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Saudi-India defence relations getting stronger and stronger

saudi arabia is nothing, why people making big deal?

indian is doing this for the oil of course, what else would it be?
Indians don't use camels, and they have no use for sand from saudi deserts.

perhaps they need the saudi engineers and scientists?:rofl:

also STOP bringing Iran into every thread.
So you prove my point then, that Iran is not a ally of Pakistan and neither does it pretend to be, while Saudis claim to be our "allies".
Rather it is pakistani politicians who think the king as big brother, and run to him for consulation and to meet financial needs.
How many of your leaders have gone there asking ummah ke naam pe kuch de de.
Rather it is pakistani politicians who think the king as big brother, and run to him for consulation and to meet financial needs.
How many of your leaders have gone there asking ummah ke naam pe kuch de de.
Do you think average Pakistani agrees with Pakistani leaders? They run to USA, Britain too, so what does that prove? That USA and Britain are also "ummah ke naam"?
Do you think average Pakistani agrees with Pakistani leaders? They run to USA, Britain too, so what does that prove? That USA and Britain are also "ummah ke naam"?
Why are you brining UK to the debate it is no where in the scene.
In any case I was only pointing that you need them as much as (or a bit more) than they need you. feel free to disagree.
Hindu Nationalist jingo's have detailed plan to not just convert back your own non-Hindu population back to Hindu but do the same for neighboring countries too after they "cleanse" these lands, which they consider as their stolen land.

It IS stolen land alright. Your whining doesn't change the fact. But we don't care for reclaiming it..we just want you to lot to stay inside your borders and mind your own business so that we worry about ours.

Your whole post reeks with your Hindu revisionist history nonsense myth about forced conversions and your chauvinism about superior Hindu religion that still oppress people based on the color of their skin, remember the Varna system, that supposedly "white Aryan" ancestors of Brahmans created so their blood would not get dirty with the blood of black Shudra's or Adivasi's (indigenous people). Rewriting history to suit your Hindu nationalist need is your newest tool, as you consider yourself victor in your Hindu Rashtra (state). Please keep your deception and propaganda to yourself, as the cat is already out of the bag about the dirt in your heart, which we face everyday with our people getting shot at near the border and our country getting deserted from stolen water from our common rivers, about which your people openly brag about shutting down using existing or future planned dams and diverting using the future river linking project. And the Big Lie and myth of Bangladeshi migrants flooding your land of milk and honey where 40% baby's are malnourished, you are trying to establish with incessant media and internet propaganda and myth making, so you can harass and delegitimize poor Bengali speaking Muslims in West Bengal and North East states, so people consider it kosher to make them the victim of rage and killings whenever any extremist local groups see fit.

Oh boy you are beyond help. Looks like Bakthiar Khilji banged you lot so hard that you have developed an incurable Stockholm syndrome. Feel sorry for you.:rolleyes:
I thought Kalu miah was pro-Indian (it shocked me as well). What did you guys do to him? :lol:

Nothing that we are aware of.

I doubt he was "pro-Indian" ever. He was just typing unoriginal stuff probably.

I am disappointed not because he is anti India or anything. It is because there was so little stuff. So much shallowness.

I won't worry about him though.

There is one more guy though. I don't know what we did to him. ;)
Kalu Miah lives in his own world. Go into his thread and see how he has constructed his own geopolitical reality...
Why are you brining UK to the debate it is no where in the scene.
In any case I was only pointing that you need them as much as (or a bit more) than they need you. feel free to disagree.
Well, than why did you bring in "ummah" when the thread is about Saudi-india growing ties? I only gave you example that it isn't "ummah" where our leaders run to most of the time (USA, Britain), they just love to beg to the whole world irrespective of who they are so "ummah" holds no value in this regard.
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