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Saudi-backed Wahhabis behind massacre of Shias in Pakistan

And you dont stop the habit of viewing everything in black vs white or with us vs against us. I did not present any justification - mere facts that all.

I am strongly opposed to people killing people for whatever reasons be it.

Kindly edit your post and refrain from posting BS!

give me your justification that when sipah sahaba leader visiting punjab in a helicopter with minister shahbaz sharif ?
give me your justification that when sipah sahaba leader visiting punjab in a helicopter with minister shahbaz sharif ?
Why should I give you justification - am not a support of SSP

are you stupid enough to not realize that?
And you dont stop the habit of viewing everything in black vs white or with us vs against us. I did not present any justification - mere facts that all.

I am strongly opposed to people killing people for whatever reasons be it.

Kindly edit your post and refrain from posting BS!

and kindly for your information Z A bhutto was sunni not shia
saudi is not deliberately doing this......israel and americans are funding them to do this ......

When there is a problem lets blame is on the "jooos"

Come on man, with the fragmentation in Arab world Israelis and Americans don't even need to move a finger to achieve their aims.
The funny thing is, we have our own shia population but we loooove to challeng our selves and go to pakistan to the shias there
wow, NICE !!

another funny thing is, We are being labeled as puppets of US by an egyptian and a pakistani
Wow, both their countries are taking funds by the US to suuport their armies and even fight for the american war on "terror"

that is funny as hell

don't get me wrong here, I love both egypt and pakistan
but its getting ridiculously frustrating here

I mean if we are going to be called as traitors and puppets, then lets agree that all of us are in the same place !!
The funny thing is, we have our own shia population but we loooove to challeng our selves and go to pakistan to the shias there
wow, NICE !!

another funny thing is, We are being labeled as puppets of US by an egyptian and a pakistani
Wow, both their countries are taking funds by the US to suuport their armies and even fight for the american war on "terror"

that is funny as hell
when did the egyptian army fight for the us ?
about the aid it was part of the peace treaty so they must pay and after mubark gone they wont be able to interfere in our policy
but there are others who are ordered to buy weapons can you believe this a country ordered to buy weapons and the seller choose when and what they buy and without us experts in that country army their airforce cant get off the ground
when did the egyptian army fight for the us ?
about the aid it was part of the peace treaty so they must pay and after mubark gone they wont be able to interfere in our policy
but there are others who are ordered to buy weapons can you believe this a country ordered to buy weapons and the seller choose when and what they buy and without us experts in that country army their airforce cant get off the ground

Oh boy, and you believe what you said ?
I'd hate to be the one who tells a kid that Santa isn't real
but, son all of what you have just wrote is a complete sack of bulshittt

they still give charity to you, and they are still holding you by the balls
the last time I checked, egypt let many american spies go home coz mighty egypt needs a few extra bucks

mahmood, you look loke a nice guy, a fool but a nice guy
you should accpet the facts and then try to change them
you shouldn't label others with diseases
Oh boy, and you believe what you said ?
I'd hate to be the one who tells a kid that Santa isn't real
but, son all of what you have just wrote is a complete sack of bulshittt
calling someone a boy or a fool is easy and i can call curse you all day long it wont prove a thing
lets talk a bout facts
when did the egyptian army fight with the amercians on the war on terror ?
he last time I checked, egypt let many american spies go home coz mighty egypt needs a few extra bucks
we have let the spies go true .happens everywhere it is not the first time in history if our leaders think it is for the best then ok and what matter is we are not sleeping and we discovered them unlike you country who make up stories about iranian agents arrested everywhere
you should accpet the facts and then try to change them
you shouldn't label others with diseases
me and the egyptian people accepted our fact and made a revoultion for our country and we died and put everything in danger for our freedom unlike some who are willing to live like sheep and to get beaten by stick their whole life and couldnt dare to say a word
another video for these wahabis everywhere they go they do this
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What will Saudi Arabia or Bahrain gain from these killings? I don't think so any of these countries had got anything to do with this. It is just some irresponsible journalism or blind hatred for these countries.
Iran and Saudi Arabia both have their hands dirty, as far as their involvement in supporting some groups in our country

both entities' religious facilities should be banned....Zakat or Khoms is one thing; but Pakistan is not a place for those 2 children to duke it out by using religion for division and politics

we need to take this issue more seriously.....

both Tehran and Riyadh did limit their links to sectarianism in Pakistan over the past decade.

But unfortunately some extremist elements in Iran and Saudi Arabia continue to fund Shia and Sunni extremists in Pakistan. If this is stopped, we can identify other terrorists, acting as Sunni or Shia, who are feeding sectarianism on orders from unknown elements in Afghanistan, a country where multiple countries are operating with different agendas. The Indians have a history of meddling in sectarianism during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. [The Americans are known to have used sectarianism as a policy tool in Iraq. Also, Israel appears to have links to a group called Jundullah, created as a Sunni group to hound Iran.]
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