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Saudi boy, 4, ‘kills father over PlayStation’

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well thats the primary motivator behind Android-based devices

huge software market, all of it largely free.....

and some of those applications are truly incredible.......you name it, somebody will think of it. I'm happy that in Pakistan we have many software/apps developers. It's becoming huge.

the topic was about a mentally disturbed kid shooting his father over a PS3, now we talking technology and video games :laugh:

oh PDF! :partay:
Not Really! All the greatest apps are first released on IOS and then on Android.
okay, two things got stuck in my head right now.

1. will the child be given death penalty?

2. how is the situation with guns in Saudi Arabia, can anyone carry a gun or what? how is the law regarding this...
are you sure
Yes 100% certain. Like Angry Birds was first released on IOS, but to speak of some thing recent, SIRI was released on IOS5 for apple 4s. On the other hand android market has released IRIS which is actually SIRI backwards :lol: and doesn't match the performance of SIRI either.
Yes 100% certain. Like Angry Birds was first released on IOS, but to speak of some thing recent, SIRI was released on IOS5 for apple 4s. On the other hand android market has released IRIS which is actually SIRI backwards :lol: .

you must be kidding me.....it had to be a snub or something

IRIS? lol

i lost my blackberry this weekend in new york.....sucks......a lot....debating whether to go for the Iphone 4S or whether to go for a droid phone (such as the new galaxy or the Razr). Bloody expensive phones, but when i have a phone i generally keep it until it gets beat up and stops working (or until i lose it, which tends to be about once a year occurrence) :laugh:
okay, two things got stuck in my head right now.

1. will the child be given death penalty?

2. how is the situation with guns in Saudi Arabia, can anyone carry a gun or what? how is the law regarding this...

What do you think my bro?
Saudi laws based on true Islamic sharea. Yet, I don't think you would ever think that Islam legalizes punishing a 4 years kid for anything. And for the guns, they're banned unless they are licensed.
What do you think my bro?
Saudi laws based on true Islamic sharea. Yet, I don't think you would ever think that Islam legalizes punishing a 4 years kid for anything. And for the guns, they're banned unless they are licensed.

it made my wonder since the 'criminal' here is a 4 years old, and i don't have the best knowledge in Shariah

the gun laws i have no idea about, i didn't take the time to read the article either. seems like the part of SA this happened in is a lawless place if i might say so.
it made my wonder since the 'criminal' here is a 4 years old, and i don't have the best knowledge in Shariah

the gun laws i have no idea about, i didn't take the time to read the article either. seems like the part of SA this happened in is a lawless place if i might say so.

He is going to get a Psychiatric evaluation. And will be put in a deliquescent home until he is 18 all those years he will be evaluated and treated if found to have violence tendencies still they will send him to a jail. Since he is a minor and hasn't reached the Age of telling between right and wrong yet he will not get the Death Penalty.

If found to be OK then he will be released by 15 back to his family (If they accept him) if not to an Orphan home. Until he grows up and then live his life as a normal man (I wonder if he could though).
He is going to get a Psychiatric evaluation. And will be put in a deliquescent home until he is 18 all those years he will be evaluated and treated if found to have violence tendencies still they will send him to a jail. Since he is a minor and hasn't reached the Age of telling between right and wrong yet he will not get the Death Penalty.

If found to be OK then he will be released by 15 back to his family (If they accept him) if not to an Orphan home. Until he grows up and then live his life as a normal man (I wonder if he could though).

That's why I feel so bad for the kid.
Ḥashshāshīn;2859172 said:
@Persian God King, So you just posted this becuase it puts Saudi's in a bad light? what the hell is wrong with you? So much hate, I'm sure I can find lots of news that makes Iran look bad and post it, and say "WHERE IS PERSIAN GOD KING". Very ashaming :tdown:

we could but, we don't want to sink to their level
That's just sad, :tdown:.

The world has reached such a degenerate level; people killing each other over sports, video games, Korean kid dies playing PC game non stop without any sleep, people listening to death metal and rap (degenerate music) which causes them to become more violent, etc.....

Homo's are being tolerated, sh!t, this world is going crazy.

Your post is interesting....too much violence, but not enough against people I don't agree with (homos).
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