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Saudi King Abdullah declares support for Egypt against terrorism

You forget this hadist ?

The land of Najd, which for two centuries has been the crucible of the Wahhabi doctrine, is the subject of a body of interesting hadiths and early narrations which repay close analysis. Among the best-known of these hadiths is the relation of Imam al-Bukhari in which Ibn Umar said: ‘The Prophet (s.w.s.) mentioned: “O Allah, give us baraka in our Syria, O Allah, give us baraka in our Yemen.” They said: “And in our Najd?” and he said: “O Allah, give us baraka in our Syria, O Allah, give us baraka in our Yemen.” They said: “And in our Najd?” and I believe that he said the third time: “In that place are earthquakes, and seditions, and in that place shall rise the devil’s horn [qarn al-shaytan].”’

saudi today are the khawrij.............dog of hell.........evil horn....of najd
they are slave of zionist & west....................yzd klhalifa and other like you in this forum i know you all are the cursed dog from hell
you are khawarij................may god send you all into jahannam hellfire.........

May Allah SWT send the egypt syuhada into firdaus

egypt salafi party they are the cursed dog of hell............khawarij

FSA & AL_NUSRA................they are khawarij...............

May god send all stupid & dumb arab people into hellfire................

zionist will use the stupid & dumb arab khawarij...to kill & destroy ummah from inside

"There will be in my Community a dissent and a faction, a people with excellent words and vile deeds. They will read Qur'an, but their faith does not go past their throats. They will pass through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. They will no more come back to the religion than the arrow will come back to its original course. They are the worst of human beings and the worst of all creation. The one who kills them or is killed by them is blessed. They summon to the book of Allah but they have nothing to do with it. Whoever kills them is closer to Allah than they. Their sign is that they shave (their heads)."

"A people will come out at the end of times, immature, foolish and corrupt. They will hold the discourse of the best of creation and recite Qur'an, but it will not go past their throats. They will passes through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. If you find them, kill them, for verily whoever kills them will have his reward from Allah the Day of Judgment."

"The apex of disbelief is towards the East [Najd]. Pride and arrogance is found among the people of the horse and the camel [Bedouin Arabs]."

"Harshness and dryness of heart are in the East [Najd], and true belief is among the people of Hijaz."

A version has, "The two epochs [or horns] of shaytan." Some scholars have said that the dual referred to Musaylima the Arch-liar and to Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab.

When `Ali killed the Khawarij, someone said: "Praise be to Allah Who has brought them down and relieved us from them." Ali replied: "Verily, by the One in Whose hand is my soul, some of them are still in the loins of men and they have not been born yet, and the last of them will fight on the side of the Antichrist."

14. "A people that recite the Qur'an will come out of the East, but it will not go past their throats. Every time a generation of them is cut down another one will come until the last one finds itself on the side of the Antichrist."

15. "There will be a huge confusion within my Community. There will not remain one house of the Arabs except that confusion will enter it. Those who die because of it are in the fire. The harm of the tongue in it will be greater than that of the sword."

16. "There will be a dissension (in which people will be) deaf, dumb and blind (this means they will be blind and not see the true issue nor listen to the voice of truth): whoever tries to control it, the dissension will control him."

17. "A shaytan will appear in Najd by whose dissension the Arabian island will quake."

18. On the authority of al-`Abbas: "A man will come out of the Wadi Abu Hanifah [in Najd] (whose appearance is) like a bull that lunges against its yoke. There will be much slaughter and killing in his time. They will make the possessions of Muslims lawful for themselves and for trade among themselves. They will make the lives of Muslims lawful for themselves and for boasting among themselves. In that confusion the despised and the lowly will attain positions of power. Their idle desires will keep company with them the way a dog keeps company with its master."

19. On the authority of Abu Sa`id al-Khudri: "Verily in the wake of this time of mine comes a people who will recite Qur'an but it will not go past their throats. They will pass through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. They will kill the Muslims and leave the idolaters alone. If I saw them, verily I would kill them the way the tribe of `Aad was killed [i.e. all of them]."

20. "There will be towards the end of time a people who will say to you what neither you nor your forebears ever heard before. Beware of them lest they misguide you and bring you confusion."

21. "They will pass through Islam like an arrow passes through its quarry. Wherever you meet them, kill them!"

22. "They are the dogs of the people of Hell."

23. "They recite Qur'an and consider it in their favor but it is against them."

24. "There will be thirty dajjals (antichrists) after me, all claiming prophethood."

25. "Some people will be standing and calling at the gates of hell; whoever responds to their call, their will throw him into the Fire. They will be from our own people [i.e. Arabs] and will speak our language [Arabic]. Should you live to see them, stick to the main body (jama`a) of the Muslims and their leader. (If there is no main body and no leader,) isolate yourself from all these sects, even if you have to eat from the roots of trees until death overcomes you while you are in that state."[/B]



America realize its strategy of "controlled chaos." The more blood - in order to successfully perform their program.
A big shame, didnt this guy tell the same about when Mubarak was overthrown? blaming others...
Now about 1000 people were massacred in just 1 day!!! and 4000 wounded. Is this abdullah crazy or what?

saudi today are the khawrij.............dog of hell.........
they are slave of zionist & west....................yzd klhalifa and other like you in this forum i know you all are the cursed dod from hell
you are khawarij................may god send you all into jahannam hellfire.........

May god send all stupid & dumb arab people into hellfire................


OMG :blink::cuckoo:
I thanked the anti-saudi parts of his comment. I asked him to edit his comment did I not?

Yes, Compared to USA+Israeli Egypt is still an amateur.

You thanked the comment, not the anti-saudi parts of his comment.
This kuffar king / regime who finances and supports the slaughtering of muslims in Egypt has a deathwish.

The Saudis offered to save the murderous thug Mubarak and now they are supporting the murderous thug Sisi.

Supporting democracy seems to be antithetical to Saudi royal family thought process.

Do you happen to have any official document to backup your claim with? We never offered an asylum to anyone. Maybe @Mahmoud_EGY can elaborate on your outrageous comments since he happens to be an Egyptian :)

People are just mad at us for no clear reasons sometimes :lol:
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