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Saudi boy, 4, ‘kills father over PlayStation’

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@Persian God King, So you just posted this becuase it puts Saudi's in a bad light? what the hell is wrong with you? So much hate, I'm sure I can find lots of news that makes Iran look bad and post it, and say "WHERE IS PERSIAN GOD KING". Very ashaming :tdown:
beating from his family?????
he will shoot them too.

Even though right now I am working in the Country's biggest psychiatric institute I still won't get near that kid with a 10 foot poll.

We had a case of a 5 year old kid who thought it was a joke to stab his brother who was 7 the 7 year old died, the saddest part was watching the little kid thinking it is just an act by everybody to teach him a lesson and his brother is not dead and refused to believe it and kept looking around the door for his brother to appear and then everything will be okay and they will go home. I can never forget that interview in my life.
Ḥashshāshīn;2859172 said:
@Persian God King, So you just posted this becuase it puts Saudi's in a bad light? what the hell is wrong with you? So much hate, I'm sure I can find lots of news that makes Iran look bad and post it, and say "WHERE IS PERSIAN GOD KING". Very ashaming :tdown:
what? so I should not post anything to do with saudi arabia?
This is just news, I make lots of threads. why u getting emotional?
beating from his family?????
he will shoot them too.

i hope the kid doesnt play call of duty because he might start laying claymore mines in all the bathrooms and bedrooms

in the West, they'd hold the kid under professional observation; maybe keep him at some juvenile delinquent facility, etc.

4 years old is so young. Why does a 4 year old need a Playstation?
Even though right now I am working in the Country's biggest psychiatric institute I still won't get near that kid with a 10 foot poll.

We had a case of a 5 year old kid who thought it was a joke to stab his brother who was 7 the 7 year old died, the saddest part was watching the little kid thinking it is just an act by everybody to teach him a lesson and his brother is not dead and refused to believe it and kept looking around the door for his brother to appear and then everything will be okay and they will go home. I can never forget that interview in my life.

You should consider getting another job. you will end up getting ate by a person at some point man.
it is not worth it.
i hope the kid doesnt play call of duty because he might start laying claymore mines in all the bathrooms and bedrooms

in the West, they'd hold the kid under professional observation; maybe keep him at some juvenile delinquent facility, etc.

4 years old is so young. Why does a 4 year old need a Playstation?

Because maybe his friends got ones. I worked for a while in a Video Game store and the biggest drive behind sales is other sales.
You should consider getting another job. you will end up getting ate by a person at some point man.
it is not worth it.

Dude you think those in there are something but when you see them they are something else entirely. I have met the person who invented the Concorde jet there (of course he didn't but he is a firm believer that he did) And the saddest of all are the Schizophrenia patients there.
4 years old is so young. Why does a 4 year old need a Playstation?

Lol, it's today's world man. You see kids as young as 9-10 with expensive phones, at the age of 5 a kid must have at least 1 console, by the age of 10 at least 2 :lol: 'High consumer society of the technological/digital age'
Dude you think those in there are something but when you see them they are something else entirely. I have met the person who invented the Concorde jet there (of course he didn't but he is a firm believer that he did) And the saddest of all are the Schizophrenia patients there.

LOL I would have fun with them. :rofl:
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