Your whole post reeks with your Hindu revisionist history nonsense myth about forced conversions and your chauvinism about superior Hindu religion that still oppress people based on the color of their skin, remember the Varna system, that supposedly "white Aryan" ancestors of Brahmans created so their blood would not get dirty with the blood of black Shudra's or Adivasi's (indigenous people). Rewriting history to suit your Hindu nationalist need is your newest tool, as you consider yourself victor in your Hindu Rashtra (state). Please keep your deception and propaganda to yourself, as the cat is already out of the bag about the dirt in your heart, which we face everyday with our people getting shot at near the border and our country getting deserted from stolen water from our common rivers, about which your people openly brag about shutting down using existing or future planned dams and diverting using the future river linking project. And the Big Lie and myth of Bangladeshi migrants flooding your land of milk and honey where 40% baby's are malnourished, you are trying to establish with incessant media and internet propaganda and myth making, so you can harass and delegitimize poor Bengali speaking Muslims in West Bengal and North East states, so people consider it kosher to make them the victim of rage and killings whenever any extremist local groups see fit.