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Saudi Monarchy;a disgrace?

Mexico is a little misleading becuase the U.S. actually refines much of the oil and sends it back to Mexico. Mexico's has refinery capacity is very poor.
I do not think that US export of refined petroleum to Mexico is that large; US imported some 0.996 million barrels of crude oil per day only to refine and send most of it back to Mexico for what? What is there in Mexico that would consume that much of oil? Any reference for this information?
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Saudi Arabia is super power in the making , they have 300 trillion Berral of oil reserves.They spending in infratstructure and educational,industrial projects arround 600 Billion dollars in next five years.

Monarchy in Saudi Arabia 1000 times better than Iran,Pakistan and other democratic corrupt muslim states.

They need to improve their human right record through giving equal rights to skill workers .

They have a lot of money but they lack a very important thing which is essential for becoming a super power.BRAINS!!!!!
There is a huge difference between Hamas and Hezbollah on one side and AQ and Taliban.
Hamas and Hezbollah both admit they can't force upon people a state run by religion, while AQ and Taliban actually do that. Hamas and Hezbollah although having a religious aspect to their identity are also semi-nationalists, AQ and Taliban only believe in their interpretation of islamic ruling.
An example is that the judiciary system in Gaza, where Hamas currently rules, is British and not Sharia. Why is that? because they know they can't impose Islamic rule on people. Hezbollah adheres to the secular lebanese judiciary system, and are part of parliament.
In short, Hamas and Hezbollah are popular parties, meaning they get their strength from the people and therefore act according to these.

I am not saying TTP, AQ and Hamas and Hezbolah are the exactly the same. They are same in the sense that they want an politcal Islamic state. This is stated in their manfestos published on the Internet as well as pamphlets. I assume you can read arabic and some google searching will let allow you to confirm this. Their pragmatic actions might not be in concert with their charter but if their manifestos claim that this is their aim, then I would take that as their ultimate goal. Just like say JI/JUI e.t.c in Pakistan has probably nothing to do with AQ/TTP but their ideology is still related to these groups.

Sure they might not implement as severe and narrow interpretation as AQ or TTP nor do they advocate killing of say American civilians like AQ does. But their mixing Islam with politics is common and the root cause of extremists groups (among other things) among muslims today. The other thing that I find unsavory is their justification of suicide bombings which have been declared as haram across various school of thoughts including by Saudi ulemas themselves.

The PA although corrupt, still does not use the crutch of Islam in politics to further their aims and that is important. Ofcourse there is no doubt that Hamas and Hizbullah have been able to take up the slack in PA's governance and through their social services have able to expand their support base to a considerable degree.

That however does not absolve them of mixing Islam with politics.

Anyways, I think this is off topic, the point I was making was the Saudis do continue to help the Palestinians. If I'm not mistaken they continue to provide about a $1B USD in aid per year to PA for their day to day running of the government.
They have a lot of money but they lack a very important thing which is essential for becoming a super power.BRAINS!!!!!
They or any one nation or ethnic group does not lack any 'brains', its successful or failed policies that play a role in the development or no development of any nation or country. They have no brains yet they invested heavily in all the major stock exchanges around the world and made tons of money? Are you aware that more and more white collar jobs in the KSA that were previously occupied by foreigners are now being occupied by the educated Saudis? Now in KSA, its largely blue collar or menial jobs left for the moderately to low skilled Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis etc.
They or any one nation or ethnic group does not lack any 'brains', its successful or failed policies that play a role in the development or no development of any nation or country. They have no brains yet they invested heavily in all the major stock exchanges around the world and made tons of money? Are you aware that more and more white collar jobs in the KSA that were previously occupied by foreigners are now being occupied by the educated Saudis? Now in KSA, its largely blue collar or menial jobs left for the moderately to low skilled Indians, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis etc.

They invested where their financial advisors all expats have told them to invest.
BTW king Abdullah has taken a pretty good decision to have friendly relationship with my country....me just waiting for their investment here...
BTW king Abdullah has taken a pretty good decision to have friendly relationship with my country....me just waiting for their investment here...
It seems everybody oozes friendliness towards the Saudis, seeking their money.
^^^ hahaha...not untrue...

but INDIA-SAUDI relations have really come a long way...

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