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Saudi Monarchy;a disgrace?

as far as i know Saudia never claimed to be a super power or in making.. they dont have that type of thinking.. if they do.. then must not forget that our two holy cities are there and we can intervene if saudia is going the wrong line..

and.. saudia is happy that they have the most destructive weapon of all times.. Oil Bomb..they dont need to become a super power to protect it interests.
Simple is that.

Reference: Oil Bomb
1973 oil crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I dont think the Saudis have ever claimed that they are going to be super power, but it was one of the members here who claimed this on behalf of the Saudis. My posts were a reation to the commment of that member and thats it. Besides that, the americans have now learned their lessons in 1970s and they wont face the same situation again, they have a tight grip on iraqi and kuait oil and they have made sure that the saudis wont do anything silly as well. and we havent seen such a move from saudis for the last 3-4 decades and i am sure we wont see it.
Saudi Arabia is super power in the making , they have 300 trillion Berral of oil reserves.They spending in infratstructure and educational,industrial projects arround 600 Billion dollars in next five years.

Monarchy in Saudi Arabia 1000 times better than Iran,Pakistan and other democratic corrupt muslim states.

They need to improve their human right record through giving equal rights to skill workers .

I hope you should visit Saudia or Should work at least 1 year than i will ask you above that and your answer will be opposite what you wrote above.
I dont think the Saudis have ever claimed that they are going to be super power, but it was one of the members here who claimed this on behalf of the Saudis. My posts were a reation to the commment of that member and thats it. Besides that, the americans have now learned their lessons in 1970s and they wont face the same situation again, they have a tight grip on iraqi and kuait oil and they have made sure that the saudis wont do anything silly as well. and we havent seen such a move from saudis for the last 3-4 decades and i am sure we wont see it.

Man you are right, i think he went overboard.. ny way regarding that weapon this is the beauty of it.. once the world knows you have it.. you dont have to ever use it agian, just like Nuclear Bomb.
I hope you should visit Saudia or Should work at least 1 year than i will ask you above that and your answer will be opposite what you wrote above.

i was born and raised there and i know he is 80% right.. except the super power thing.
they are indeed spending a lot on infrastructure, education, research.

and the way i feel it human rights condition in saudia has definately improved alot.
the king faisal was a good person and a leader as well now days saudia lets put it this way controlled by US. they get distracted and blinded by new toys, they are lured by western enomalies western women with secret and different agendas. a really good movie that gives a very small bit of insight to these people lives are syriana with george clooney watch that
The Saudi govt. might not be perfect but its far better than many other countries including other muslim countries around the world. And the important point is they are moving in the right direction forward.

After Abdulla became the King there was sharp reduction in royal family expenses and even a 80-90% reduction in private purses of princes and princesses of the royal family. Saudi Arabia now continues to be one of the highest spenders on education with between 8-9% of GDP spent on it. He has also curtailed the powers of the religious police and kept a stern check on so called moral policing.

Regarding the Palestinian question, they have been much more constructive by coming up with Arab peace plan in 2002 which if implemented by all Palestinian factions as well as Israel would garner peace in the ME as well as recognition of ISrael in the pre-67 borders. The plan was both pragmatic and just.

Unlike the Hamas and Hezbollah who have led the division of Palestinians no matter what the excuse and weakened them. More importantly these groups have the same ideology as do the AQ and Taliban and that is to establish an political Islamic state in Palestine and other regions.

And in the past couple of years KSA has done the most in discrediting this politcal religious ideology in the light of Quran and Sunnah.

Islam does not mandate a theocratic state and does not permit a state being run by mullas or religious scholars. And although KSA had committed mistake in promoting this Syed Qutb and Maududi ideology during the cold war years, it has since done a u-turn and corrected its discourse. This politcal-religious ideology (and not wahabism/salafism) has been the bane of muslims today.

So bottomline, they might not be perfect, but Saudi bashing that some posters are indulging in is more ill-informed and prejudiced than some scholarly criticism.
The Saudi govt. might not be perfect but its far better than many other countries including other muslim countries around the world. And the important point is they are moving in the right direction forward.

After Abdulla became the King there was sharp reduction in royal family expenses and even a 80-90% reduction in private purses of princes and princesses of the royal family. Saudi Arabia now continues to be one of the highest spenders on education with between 8-9% of GDP spent on it. He has also curtailed the powers of the religious police and kept a stern check on so called moral policing.

Regarding the Palestinian question, they have been much more constructive by coming up with Arab peace plan in 2002 which if implemented by all Palestinian factions as well as Israel would garner peace in the ME as well as recognition of ISrael in the pre-67 borders. The plan was both pragmatic and just.

Unlike the Hamas and Hezbollah who have led the division of Palestinians no matter what the excuse and weakened them. More importantly these groups have the same ideology as do the AQ and Taliban and that is to establish an political Islamic state in Palestine and other regions.

And in the past couple of years KSA has done the most in discrediting this politcal religious ideology in the light of Quran and Sunnah.

Islam does not mandate a theocratic state and does not permit a state being run by mullas or religious scholars. And although KSA had committed mistake in promoting this Syed Qutb and Maududi ideology during the cold war years, it has since done a u-turn and corrected its discourse. This politcal-religious ideology (and not wahabism/salafism) has been the bane of muslims today.

So bottomline, they might not be perfect, but Saudi bashing that some posters are indulging in is more ill-informed and prejudiced than some scholarly criticism.

There is a huge difference between Hamas and Hezbollah on one side and AQ and Taliban.
Hamas and Hezbollah both admit they can't force upon people a state run by religion, while AQ and Taliban actually do that. Hamas and Hezbollah although having a religious aspect to their identity are also semi-nationalists, AQ and Taliban only believe in their interpretation of islamic ruling.
An example is that the judiciary system in Gaza, where Hamas currently rules, is British and not Sharia. Why is that? because they know they can't impose Islamic rule on people. Hezbollah adheres to the secular lebanese judiciary system, and are part of parliament.
In short, Hamas and Hezbollah are popular parties, meaning they get their strength from the people and therefore act according to these.
For those of you who worry that the Saudis may not be anti-Zionist enough for you, I think you can relax. Despite the Saudi king's 2008 Interfaith and 2002 "peace" initiatives, I think you'll agree that he's never spent one dime of his fortune to promote the idea that Israelis are human beings with human rights.

He may talk to and do business with Jews, but he's been Zionist-phobic since his playboy days as a prince in the 1970s, if not earlier.
Besides that, the americans have now learned their lessons in 1970s and they wont face the same situation again, they have a tight grip on iraqi and kuait oil and they have made sure that the saudis wont do anything silly as well. and we havent seen such a move from saudis for the last 3-4 decades and i am sure we wont see it.
The United States does not import oil only from Iraq or Kuwait, in fact, the crude oil exported in Feb 2010 from these two countries only accounted for less than 10% of the total crude oil exported from the top fifteen countries. Following is the order (as per volume of oil) of the top fifteen countries that exported crude oil to the USA in Feb 2010:


The top five exporting countries accounted for 64 percent of United States crude oil imports in February (2010) while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 85 percent of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top five sources of US crude oil imports for February were Canada (1.897 million barrels per day), Mexico (0.996 million barrels per day), Venezuela (0.913 million barrels per day), Nigeria (0.896 million barrels per day), and Saudi Arabia (0.881 million barrels per day). The rest of the top ten sources, in order, were Iraq (0.540 million barrels per day), Colombia (0.371) million barrels per day), Angola (0.312 million barrels per day), Algeria (0.282 million barrels per day), and United Kingdom (0.260 million barrels per day). Total crude oil imports averaged 8.680 million barrels per day in February, which is an increase of 0.226 million barrels per day from January 2010.

Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in February, exporting 2.490 million barrels per day to the United States, which is a decrease from last month (2.593 thousand barrels per day). The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Mexico with 1.134 million barrels per day.

Source: US Energy Information Administration: Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries
The United States does not import oil only from Iraq or Kuwait, in fact, the crude oil exported in Feb 2010 from these two countries only accounted for less than 10% of the total crude oil exported from the top fifteen countries. Following is the order (as per volume of oil) of the top fifteen countries that exported crude oil to the USA in Feb 2010:


The top five exporting countries accounted for 64 percent of United States crude oil imports in February (2010) while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 85 percent of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top five sources of US crude oil imports for February were Canada (1.897 million barrels per day), Mexico (0.996 million barrels per day), Venezuela (0.913 million barrels per day), Nigeria (0.896 million barrels per day), and Saudi Arabia (0.881 million barrels per day). The rest of the top ten sources, in order, were Iraq (0.540 million barrels per day), Colombia (0.371) million barrels per day), Angola (0.312 million barrels per day), Algeria (0.282 million barrels per day), and United Kingdom (0.260 million barrels per day). Total crude oil imports averaged 8.680 million barrels per day in February, which is an increase of 0.226 million barrels per day from January 2010.

Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in February, exporting 2.490 million barrels per day to the United States, which is a decrease from last month (2.593 thousand barrels per day). The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Mexico with 1.134 million barrels per day.

Source: US Energy Information Administration: Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries

Mexico is a little misleading becuase the U.S. actually refines much of the oil and sends it back to Mexico. Mexico's has refinery capacity is very poor.

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