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Saudi boy, 4, ‘kills father over PlayStation’

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This shows that addictive games like these video games, like matrix like alternate reality creating TV and a lot that goes on in the internet should be banned. Free speech and freedom to fsck up your mind is no good for individual human beings and human societies. They have to be taken out of human reach. Information sources and law making must be owned by people, the 99%, not the corporate profiteers, the 1%. Our species still have not figured out what makes the human brain tick, what keeps it in line and what makes it productive and positive and the 1% use their hired mercenary to make more money using us, making all of us their victims.

But why single out Saudi's?
I don't think younger kids should be playing these shooter video games.
Well i play First Person Shooters since five years old and i'm one of the most educated people of my school, video games don't make people more or less violent my friend. I know many people addicted in violent games that are pretty calm and many peopke that don't play video games and are very extressed....

But about the topic....What sad history, it's bad that some children aren't educated and can't hear a no. Education comes from birth....I see that this children is very disturbed, kill his own father!!!
well I rather think somebody killed the father and made the child to say he did it.
honestly how on earth the 4 year old managed to arm the hand gun and how he managed to put the trigger while taking an steady aim . another matter is honestly which fool teaches a 4 year old whats the use of guns and they can be used to take revenge on the other .

another matter is that from a 4 year old I expect tantrum not taking out gun and go on killing spree .

well I rather think somebody killed the father and made the child to say he did it.
honestly how on earth the 4 year old managed to arm the hand gun and how he managed to put the trigger while taking an steady aim . another matter is honestly which fool teaches a 4 year old whats the use of guns and they can be used to take revenge on the other .

another matter is that from a 4 year old I expect tantrum not taking out gun and go on killing spree .
well I rather think somebody killed the father and made the child to say he did it.
honestly how on earth the 4 year old managed to arm the hand gun and how he managed to put the trigger while taking an steady aim . another matter is honestly which fool teaches a 4 year old whats the use of guns and they can be used to take revenge on the other .

another matter is that from a 4 year old I expect tantrum not taking out gun and go on killing spree .

well I rather think somebody killed the father and made the child to say he did it.
honestly how on earth the 4 year old managed to arm the hand gun and how he managed to put the trigger while taking an steady aim . another matter is honestly which fool teaches a 4 year old whats the use of guns and they can be used to take revenge on the other .

another matter is that from a 4 year old I expect tantrum not taking out gun and go on killing spree .

This incident is reported in Jizan probably one of the villages there. Jizan area is like the wild wild west of Saudi Arabia. People moving around carrying daggers and pistols is the norm there doesn't matter how hard the government tried to keep it under control it couldn't. Jizan area is close to Yemen and Yemen is a weapons smuggling den with Arms there sold like candy.
LOL I would have fun with them. :rofl:

What an inhumane something to say. Those are sick people. Would you make fun of someone who is having an Asthma attack? Or make fun of someone who just had an accident and got paralyzed?? These people are no different from those.
Because maybe his friends got ones. I worked for a while in a Video Game store and the biggest drive behind sales is other sales.

I agree, it's not only video games though, but it happens in the case of restaurants as well. Most of the time if children enjoy themselves at a restaurant, you can pretty much guarantee they will inform other kids about it resulting in those families coming back or visiting for the first time sooner or later.

I had to read up on lots of case studies & research while I was studying marketing, children & teenagers are some of the best demographic groups to target as long as your product is of interest to them obviously.

Digital goods such as mobiles, mp3players are often targeted to the younger population since studies have shown they have the largest amount of interest in them. In fact adults often take the advice of teenagers while deciding what cell phone or computer they should buy next. It's not even necessary to study this phenomena, anyone with a social life would know about it.
I agree, it's not only video games though, but it happens in the case of restaurants as well. Most of the time if children enjoy themselves at a restaurant, you can pretty much guarantee they will inform other kids about it resulting in those families coming back or visiting for the first time sooner or later.

I had to read up on lots of case studies & research while I was studying marketing, children & teenagers are some of the best demographic groups to target as long as your product is of interest to them obviously.

Digital goods such as mobiles, mp3players are often targeted to the younger population since studies have shown they have the largest amount of interest in them. In fact adults often take the advice of teenagers while deciding what cell phone or computer they should buy next. It's not even necessary to study this phenomena, anyone with a social life would know about it.

You know something I always hear when kids come to buy something when I was working there was: "Mom but Khalid is got one too" or "Mom Mohammed has a PS3 and I only have PS2" or "Dad I want a PSP too my brother has one I promise to get a good grade pleeeease" those kind of things. I really think if all kids one day decided to throw away all their video games you will see the parents trying to stop them because everyone is doing it. They call it Peer pressure.
I have a hard time believing that a four year old managed to pull the trigger though.
You know something I always hear when kids come to buy something when I was working there was: "Mom but Khalid is got one too" or "Mom Mohammed has a PS3 and I only have PS2" or "Dad I want a PSP too my brother has one I promise to get a good grade pleeeease" those kind of things. I really think if all kids one day decided to throw away all their video games you will see the parents trying to stop them because everyone is doing it. They call it Peer pressure.

Peer pressure is common among the younger generation including teenagers, although you will be surprised to know that adults get influenced by peer pressure as well. It has a lot to do with feeling accepted or showing off. Although we can't assume anyone that buys the coolest gadgets is doing so because of social pressures, I know many people including myself who are only fond of certain kinds of gadgets. For example I am only fond of the iPhone & I don't care how many of my friends show me their Android or WP7 phones, I am never going to switch over to them at least until they manage to better suit my needs than the iPhone. :P
I have a hard time believing that a four year old managed to pull the trigger though.

Well that is for the Investigators and detectives to find out. A couple of years ago we re-hauled the Police system and inserted detectives and Investigators and such who are primarily western trained to follow the scientific method. The investigations now are more credible than ever before.
South is a pretty F_cked up place of Saudi Arabia where newbord kids learn to play with weapons rather than toys. Also the video games have negative impact, most of the games only teach children to shoot at the opponents. When small children get used to such, they are not hesitant to use guns in real life if they get their hands on one without realizing the seriousness of the situation.
Peer pressure is common among the younger generation including teenagers, although you will be surprised to know that adults get influenced by peer pressure as well. It has a lot to do with feeling accepted or showing off. Although we can't assume anyone that buys the coolest gadgets is doing so because of social pressures, I know many people including myself who are only fond of certain kinds of gadgets. For example I am only fond of the iPhone & I don't care how many of my friends show me their Android or WP7 phones, I am never going to switch over to them at least until they manage to better suit my needs than the iPhone. :P

Do NOT insult the Android man..... It is awesome....

Yeah well I got my plethora of gadgets mainly because of my needs and the fact that I am a big electronics and gaming geek. So it couldn't really be helped.

South is a pretty F_cked up place of Saudi Arabia where newbord kids learn to play with weapons rather than toys.

It is the wild wild south.
Are guns legal in Saudi Arabia? :blink:
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