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Saudi-backed faith centre set to open in Vienna

Only if minarets were chimneys and mosques production plants!

I don't understand what is Saudi obsession with building Islamic centers. May be they want to teach europe how to keep their women under veil and create jobs for drivers.
The fear is that this could end in another divisive schism of sort. Not Wahibism exactly but a softer version. Some people are of the view that Islam is much used but not followed to the letter by the Arabs. There is a marked difference in the Islamic ways that the Arabs follow and the ways of the Eastern Islamic people - BD, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc.
Only if minarets were chimneys and mosques production plants!

Yes so the sheikh can enjoy lebnoni kebab and grill while mass producing terrorist!

The fear is that this could end in another divisive schism of sort. Not Wahibism exactly but a softer version. Some people are of the view that Islam is much used but not followed to the letter by the Arabs. There is a marked difference in the Islamic ways that the Arabs follow and the ways of the Eastern Islamic people - BD, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc.

Lets out aside sunni shia wahabi barevli etc..

time to be better humans first!
Yes so the sheikh can enjoy lebnoni kebab and grill while mass producing terrorist!

Lets out aside sunni shia wahabi barevli etc..

time to be better humans first!

1. The first time I came to know that there were sects in Islam was when at age 11 I had to fill up a form to get a passport. My private tutor helping me wrote down "Sunni". In childhood we would witness a lot of mock sword fencing with drum beats to celebrate Ashura. The elders would tip the players. The elite in BD were mostly Shia in the past. For example the Dhaka Nawabs. However they have gradually merged with the general Muslims to become plain and simple Mussalmans.

2. The Message had arrived at our shores direct from Makkah during the life-time of the Holy Prophet PBUH. Coming direct and early the Message escaped the influence / coloration of foreign cultures or hazards of time.

3. Thanks to our association with Pakistan, we now have some Qadyianis. Gen Amzad of Pran and Kamaluddin of Concord are among the richest in the country. But we have no doubt that these will eventually open their eyes and return to the fold, and merge with all.
use that money to build hospitals,roads, to reduce poverty,for education......invest in renewable energy sources, there are many things yet to be done, but for a mullah, the day starts with religion and ends with it.
And when there comes a bad time, blame it on the infidels and enemies.
label them as enemies of the religion.

How utterly hypocritical thing coming from the mouth of an indian , whose country's children doesn't even get enough food to live a healthy life.

Do you ever say these things (the bold part) when your government spends billions of dollars on failed projects , buying inflated arms from Russia , and sending missions to moon?

Saudi Arabia HAS money. They CAN spend it where-ever they want. Just look at the standards of living in KSA and in India. :rolleyes:

To the OP - Well it is a good step but I hope there are no 'underlying' objectives of such moves. Islam has now become an inevitable part of Western fabric. It is better that we understand eachother and get along than to fight over something as 'uncertain' as religion.
What's with Saudis and religion?

They are insanely obsessed with it day and night.

Build a mosque here, there, everywhere.


Is there a shortage of any other ideas for diplomacy or what?

Because if their version of religion is being tried in Europe, it will only increase Europeans' fears of islamic encirclement and lead to more aggression from the local population.

i agree wit the bolded part of ur statement, europoeans r very racist 2 muslims, mostly becaus muslims imigrants in europe do things that give teh rest of us a bad rep.

i find this folowing link very interesting, i was shoked when i red some of the articls posted in tis thread about the b ehavior of muslim imigrants in europe.


it is very scary how they say tat raping and robing and murdering and molesting and harasing non muslims is ok in the name of Islam.:tdown::hitwall::angry:
The fear is that this could end in another divisive schism of sort. Not Wahibism exactly but a softer version. Some people are of the view that Islam is much used but not followed to the letter by the Arabs. There is a marked difference in the Islamic ways that the Arabs follow and the ways of the Eastern Islamic people - BD, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc.

I am inclined to think that we follow it better...and give a better more "middle" representation of it when compared to the Wahabbis anyway.
I am inclined to think that we follow it better...and give a better more "middle" representation of it when compared to the Wahabbis anyway.

Me thinks the Gulfies and Levant males are actually a bit more relaxed when it comes to religion than south asians while they make it hard on the females in which south asia scores better.
Me thinks the Gulfies and Levant males are actually a bit more relaxed when it comes to religion than south asians while they make it hard on the females in which south asia scores better.

If you may call that relaxed..
If you may call that relaxed..

well I am just generalizing and i used relaxed in the context of being confident in their identity..but i did not use those words lest it start a barrage of offtopics...but I hope you understand the female part. I actually think pakistani women are allowed more freedom than indian muslim women..
Oh crap. I love that city. Here it goes down the drain! :blink:

Building mosques or Islamic centres is appreciated but past isn't with the Saudis ...

No mate , we have every problem with that too ... How advanced are the Saudis forces ? Yet they didn't do anything to stop Israel in Gaza :angry: but yet they are obsessed with building mosques around the world which will promote the ideology whose result you see every other day in our country !

I don't understand what is Saudi obsession with building Islamic centers. May be they want to teach europe how to keep their women under veil and create jobs for drivers.

I am inclined to think that we follow it better...and give a better more "middle" representation of it when compared to the Wahabbis anyway.

What is this another sectarian hate thread? Is it fashionable here?
Any neutral person can read fitna in your views!

You have no idea what islamic center is about and yet cursing non Shia Muslims, are you testing the tolerance and Islamic values that non Shia hold?

Do you not fear God or trust your propaganda will earn you something in this world?

Oscar and other Shias..., it has been stated many times that wahabisim is in your brain... but apparently you are out for labeling people evil or what ever in the name of your jingoism.
Can you Please, describe what are you taught in the name of wahabisim, so this mystery is solved once and for all or perhaps you are ashamed to face the reality, that you have divided Islam, in the name of false history fed in your heads.

As far I see, Saudi Arabia is a friendly state, providing jobs to millions of Pakistanis, unlike other racist states.. who prefer to have non Pakistanis.
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