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Saudi Monarchy;a disgrace?

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Nowdays it looks like Saudi is more anti Iran than anti israel which is a shame. As long as there are governts such as the KSA, israelis will have every reason to wipe the palestinians from the map of the world.

That's becuase Iran is more of a threat to them and they realize it. And the biggest problem with the Palestinians right now is they are fighting each other. it is mainly Iran, Syria and Lebanon that support Hamas. Most of the ME want to see the Palestinian Authority back in control of Gaza. Take Hamas out of the equation and you will see a lot of progress take place I believe. including a lifting of the blockade.
Chinese people talking about Saudi as Jail must be a Joke.

sorry, china is more free than india, much less saudi arabia. we have the freedom to eat, to drink, to be free of poverty, to be free of armed insurgencies, to be free of corrupt politicians, to be free of a horrendous 5000 per day death rate, to have the freedom to live a 73 year life span, to farm our land free of rent and free of tax, every citizen having equal rights, and not to be put in prison for saying "i hate sonia gandhi".

funny to hear indians talk about freedom as if the freedom to vote for one corrupt politician over another is freedom at all. in some cases indians don't even have that when the corrupt politicians buy votes or use police power to force votes.
sorry, china is more free than india. we have the freedom to eat, to drink, to be free of poverty, to be free of armed insurgencies, to be free of corrupt politicians, to be free of a horrendous 5000 per day death rate, to have the freedom to live a 73 year life span, to farm our land free of rent and free of tax, every citizen having equal rights, and not to be put in prison for saying "i hate sonia gandhi".

funny to hear indians talk about freedom as if the freedom to vote for one corrupt politician over another is freedom at all. in some cases indians don't even have that when the corrupt politicians buy votes or use police power to force votes.
Dude, just drop it. Whats the point? I know yaa that an Indian started it, but I am sure you can ignore the posts which don't deserve to be argued upon.
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The problem with monarchy is that it usualy starts with great men then proceeds to gradually decline till power is in the hand of inbreed half wits that are then over thrown. The problem with Saud is it is unusual for the process to ocour over two generations Faisal would be horified to see what Saudi Arabia has become.
The problem with monarchy is that it usualy starts with great men then proceeds to gradually decline till power is in the hand of inbreed half wits that are then over thrown. The problem with Saud is it is unusual for the process to ocour over two generations Faisal would be horified to see what Saudi Arabia has become.

Young Saudi are more educated but less nationalist , they should develop muslim ummah concept which is key of success.
Are we nation of baggers? I am shocked by your thinking :woot:
Our nation may not be the nation of the baggers but the respective governments, military and civilian alike have indeed turn this country into a bagger country. You do not have to get shocked on any body's thinking as we are strange bunch of people who have a habit of shooting for the hip.

Young Saudi are more educated but less nationalist , they should develop muslim ummah concept which is key of success.
Bias and selfishness has nothing to do with education, in fact educated people have done more harm than the illiterate folks.
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Our nation may not be the nation of the baggers but the respective governments, military and civilian alike have indeed turn this country into a bagger country. You do not have to get shocked on the any body's thinking as we are strange bunch of people who have a habit of shooting for the hip.

Agreed , but how we could change this bad habbit of begging, now even army want US aid before launching any operation against terrorists?

Bias and selfishness has nothing to do with education, in fact educated people have done more harm than the illiterate folks.

I think absence of accountability is real problem in developed countries.
I think absence of accountability is real problem in developed countries.
Indeed, our number one enemy is corruption. It has kind of become a fashion that for every problem of Pakistan, certain liberal fascists try to find the hands of Wahahabis. Does the Saudi King send his Wahabi preachers who guide and instruct the Civil and Military Bureaucrats, Politicians, Police (from IG to a constable), the Merchants, the Educationists to do corruption? Wahabis might wanted to establish the religious Schools in Pakistan but who took the money? Who executed and completed the projects?
^Well; its not like Saudi Monarchy is not cor

rupted.Corruption is legit in Monarchy.Don't you hear about kickbacks soo often..
"The Saudi Monarchy has controlled Saudi Arabi for thousands of years. Saudi Arabia has never hosted democratic elections either, the King and his family (5000+members) are the heads of state and most dept. are controlled by them"

Nah man, they have not ruled these lands for thousands of years. The Al Saud family came to power after collaberating with the British against the Ottomans in WW1. Remember good old Lawrence?! He promised the Arabs freedom in return for fighting against fellow muslim brothers. So much for freedom when Jerusalem is today occupied by Zionists. Im pretty sure Palestinians would prefer Ottoman rule to Zionist rule! But anyways whats done is done.

As for your other comments, i agree. Saudi tries to show itself as the leader of the Muslim world, Yet just on the other side of the Red Sea, Palestine is occupied. So much could have been done with that oil money but instead as brother Canaan pointed out they are too busy spending that money on other stuff.

I'm pretty sure that you are right on that issue.
Why do you guys think that Saudi Arabia should fight against Israeil ?

Palestine is not their Business, Saudis are interested in only their country and citizens.

Their main responsibility is to their citizens and they are doing a pretty good job of giving them a very good standard of living.

In our religion we are all brothers, we should look out for each other. And Saudi the home of Mecca should be the first to stop such atrocieties.

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