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Saudi boy, 4, ‘kills father over PlayStation’

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Jul 11, 2011
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RIYADH — An angry four-year-old boy shot his father dead after he refused to buy him a PlayStation.

The Saudi Arabian youngster, from the southern Jizan area, grabbed his father’s pistol and gunned him down.
The child had reportedly asked his father to buy him a PlayStation and the shooting took place after the man returned home without the desired object.

As he was undressing, the man put the weapon down, which the child then grabbed and fired at him from close range, the Asharq newspaper reported. The tragic incident will add fuel to the debate that playing violent video games makes youngsters aggressive and alters their perception of reality.

It also comes after a British teacher warned that children as young as four were hitting classmates as they re-enacted scenes from violent 18-rated games.

Alison Sherratt, at Riddlesden St Mary’s Church of England Primary in Keighley, West Yorkshire, said pupils were increasingly ‘hooked’ on fantasy personas.

This, she told the Association of Teachers and Lecturers conference, meant they were leading ‘solitary lives’.
Pupils regularly discussed playing games such as the Call Of Duty series, set in various war zones, and Grand Theft Auto – where players carry out robberies, muggings, killings, drug deals and beat prostitutes with baseball bats, she said.

And on one occasion she saw pupils throwing themselves from a play car in slow motion and pretending blood was spurting out of them.

If video games make kids violent then Monopoly makes people millionaires. Video games been under attack lately by the media but they have yet to mention movies
Saudi boy, 4, 'kills father over PlayStation'

That's just sad, :tdown:.

The world has reached such a degenerate level; people killing each other over sports, video games, Korean kid dies playing PC game non stop without any sleep, people listening to death metal and rap (degenerate music) which causes them to become more violent, etc.....

Homo's are being tolerated, sh!t, this world is going crazy.
I don't think younger kids should be playing these shooter video games.

However, video games or not, people even hand children toy guns, so all they know is they have to pull the trigger.

This is a very unfortunate incident, and I feel this child's life will be scarred forever when he grows older.
i play Call of Duty almost every day before hitting the bed.

I see a LOTTTT of Saudis online at that time; almost every server i join has teams of Saudi guys - mostly kids who sound no older than 14 or 15.

pretty sad that this kid felt the need to kill the man who bore and raised him......he's sick in the head
I don't think younger kids should be playing these shooter video games.

However, video games or not, people even hand children toy guns, so all they know is they have to pull the trigger.

This is a very unfortunate incident, and I feel this child's life will be scarred forever when he grows older.

That's if he grows older. He probably is a demon child and should be delt with severely.
Demo of brain control via media.

What's the HAHAHAH all about sir ? Guess the news is sad !

Worldwide laws should be severely enacted..Violent video games should be banned for kids...It should be considered equivalent to watching **** !! This problem is not just in Saudi - but is happening pretty much everywhere !
Guys, he was 4 years old. As the father was changing, he set the gun down and the kid grabbed it and shot it. I don't think the kid even knows what he did.
how the kid will feel when he will grew as a teenage to have some sense. He will have remorse for his whole life for doing such a thing. Pathetic!!!!
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