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Saudi-backed Wahhabis behind massacre of Shias in Pakistan

Last time I checked he was radicalised in Afghanistan.

What does that mean?

dont take cheap shots to cover up...you now he started his movement by firing incident in Riyadh where he and his followers shunned technology particularly satellite television and fired at installed satellite receiving dish sets. The close connections of Binladen with Al Sauds saved him from persecution but rather cancelled his nationality and send him into exile. If saudis would have persecuted him on charges of terrorism - Afghanistan and Pakistan will not see this day..Just what on earth were they thinking exiling a radical extremist. He took his extremism to Afghanistan, not the other way around.

if you don't even know what is brain drain..then face palm is what i would recommend you. Ask sme of your western returned professors who have arrived on King Abdullah initiative to mint sme fast cash,.

If I ruled Pakistan today this false sense of honor would never triumph - I would say to hell with religion and ummah and take the ataturk approach...tell the west to spare the nation and daily drone attacks in exchange of throwing radical Islam out of state by force. The life of countrymen is far more important than religion.

The only place drone strikes should be happening is najd - to take down all offices of mutaween police and their supporters.
If I ruled Pakistan today this false sense of honor would never triumph - I would say to hell with religion and ummah and take the ataturk approach...tell the west to spare the nation and daily drone attacks in exchange of throwing radical Islam out of state by force. The life of countrymen is far more important than religion.

Your putting to much emphasise on one guy. Every terrorism expert knows that Osama was just a "spiritual leader" of Al-Qaida, he was the guy that started the ball rolling that's it. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the guy but without the extremist environment already existing in Pakistan, even a 1000 Osamas won't be able to drag you down the mess you are in. Let me ask you this, why isn't this Najdi extremism causing any violence in S.Arabia like it did in Pakistan? The reason IMO is that the situation in Pakistan breeds extremism, from the invasion of Neighbouring Afghanistan to drone attacks. That is a crises caused by your leadership and Imams. Your government policy of one foot in and one foot out is to blame not people living thousands of kilometres away. As for the religious police, believe me most of them are religious just by looks. In fact over half of them are prison recruits, criminals who memorize the Qur'an get their sentence halved and sometimes more if they join the religious police, so most of them are criminals and people are sick of them.
if you don't even know what is brain drain..then face palm is what i would recommend you. Ask sme of your western returned professors who have arrived on King Abdullah initiative to mint sme fast cash,.
We have proffessors teaching in the west!!! I didn't know that:cheers:
We don't need them anyway, we have a lot of Pakistani professors to take their place:pakistan:
Let me ask you this, why isn't this Najdi extremism causing any violence in S.Arabia like it did in Pakistan? The reason IMO is that the situation in Pakistan breeds extremism, from the invasion of Neighbouring Afghanistan to drone attacks.

You need to highlight this part :tup:
Unfortunately extremism and terrorism in Pak has more to do with anger and dissatisfaction with both the gov. and NATO, and is not "imported" or "funded".
why isn't this Najdi extremism causing any violence in S.Arabia like it did in Pakistan? The reason IMO is that the situation in Pakistan breeds extremism, from the invasion of Neighbouring Afghanistan to drone attacks. That is a crises caused by your leadership and Imams.

Because all the najdi extremist were exported to afghaistan - do you know how many arabs and saudis were repatriated from afghanistan to Guantanamo and Saudi Arabia. Hell many of them are still in KSA jails and Saudi Arabia leads the world in number of cases in its local courts againsts its own citizens for funding terrorism.

The extremism in pakistan wasnt there until osama made his mecca in Afghanistan.

As for the religious police, believe me most of them are religious just by looks. In fact over half of them are prison recruits, criminals who memorize the Qur'an get their sentence halved and sometimes more if they join the religious police, so most of them are criminals and people are sick of them.

and they also preach extremism and extermination of everyone else. Many have been fond tributaries to OBL and paid him regular pilgrimage at OBL mecca in Afghanistan. So there is something you agree with me - drone strikes at mutween offices?

15 of the 19 hijackers of 9/11 were saudis...yes or no??

no 9/11 and the sh_t would not have broken loose!
Because all the najdi extremist were exported to afghaistan - do you know how many arabs and saudis were repatriated from afghanistan to Guantanamo and Saudi Arabia. Hell many of them are still in KSA jails and Saudi Arabia leads the world in number of cases in its local courts againsts its own citizens for funding terrorism.

The extremism in pakistan wasnt there until osama made his mecca in Afghanistan.

and they also preach extremism and extermination of everyone else. Many have been fond tributaries to OBL and paid him regular pilgrimage at OBL mecca in Afghanistan. So there is something you agree with me - drone strikes at mutween offices?

15 of the 19 hijackers of 9/11 were saudis...yes or no??

no 9/11 and the sh_t would not have broken loose!
Last time I told you we helped you kick the soviets out you said"the TOTAL number of ALL Arabs who came to afghanistan is < 500". Now you say "Because all the najdi extremist were exported to afghaistan - do you know how many arabs and saudis were repatriated from afghanistan to Guantanamo and Saudi Arabia."
So which one is it? very few or many? You didn't think I would remember did you?:cool:
Lets just agree that both countries have extremists. But we both secretly know that you are more extreme:pakistan::D
Last time I told you we helped you kick the soviets out you said"the TOTAL number of ALL Arabs who came to afghanistan is < 500". Now you say "Because all the najdi extremist were exported to afghaistan - do you know how many arabs and saudis were repatriated from afghanistan to Guantanamo and Saudi Arabia."
So which one is it? very few or many? You didn't think I would remember did you?:cool:
Lets just agree that both countries have extremists. But we both secretly know that you are more extreme:pakistan::D

repression has taken out your common sense

500 is not a good number on battle field..

but 500 is good enough to set off a chain reaction of extremism....

if each of them has 10 students thats 500x10 = 5000

use your common sense....apples and oranges do not compare!

Yes, we are extreme that is way we force ninja attire on women, me chaperone women all the time, woman cannot travel abroad without male guardian - something which is a massive drain on Saudi scholarship funds and finally women don't drive in Pakistan...

come on man..grow up..no shame in admitting the facts..but trying to defend them will turn you a laughing stock...what you are doing is a typical attitude of local educated Saudis in general..counter argument over an argument to make them appear good and justify everything.
Well, he is another one of those wahabis who consider shias and Iran to be infidel kafirs who must be wiped out from the face of the earth..

Everytime I look at this video, I can't stop laughing. :lol:

this is like blaming the "joos" for all problems in the arab world...
what is this stupid sheikh doing if he is smart enough to know all this?? asking the people to support corrupt despot leaders in the name of Islam and shia threat??? wait a minute..there isn't hereditary monarchy in Islam. A proper way to counter shia threat would be:

Sciences & Technology
Human and Women Rights
Tolerance of opposing view points and openness of the culture

No standing in Friday sermon and asking en-masses for supporting the regime.
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dude can't India and Pakistan leave the Afghans aside????
Lets agree not to trouble the Afghans. But you have to agree they have not sinned enough to deserve Taliban again????
You agree?????
repression has taken out your common sense

500 is not a good number on battle field..

but 500 is good enough to set off a chain reaction of extremism....

if each of them has 10 students thats 500x10 = 5000

use your common sense....apples and oranges do not compare!

Yes, we are extreme that is way we force ninja attire on women, me chaperone women all the time, woman cannot travel abroad without male guardian - something which is a massive drain on Saudi scholarship funds and finally women don't drive in Pakistan...

come on man..grow up..no shame in admitting the facts..but trying to defend them will turn you a laughing stock...what you are doing is a typical attitude of local educated Saudis in general..counter argument over an argument to make them appear good and justify everything.
Shia doctors have been killed in Karachi. Shias have been killed in Gilgit and KP. BLA????? You didn't mention LEJ????? the SSP??????
Your senior leaders of Punjab have also been hobnobbing with these militant outfits killing Shias.
You think Iranians are fools??? You can serve them any damn story???
I don't know about "genocide"; the current President is Shia and they're ingrained in the very fabric on Pakistan's society. There really can't be any genocide of Shia's frankly speaking, they make up a well 20% of our society and are patriotic Pakistanis.

About the killings:
It's the mainly the Hazara's which are getting killed in the Balochistan by the rebel BLA, who are separatists. They basically kill anyone who doesn't comply with their wish to separate from Pakistan.
Hazara's, who happen to be mainly Shia, are patriotic Pakistanis while the BLA, who mainly happen to be Sunni, kill off them Hazara, as well as other Pakistan-Patriotic Baloch.

The main difference is that the killings of Baloch by the BLA doesn't really make it to the news as much as does the killings of the Hazara.
Other than that; sectarian violence is quite limited in other provinces, with the occasional case here and there.

It's not backed by the Saudis; I know you guys hate them for being Sunnis and all, but it's the fact. They have better things to do, and being one of the closest allies of Pakistan, I very much doubt they would fund terrorists to kill of 20% of Pakistan's popualation. You guys need to stop with the blaming.
actually both iran and saudia are behind Wahhabi and shias
both give financial aids to them
our agencies knows better but due to relations with them they are not highlighting

when did shias killed any sipah sahaba people or any other? dont you know that punjab government specially sharif brothers give
full support to sipah sahaba ? dont you read viki leaks thats saudi government dont like pakistan president because he is shia??
when did shias killed any sipah sahaba people or any other? dont you know that punjab government specially sharif brothers give
full support to sipah sahaba ? dont you read viki leaks thats saudi government dont like pakistan president because he is shia??

You forgot Tehrik e Jafaria which was formed on the backing of Khomeni and new found Iranian love to export the revolution. Suddenly the Shia, backed by Iran began to behave more affirmatively and aggressively demanding explicity recognition of their holidays and event even if it meant inconviennce to majority of Pakistanis.

SSP was formed in response to TEF.

hardliner Shia were instrumental in bringing Zia ul Haq to power - especially the clergy only to have been targeted by Zia later on..funny! The biggest contributor to the rise of Zia being hBhutto himself - a shia.

Hazara's, who happen to be mainly Shia, are patriotic Pakistanis while the BLA, who mainly happen to be Sunni, kill off them Hazara, as well as other Pakistan-Patriotic Baloch.

Many of these so called Hazars killed are just targeted for their mongoloid features while giving it colors of sectarianism is done by the media to sensationalize the issue.
Hi I am Shia and lets just say that I never want to go to Saudi Arabia except for hajj
Oh my, what an inconviennce! And for that they must die. Dude, I think you're done for the day, log off. lol
Although you do have a habit of saying dumb ****.

And you dont stop the habit of viewing everything in black vs white or with us vs against us. I did not present any justification - mere facts that all.

I am strongly opposed to people killing people for whatever reasons be it.

Kindly edit your post and refrain from posting BS!
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