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Saudi military equipment is on its way to Jordan to arm the Free Syrian Arm

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Again, I don't identify you as a true Pakistani at all. So thats why I avoid people like you because your loyalty go first for Khomeini. So, its confusing for me to respnd to you since your neither Persian nor Pakistani.

I don't really care what you think of me I just want you and likes you out of my country but i love this you as a Jordanian talking about house and Saud is giving me lecture about loyalty.Its confusing for you is not that hard to understand and one can see why Israel can control Arab countries.

P.s Looking forward to the days when Israeli oh i mean Saudi freedom fighters come to Jordan as we no they need democracy.
Albatross;2712358]Its all very complicated and intertwined ..we should pray to Allah to guide us the right way as the planners here show something else and go for something else...the point is what is the aim of those who are creating these government changes in Islamic world..There is no doubt Saudi's,Bahrain and UAE's governments seems to follow Americans more than Islamic causes but at the same time Iranians have done nothing good to Pakistan in decades except helping India in brewing separatists tensions in Baluchistan so that Pakistan cant take oil from underground tunnels which runs across borders and only Iran can make use of them...besides the way Iranians follow their own fake version of Islam is also alarming so its really a confusing situation...

You do realize that All of B L A leadership is in U A E and even our Military acknowledged G C C governments are involved in Baluchistan.

Pakistan and Turkey have some strong militaries but at the moment they are unable to take decisions at their own and are influenced by Jews directly or indirectly...

Turks do whats Good for their country we in Pakistan should learn from them and our foreign policy should be based on whats Good for us nothing More nothing less.

Being Muslims we need to unite and decide for us only and for our benefits...

People used Islam to benefit their own hidden causes Most Arab countries have use this to create influence in our country while using there money to make us fight each other.I am sorry i want no part of that.
I want Pakistan's future to be strong and well established country and if that means saying Good by to few Brotherly countries till they sort out there mess then so be it.

Now this Syria is equally confusing no doubt Asad regime is not democratic but we all know that all this bloodshed and chaos is caused by foreign agents...So whom should we side???

Blood shed of innocent civilians being caused by Terrorist to bring democracy and freedom to Syria is being financed by all dictators or king & queens of Arab Lands.i bet you cant name one Arab country that's democratic point is simple if they like democracy so much why don't they start with their own countries first.But we all no this has nothing to do with democracy or Islam this is being done to please there masters.
I guess Russians and North Koreans built nuclear reactors in Iran. And the hell is with space thing, its just a rocket with 30 kg payload. Its like you are saying Iran is invading the space and going to take over Mars!. Egypt, Algeria, and KSA built their Satellites along time ago.
you are selected as my favorite joker in 1390(shamsi year)
lol you mean those "1-designed by USA 2-assembled by China 3-launched by Russia 4-named by KSA" satellites?
good job!
well shias are fake muslims or they are following fake self made islam its the same thing and it can be proven but then we ll off the thraed if you want me to enlighten you start some thread on that topic...anyways we all have our own views and thats that...
ok lets God take a decision about we kuffars in Qiamat...right mr true muslim?
ok lets God take a decision about we kuffars in Qiamat...right mr true muslim?

Allah is the one to guide us all and I pray to him and ONLY TO HIM to guide me through this world and hereafter...
You are not alone my friend. Although Saudis have long been known as the bravest people on earth who defeated Soviet union in Afghanistan, America in Iraq, Serbs in Bosnia, Russia in Chichania, Persians and Romans with such primitive weapons. So imagine how those geat Muslim people would do to with their superior weapons today!
Don't forget that we are joining you:

Wait wait wait, Saudis defeated Soviets in Afghanistan? Really? And what were the Afghans doing? Smoking hooka?

FYI, Afghans payed the heavy price and they fought the Soviets the most, a few hundred Arab fighters did not make much of a difference. Afghans defeated the British 3 times in 3 wars both politically and militarily, and there were no arabs in Afghanistan back then, not to mention the how Afghans ruthlessly resisted the Greeks, the Mongols, and the Persians.

The same can be said about Bosnia and Chechnya, it was the native who fought the most, arabs just provided assistance..
you are selected as my favorite joker in 1390(shamsi year)
lol you mean those "1-designed by USA 2-assembled by China 3-launched by Russia 4-named by KSA" satellites?
good job!

Why cant you people digest anything coming from KSA?? First sign of blatant hate.
Any discussion calling other sects being the fake version of Islam will receive infractions. Religious/Sectarian discussion is strictly prohibited in this forum. Go to other forums if you want to talk about who is right and who is wrong

Please discuss the original topic or be prepared to receive more infractions
well the most advanced air attack in the world is done by AIF.(H3 attack)
and the most Successful air combat is also done by AIF(one f-14 one missile 4 shot)
unlike you arabs in air combats AIF has the most talented and trained pilots in the world.
so dont compare yourselves with us

for Bolded part:

Source please

It is impossible to shoot four planes using a single missiles unless the missile has phoenix like properties.
Any discussion calling other sects being the fake version of Islam will receive infractions. Religious/Sectarian discussion is strictly prohibited in this forum. Go to other forums if you want to talk about who is right and who is wrong

Please discuss the original topic or be prepared to receive more infractions
Fair enough! I hope you Prohibit also calling others Wahabis or Salafi in any way because I believe its an alternative word of Sunnah. I never called someone here Shea in person and I hope they do so.
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