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Saudi King Abdullah declares support for Egypt against terrorism

dont worry more blood of innocent is coming...........

saudi will destroyed soon after the king dead............next civil war will destroying arab

Our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " There will be such troubles and calamities that nobody will be able to find a place of shelter. These woes will move around AshSham (Greater Syria), fall upon Iraq and tie the hands and feet of the Arabian Peninsula. A group of Muslims will fight against troubles in the steppes. Nobody will feel any sympathy for them or even say, 'Alas!' As they try to remedy their woes from one side, the woes will emerge again on the other side." (Muntakhab Kanz Al-Ummal, vol. 5, pp. 38-39)

Roman/West Will Attack Arabia

AbdAllah Bin Amr Ibn Al-Aas stated that: "If you see a tyrant of the tyrants of the Arabs fleeing to the Romans, that will be a sign for Alexandria Battle (to occur soon with the Romans' invasion of Egypt through Alexandria)." (Nuaim bin Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan)

Abu Zarr said the the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "There will be, from Bani Umayya, a man in Egypt who will succeed the Sultan (ruler). He will be overpowered or stripped of power. So, he flees to the Romans. He brings the Romans to the land of Islam. This is the beginning of the battles (with the Romans)." (Nuaim bin Hammad, Kitab al-Fitan)

And The Last.........West will attack saudi arabia and conquer khyber

In a narration attributed to Abdullah bin Umar, the Prophet Mohammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said: " Soon, the Muslims will be besieged up to Medina, such that their most distant frontier outpost will be Salah (around Khyber, meaning close to Medina)." (Abu Dawud)

In the era preceding Qiyamah (Resurrection), the Romans will control/govern the whole world. The Romans will reach Khyber (close to Medina). (Muhaddith Shah Rafi-uddin, Bab Al-Qiyamah)

Ibn Shurayh said: "I have heard someone saying that they (enemies) will be twelve banners (battalions or brigades ), with twelve thousand (fighter) under each banner. So the Muslims will assemble with their ruler in Bayt Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) and decide to go (retreat) to the City of the Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم (Medina), until their furthest outpost will be at As-Sarh and Khyber." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab al-Fitan)

Dont worry when the time is coming.................Kingdom of saudi arabia will erased from mother earth.........

only mecca & medina survived in future..........
house of saud holding Islam two most holiest places as hostage and funding all terror against other Muslims. People are starting to see that and feel that needs to change. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) fought long and painful battles against his own tribe to give us ultimate gift of Islam. And Muslim needs to follow his footsteps and path he had shown.
Egypt has plenty of countries to stand by her in such a hardship. Let others phuck themselves up. Egypt will get better, the peaceful approach has been proved wrong, it's time to hit the ones who insist on taking Egypt into it's doom with an iron fist.

Is it just me or does he look somewhat like a camel?

Anyway,this is expected from these puppets. Their masters do not want the muslim brotherhood in power so like little puppets they are, they complied.

Idiot, they are puppets to who when this stance is against the US and the West? Stop repeating things like a parrot even when the case is totally different.

Praising the killing of over 4000 egyptians, is he calling them terrorist? What a scum, would be a disgrace if he dies and people mourn over that old fool.

Lying will get you no where. No 4000 was killed and he didn't praise killing them.
Egypt has plenty of countries to stand by her in such a hardship. Let others phuck themselves up. Egypt will get better, the peaceful approach has been proved wrong, it's time to hit the ones who insist on taking Egypt into it's doom with an iron fist.

Idiot, they are puppets to who when this stance is against the US and the West? Stop repeating things like a parrot even when the case is totally different.

Lying will get you no where. No 4000 was killed and he didn't praise killing them.

The people taking Egypt to its doom?

You mean the liberals and military, who rather than form an effective opposition and balance the M.B out

Rather than wait and bide their time and most likely win the next election after a fair transition of democracy

They chose to unleash a scum corrupt military and overthrow s elected government

Now Egypt is in a pathetic state, pushed to the brink with thousands dead or injured

Hated by most of the world with the egyptian militarys reputation in the dirt

I just can't see how this was better then just waiting for a few years and voting the M.B out, unless they thought the M.B would win

Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz announced on Friday that the kingdom supports Egypt in its fight “against terrorism.”

King Abdullah said Egypt’s stability is being targeted by “haters,” warning that anyone interfering in Egypt’s internal affairs is "igniting sedition." King Abdullah added that Egypt is able to cross to safety.

Saleh al-Qallab, a Jordanian political analyst, told Al Arabiya that Saudi Arabia will not leave the Egyptian military alone.

“The situation in Egypt is very critical and Saudi Arabia has put itself on the right side of history,” he said.

Qallab added that King Abdullah had to “take a historical step and side with the correct form of Islam.”

Abdul Latif Minawi, an Egyptian columnist and former head of Egypt’s state TV, said the Saudi position comes in response to “Western positions, which are difficult to understand.”

“If Western leaders plan to repeat the Libyan scenario in Egypt, this will not be achieved in Egypt,” Minawi said.

He said “various Western interests come together in this situation to ensure the collapse of Egypt.”

“The Saudi position is another stance that understands where the regional interests lie,” Menawi said.

The statements of King Abdullah came after several Western countries and Turkey threatened to suspend ties with Egypt over a crackdown on Muslim Brotherhood supporters.

Turkey had summoned its ambassador to Egypt pushed for a U.N. Security Council meeting to be held yesterday over the situation in the Arab world’s biggest nation.

The United States cancelled a joint military drill with the Egyptian armed forces. It also warned that the traditional military ties with the Egypt are at risk if the violence continues there.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said after speaking with French President Francois Hollande by phone on Friday that Germany would review its ties with Egypt, and both she and Hollande felt the European Union should do the same, Reuters reported.

“The chancellor explained that in view of the latest developments, the German government would review its relations with Egypt,” Merkel said, according to Reuters.

Violence between Muslim Brotherhood supporters and Egypt’s security forces renewed on Friday with tens of people reported killed nationwide.



This was rich. :rofl:
Those Arabian Sheiks and Kings are (mostly) the biggest scum in the middle east they were formed when they betrayed the "Ummah" so of course they will help backstabbers it is in their nature.
Many Saudi scholars signed a petition denouncing the bloody coup.
Also,this king is partially brain dead, so don't blame him, blame the people around him.
This guy can't read a simple sentence..
I'm not religious, but you must have gotten a favor to think so :lol:
Lol... do you really think a Muslim fundamentalist cares about death of innocents? :woot:

What has become of humanity?! Sheeps following Imams blindedly to their doom, because of promise of virgins and wine in "heaven". An imaginary place that doesn't actually exist!

Those dingbat extermists represent themselves, unlike the ones who issued fatwas allowing people to sleep with a minor ;) or encouraging them to clean up the mind fields before the " counter-offense " of their armed forces

If you are happy that an Islamist is gone, then fine. But, don't you think you lost a strategic asset in Egypt?
Once again Saudi shown its true face, while I'm happy that Morsi is gone (one less Islamist to deal with) its apparent that wherever there is death and destruction it can be traced back to them.

Saudi and Qatar are two of the largest state sponsors of terrorism that West has turned a blind eye to. They operate their Madrassas (human-bomb factories) basically everywhere, from Middle-East to South-East Asia

Last time we spoke I schooled you about your own history, this time I will say this, and this only. Qatar is an independent state while KSA is another. I don't know why are you putting Qatar in this context, especially when it actually opposed the coup, could it be a lack of education? Or ignorance?

As for being a state-sponsoring terror, I don't think the west is blind enough to beg you asking for guidence, especially, when you fled your own country with your boots on, and willingly came to them.
The people taking Egypt to its doom?

You mean the liberals and military, who rather than form an effective opposition and balance the M.B out

Rather than wait and bide their time and most likely win the next election after a fair transition of democracy

They chose to unleash a scum corrupt military and overthrow s elected government

Now Egypt is in a pathetic state, pushed to the brink with thousands dead or injured

Hated by most of the world with the egyptian militarys reputation in the dirt

I just can't see how this was better then just waiting for a few years and voting the M.B out, unless they thought the M.B would win

Why the hell do you label me and 33 million Egyptians as "liberals" just because they oppose the MB?! Since when the MB represent Islam and Muslims? And most importsntly who the phuck give you the right to label me and others as Muslims or non-Muslims in the first place?!!!!!!

@Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE
Do you guys still support this coup after all the deaths?

This is not how it is.
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Yes, he can't read a simple sentence, what a pathological lair
:lol: :D :omghaha: :rofl:
Many Saudi scholars signed a petition denouncing the bloody coup.
Also,this king is partially brain dead, so don't blame him, blame the people around him.
This guy can't read a simple sentence..

LoL sounded like you were talking about your Bouteflika :lol:

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