the majority sect. of Pakistan and the Muslim world) is only allowed to be taught in School, even if it is taught. A Wahabi is only allowed to be a judge and non Wahabis are rare in the Saudi judicial system.

I think we as Pakistanis should not support the Saudi Monarchy, but this does not mean we do not support the Saudi population. Also, should Muslim holy sites (Mekka, Media etc...) be controlled be a unified Muslim task force? This will stop giving any country in which these sites are within a politcal advantage over others.

Please dicuss this topic, Saudi are an important Muslim country. Some people like them, some don't.
You are absolutely correct, this monarchy on the basis of an obsolete method has caused far too much damage to Saudi's and the Muslim world in general, their wealth is God given, not hard earned.

Wahabism is the cause of the problems in the Islamic world due to its unnecessary and colluded past. However all evil is undone, especially those who yearn only materialistic things in this world.

Just wait and see.
You are absolutely correct, this monarchy on the basis of an obsolete method has caused far too much damage to Saudi's and the Muslim world in general, their wealth is God given, not hard earned.

Wahabism is the cause of the problems in the Islamic world due to its unnecessary and colluded past. However all evil is undone, especially those who yearn only materialistic things in this world.

Just wait and see.

A 'revolution' needs to take place, but it won't happen because of the level of dictatorship and because they have Mecca/Medina. What needs to happen is other Muslim countries need to pressure Saudi to change and hold presidential elections. Critism is needed on the international scale.
Why do you guys think that Saudi Arabia should fight against Israeil ?

Palestine is not their Business, Saudis are interested in only their country and citizens.

Their main responsibility is to their citizens and they are doing a pretty good job of giving them a very good standard of living.
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Why do you guys think that Saudi Arabia should fight against Israeil ?

Palestine is not thier Business, Saudis are interested in only their country and citizens.

Their main responsibility is to their citizens and they are doing a pretty good job of giveng them a very good standard of living.

I don't think a country dependent on shamefully exporting natural resources (selling your country's blood, so to speak), imprisoning half its population and run by a hereditary king is a shining example of good living.
Nowdays it looks like Saudi is more anti Iran than anti israel which is a shame. As long as there are governts such as the KSA, israelis will have every reason to wipe the palestinians from the map of the world.
Why do you guys think that Saudi Arabia should fight against Israeil ?

Palestine is not their Business, Saudis are interested in only their country and citizens.

Their main responsibility is to their citizens and they are doing a pretty good job of giving them a very good standard of living.

actually you are wrong about that. A great deal of Saudis are living in poverty while the house of Saud are wasting money on hookers and booze in Monaco, London and New York.
The latest insanity is a $485 million flying palace... just tell me WHY?
A Peek Inside a Saudi Prince's $485 Million Flying Palace | Fast Company
actually you are wrong about that. A great deal of Saudis are living in poverty while the house of Saud are wasting money on hookers and booze in Monaco, London and New York.
The latest insanity is a $485 million flying palace... just tell me WHY?
A Peek Inside a Saudi Prince's $485 Million Flying Palace | Fast Company

If at all there are poor Saudi Citizens, then its the responsibility of Saudi Govt. to look after them.

Saudi Govt. does not have responsibility to look after other people.
"The Saudi Monarchy has controlled Saudi Arabi for thousands of years. Saudi Arabia has never hosted democratic elections either, the King and his family (5000+members) are the heads of state and most dept. are controlled by them"

Nah man, they have not ruled these lands for thousands of years. The Al Saud family came to power after collaberating with the British against the Ottomans in WW1. Remember good old Lawrence?! He promised the Arabs freedom in return for fighting against fellow muslim brothers. So much for freedom when Jerusalem is today occupied by Zionists. Im pretty sure Palestinians would prefer Ottoman rule to Zionist rule! But anyways whats done is done.

As for your other comments, i agree. Saudi tries to show itself as the leader of the Muslim world, Yet just on the other side of the Red Sea, Palestine is occupied. So much could have been done with that oil money but instead as brother Canaan pointed out they are too busy spending that money on other stuff.
"The Saudi Monarchy has controlled Saudi Arabi for thousands of years. Saudi Arabia has never hosted democratic elections either, the King and his family (5000+members) are the heads of state and most dept. are controlled by them"

Nah man, they have not ruled these lands for thousands of years. The Al Saud family came to power after collaberating with the British against the Ottomans in WW1. Remember good old Lawrence?! He promised the Arabs freedom in return for fighting against fellow muslim brothers. So much for freedom when Jerusalem is today occupied by Zionists. Im pretty sure Palestinians would prefer Ottoman rule to Zionist rule! But anyways whats done is done.

As for your other comments, i agree. Saudi tries to show itself as the leader of the Muslim world, Yet just on the other side of the Red Sea, Palestine is occupied. So much could have been done with that oil money but instead as brother Canaan pointed out they are too busy spending that money on other stuff.

Yes the Saudis and the Florence of Arabis used to get it on.
Al-Waleed bin Talal is the 19th richest person according to forbes with a wealth of 19.4 billion. This guy is an investor and very rearley his investments go bad. He is a very sharp businessman, but has nothing to do with politics, nice plane he has got himself lol. PPL like DR. EVIL will never understand why Saudi Arabia or any other muslim country should help Palastenians, its our religious duty to help any muslims under occupation, this is called the brotherhood and above all its a moral obligation to help those in need. You can either sit back and be selfish or help the needy to try to bring equality and justice. what goes around comes around.
Al-Waleed bin Talal is the 19th richest person according to forbes with a wealth of 19.4 billion. This guy is an investor and very rearley his investments go bad. He is a very sharp businessman, but has nothing to do with politics, nice plane he has got himself lol. PPL like DR. EVIL will never understand why Saudi Arabia or any other muslim country should help Palastenians, its our religious duty to help any muslims under occupation, this is called the brotherhood and above all its a moral obligation to help those in need. You can either sit back and be selfish or help the needy to try to bring equality and justice. what goes around comes around.

Where is teh brotherhood you talk off when

1. Iran and Iraq Fight each other
2. When Iraq Occupies Kuwait.
3. When Turkish empire was kicked out of Arab Lands.

This brotherhood is a fantasy of the poor people and Poor countries, rich countries dont bother about them.
The Saudi Monarchy has controlled Saudi Arabi for thousands of years. Saudi Arabia has never hosted democratic elections either, the King and his family (5000+members) are the heads of state and most dept. are controlled by them.

Recently when the Israeli Army massacred Palestinians in Gaza they did nothing, in fact Western Nations made much more of a fuss than them. After years of oppressing Palestinians we see a lot of rhetoric but no action. Saudi has more cash than Israel and manpower, within a few years they could easily win a war with Israel, Pakistan and other Muslim powers would back them up.

The Saudi Monarchy is also Wahabi, the Imam of Wahabism destroyed the tomb of the Prophet & his followers aswell as killed non muslims and muslims during his conquest of Mekka, something the prophet never done. Sunni (the majority sect. of Pakistan and the Muslim world) is only allowed to be taught in School, even if it is taught. A Wahabi is only allowed to be a judge and non Wahabis are rare in the Saudi judicial system.

I think we as Pakistanis should not support the Saudi Monarchy, but this does not mean we do not support the Saudi population. Also, should Muslim holy sites (Mekka, Media etc...) be controlled be a unified Muslim task force? This will stop giving any country in which these sites are within a politcal advantage over others.

Please dicuss this topic, Saudi are an important Muslim country. Some people like them, some don't.

Saudi Arabia is super power in the making , they have 300 trillion Berral of oil reserves.They spending in infratstructure and educational,industrial projects arround 600 Billion dollars in next five years.

Monarchy in Saudi Arabia 1000 times better than Iran,Pakistan and other democratic corrupt muslim states.

They need to improve their human right record through giving equal rights to skill workers .
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